View Full Version : Nigger Cop Gets Handsy on Traffic Stop, Gets Himself and his Muh-dik Arrested

SC Anemia
07-09-2021, 09:17 PM
This nigger here: 16058

SANGER, Calif. (KFSN) -- A Sanger Police Department officer was arrested Wednesday and booked into jail for sexual battery and unlawful detainment.

Authorities said it was around 9 or 10 p.m. on June 23 when Sanger Police Officer J.D. Torrence approached a vehicle parked near 8th and Academy in Sanger. Inside was a man and woman.
Torrence asked the woman to get out due to her possibly being intoxicated.

At some point, the man was allowed to leave. Officials say as Torrence interviewed the woman, he touched her in a sexual manner, against her will.
"What he did was pretty egregious, offensive and criminal," said Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims.


Ray Cizzums
07-09-2021, 10:00 PM
Hickory muh dikkery dock, the negro wuz touchin' his cock.
The clock struck one, his career is done,
Hickory muh dikkery dock.

07-09-2021, 10:23 PM
This nigger here: 16058


Imagine THAT!!

07-09-2021, 10:34 PM
Sheriff Mims said Torrence was wearing a body camera, but he didn't activate it.

He also did not tell dispatch he was on a stop.

Niggers of all grades believe that they are untouchable beyond salvation. This nigger will likely win the race card lottery and will get a payout from the ' rayciss po-leese ' department as usual.

07-09-2021, 11:15 PM
Officials say as Torrence interviewed the woman, he touched her in a sexual manner, against her will.

A nigger did that? Who'd a thunk it?

Honestly, these niggers can't think one minute past muh dik or muh poosay. They'd rather be arrested than try to exert any control over their base, savage instincts to rut.

Coon Club Road
07-09-2021, 11:22 PM
Hickory muh dikkery dock, the negro wuz touchin' his cock.
The clock struck one, his career is done,
Hickory muh dikkery dock.

:lol :lol :lol

SC Anemia
07-10-2021, 12:17 AM
Hickory muh dikkery dock, the negro wuz touchin' his cock.
The clock struck one, his career is done,
Hickory muh dikkery dock.

Bwahahahaha :rofl

07-10-2021, 02:59 AM
A nigger did that? Who'd a thunk it?

Honestly, these niggers can't think one minute past muh dik or muh poosay. They'd rather be arrested than try to exert any control over their base, savage instincts to rut.

It's their vile nature, their DNA, that compels them to well, act like an animal. We can't change nature. The travesty is the world is made to believe they are of the same species as us.

Jim Crow
07-10-2021, 04:36 AM
Niggers prove time and time again that they cannot be given the power of authority.

Ray Cizzums
07-10-2021, 10:30 AM
Niggers prove time and time again that they cannot be given the power of authority.
My friend is an approved contractor at a large apartment building, where they promoted a nigger maintenance man
to building super. He wasted no time attempting to extort $ from anyone he could, alienating the reliable professionals who could always be counted on. His need to muh dikk finally took him out, after a couple of old ladies complained.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-10-2021, 10:58 AM
Hickory muh dikkery dock, the negro wuz touchin' his cock.
The clock struck one, his career is done,
Hickory muh dikkery dock.

:lol reminded me of some old Andrew Dice Clay.

Ray Cizzums
07-10-2021, 12:17 PM
:lol reminded me of some old Andrew Dice Clay.

Jack and Jill, went up a hill,
they each had a buck and a quarter.
Jill came down with $2.50.
That fuckin' whore ! Ohhhhhhhhhh!

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-11-2021, 09:35 AM
Jack and Jill, went up a hill,
they each had a buck and a quarter.
Jill came down with $2.50.
That fuckin' whore ! Ohhhhhhhhhh!
:lol :rofl

Jim Crow
07-11-2021, 08:56 PM
My friend is an approved contractor at a large apartment building, where they promoted a nigger maintenance man
to building super. He wasted no time attempting to extort $ from anyone he could, alienating the reliable professionals who could always be counted on. His need to muh dikk finally took him out, after a couple of old ladies complained.
My dad said it was too expensive to hire a nigger because you’d always need to watch it or pay someone to.Niggs put more effort into pretending to work than actually working.And if lay your eyes off the beast,it will either steal of try to muh duck something. Understandable why slaveowners watched over their niggs with a whip.

Ray Cizzums
07-12-2021, 12:56 AM
My dad said it was too expensive to hire a nigger because you’d always need to watch it or pay someone to.Niggs put more effort into pretending to work than actually working.And if lay your eyes off the beast,it will either steal of try to muh duck something. Understandable why slaveowners watched over their niggs with a whip.
Your dad knew what he was talking about. Back in the day, the guy who taught me my trade was the Chief, I was the indian, which was great. I didn't have to think, I had my work cut out for me. He needed another indian, so he gave a guy he knew money to outfit himself with all necessary gear, and close out his affairs in southern california. This white nigger promptly disappeared, and the Chief told me to track him down, and bring him back. I drove 500 miles down, found him, took the Chief's money, bought what W.N. needed, drove 500 miles up. We worked that motherfucker hard, but he'd do nothing but smoke and drink coffee the minute the Chief wasn't looking. We needed to get shit done, and he gives me this "You ain't my fucking boss" bullshit one day. That was true, but I was the Kick-your-ass-into-the-ER guy. When the Chief came back I had us all caught up. We finally gave up on white nigger.

07-12-2021, 01:13 AM
More reasons not to allow niggers to become cops.

07-12-2021, 09:59 AM
More reasons not to allow niggers to become cops.

They never seem to be like those honest nigger cops in the movies do they?

Jim Crow
07-12-2021, 05:24 PM
Your dad knew what he was talking about. Back in the day, the guy who taught me my trade was the Chief, I was the indian, which was great. I didn't have to think, I had my work cut out for me. He needed another indian, so he gave a guy he knew money to outfit himself with all necessary gear, and close out his affairs in southern california. This white nigger promptly disappeared, and the Chief told me to track him down, and bring him back. I drove 500 miles down, found him, took the Chief's money, bought what W.N. needed, drove 500 miles up. We worked that motherfucker hard, but he'd do nothing but smoke and drink coffee the minute the Chief wasn't looking. We needed to get shit done, and he gives me this "You ain't my fucking boss" bullshit one day. That was true, but I was the Kick-your-ass-into-the-ER guy. When the Chief came back I had us all caught up. We finally gave up on white nigger.
One of the reasons why I do not subcontract work out anymore. I am too old to watch someone and I am too old to watch someone watching someone.LOL!
And those ass kicking days are over. Everyone wants to record you on their phone and try to sue.Back in the day when I first started construction, I’ve hit lazy guys in the head with a level ,kicked the ladder or accidentally on purpose dropped my tape measure on their noggin….From two stories up!

07-12-2021, 09:21 PM
I once knew a local, a retired white cop, who had a rep for pulling over pretty girls over nothing and coercing them into sex. He was a cop in the kind of small upstate town where he could get away with it. With niggers, it's a thousand times worse.

Ray Cizzums
07-12-2021, 11:33 PM
One of the reasons why I do not subcontract work out anymore. I am too old to watch someone and I am too old to watch someone watching someone.LOL!
And those ass kicking days are over. Everyone wants to record you on their phone and try to sue.Back in the day when I first started construction, I’ve hit lazy guys in the head with a level ,kicked the ladder or accidentally on purpose dropped my tape measure on their noggin….From two stories up!

You and the Chief had a lot in common. I was his force multiplier, and he paid me well. I loved working for the guy.

Jim Crow
07-13-2021, 07:54 AM
You and the Chief had a lot in common. I was his force multiplier, and he paid me well. I loved working for the guy.

The Crazy Cuban I got working w/me now was a good find. I knew it when we first started working together 20 years ago. We were working behind a plumber in Cocoa.I really like doing all my work and don’t like working behind anyone.And this plumber did shitty work.
I had to install a 12” waterfall (Mosaiic strip)on the water wall of the shower. Waterfalls need to be centered in the wall to look best. And the fixture needs to be centered. Well the fixture was way way off. So I confronted the plumber who is in the other room. He got in my face. And out of nowhere, the crazy Cuban just charges on him like a linebacker and knocks him into the wall. It wasn’t necessary. The plumber was a pussy and wasn’t gonna do shit anyway. But the crazy Cuban likes to put disrespectful pos in check. And he made me proud!
The customer, who is a pretty tough,straight up dude saw what was going on and fired the plumber. I got to fix everything the way I wanted it. Everyone was happy, and it was a five star review! And the crazy Cuban has been working with me ever since and will till I’m retired.

Ray Cizzums
07-13-2021, 12:35 PM
The Crazy Cuban I got working w/me now was a good find. I knew it when we first started working together 20 years ago. And the crazy Cuban has been working with me ever since and will till I’m retired.
The latino guys we work with are a pisser, and fit right in with us NY'ers. We had 3 Nicaraguans, two brothers and
a cousin. One brother was Mono caro blanca (white faced monkey), the other brother, black faced monkey, was a
shade darker, and those guys broke his balls about it 24/7. I was Mono muy viejo (very old monkey). Those guys
stepped right up after Hurricane Sandy wrecked 5 houses in my family, and working right along side us in horrible
conditions. Mono caro blanca loved the ladies, and I asked him which Latina's were the craziest. He said "All of 'em".
These days, we have a bucket-headed Honduran farmer, who lost his gig as a cook during Covid. He has a great sense of humor, and he's now Juan Rickles, who we've trained to be a white supremacist. He has our Cuban sidekick, who he calls Coconut Head, laughing all day. Juan texted our carpenter, Pumpkin Head, the other day, asking if he should go back to Africa. He's actually saving up to go back to Honduras, and farm.