View Full Version : Nigger Amazon driver throws package, slams into house, YT still racist

Buck Simian
07-09-2021, 12:00 AM
The video speaks for itself. This Nigger Amazon monkey hops out of its van, throws the package up onto the porch. Meanwhile it must have left the van in drive and it slammed into the house so hard that the wall will have to be replaced. Amazons response? Offered the homeowner a $75 gift card.


07-09-2021, 06:17 AM
We're very sorry. Here's a gift card whitey. Now run along.

07-09-2021, 01:26 PM
This is another reason I refuse to use Nigazon

Perhaps instead of calling themselves amazon, they could rename it to Jungle.

Jungle, from J to G.

Coon Club Road
07-11-2021, 01:07 AM
Niggers should not operate motor vehicles.

Amazon saves $$ by paying nigger wages.

Amazon pays $$$ fixing nigger fuck ups.

07-11-2021, 07:25 AM
Niggers don't have to give a fuck about anything. They are immune to any consequences. We are sliding into a nigger quality world I'm afraid. Back to the jungle. The niggers just don't care because they just take everything as it comes. They don't have the stresses of white people, you know, finding the mortgage payment and getting fired for being late for work and they having a homeless family. Niggers have it made. That's why they celebrate their sloth and lazy lifestyle with impunity. As long as the stupid white man is there cutting them checks, then nothing will change.

Coon Club Road
07-12-2021, 12:02 AM
Niggers don't have to give a fuck about anything. They are immune to any consequences. We are sliding into a nigger quality world I'm afraid. Back to the jungle. The niggers just don't care because they just take everything as it comes. They don't have the stresses of white people, you know, finding the mortgage payment and getting fired for being late for work and they having a homeless family. Niggers have it made. That's why they celebrate their sloth and lazy lifestyle with impunity. As long as the stupid white man is there cutting them checks, then nothing will change.

Perfect example of why Haiti is such a shit hole... no gubmint gibbs supported by white people.

See the Haitian resident below


07-12-2021, 03:07 AM
Bezos may be the richest nigger lover in the world, but he's no humanitarian. His company is always hiring niggers and donates money to monkey causes. I hope he doesn't come back to earth.

07-12-2021, 08:28 AM
Bezos may be the richest nigger lover in the world, but he's no humanitarian. His company is always hiring niggers and donates money to monkey causes. I hope he doesn't come back to earth.

and its cunt ex-wife can't stop giving to black causes. These people are beyond disgusting. The majority of Amazon customers are white - AND stupid !

07-13-2021, 07:58 AM
This is the kind of case that a lawyer will be eager to take on contingency. Slam-dunk video proof + Amazon's super-deep pockets.

If Amazon had offered to pay for the repairs instead of just offering a pathetic $75 gift card, they could have gotten out of it for cheap and still looked good. Now they're going to have to pay a big fat settlement. They're paying for both their niggerloving and their greed.

07-13-2021, 08:09 AM
This is the kind of case that a lawyer will be eager to take on contingency. Slam-dunk video proof + Amazon's super-deep pockets.

If Amazon had offered to pay for the repairs instead of just offering a pathetic $75 gift card, they could have gotten out of it for cheap and still looked good. Now they're going to have to pay a big fat settlement. They're paying for both their niggerloving and their greed.

Like CCR said, Amazon thinks it's saving money. How many more niggers must it hire, saving a couple of bucks an hour, to break even for one settlement like this? Then another nigger will cause a problem of some kind. Well, the solution then is to hire even more cheaper niggers...and spend more money...and hire more niggers to save money...

Amazon stopped guaranteed two-day delivery, supposedly because of the pandemic, but the truth is that all the niggers were already causing losses, from warehouse fulfillment to driver delivery.

Jim Crow
07-13-2021, 08:13 AM
Stupid on Amazon‘s part. They should’ve offered to pay for the damage, because now they will be sued. Obviously, they also have niggers working in corporate headquarters. When you hire a nigger,it’s always a liability. Niggers are ignorant stupid destructive and irresponsible.