View Full Version : Fat Gorilla 4-Pack Sentenced For Stabbing Applebee's Waitress - Eye Bleach Warning

Ray Cizzums
07-08-2021, 09:07 PM
Here are four Atlanta charm school graduates, each one fatter, blacker and uglier than the next.
They couldn't tell one sow from the other, so they kept the most obnoxious one locked up for
two years, then gave the rest some short stints in county. Boy, are they hard to look at. Yikes !

07-08-2021, 11:01 PM
Like always, niggers get to plead dindu nuffins and get off lightly. They should have been put down on the spot like rabid dogs.

A judge in Henry County sentenced Demetrius Boyd to time served Tuesday after she copped to criminal trespass and battery in the shocking July 2018 assault at the chain’s location in McDonough, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Boyd, 41, had spent two years in jail following her arrest a week after the assault that occurred as the waitress “brushed up” against someone at her table whose leg was sticking out of an aisle, according to the report.

WTH, now niggersows are getting named Demetrius?

Ray Cizzums
07-09-2021, 11:16 AM
Like always, niggers get to plead dindu nuffins and get off lightly. They should have been put down on the spot like rabid dogs.
WTH, now niggersows are getting named Demetrius?

The doctor was too horrified to bother determining the sex of the shitling.
He was busy trying to tell if it was even a human. The answer was no.

07-09-2021, 08:50 PM
How can you not brush up against the tree sized legs of these 400 lbs monstrosities? If you weren't fat and disgusting this poor woman wouldn't have brushed up against you while trying to do her job.

Ray Cizzums
07-09-2021, 09:47 PM
How can you not brush up against the tree sized legs of these 400 lbs monstrosities? If you weren't fat and disgusting this poor woman wouldn't have brushed up against you while trying to do her job.
The combined weight of these awful porkers is at least 1200 pounds on-the-hoof, most of it ass. That maxxes out
any restaurant booth designed for six humans. There had to be blubber overflowing the seat, and at least one
elephant leg in the aisle. These fatties had no intention of paying their bill when they waddled in there. As soon as
the owner saw them, he should have loaded four 350 grain soft point cartridges into a .458 Winchester Magnum
big game rifle, and readied himself for violence.

07-10-2021, 11:24 AM
After the waitress accidentally brushed one of the suspects while walking by, the four attacked

That's all it takes for savage niggers to launch a violent attack.

Anger management? Seriously? They'd have more success getting a pack of badgers to overcome their anger issues.

the four monstrous battlesows dashed out of the restaurant without paying their $62 bill – and swiped the server’s tips in the process, police said.

Of course, they did.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-10-2021, 11:30 AM
Stabbing someone is attempted murder unless you’re niggers. Then, it’s just fun n games.

07-10-2021, 02:32 PM
Holy hell, if one would instead convert the monstrous fat sheboons into green fuel instead of feeding them further, a F150 could probably drive a million miles with all the fuel. Slogan: "Nigger to petrol - the better world initiative"

07-10-2021, 09:02 PM
Holy hell, if one would instead convert the monstrous fat sheboons into green fuel instead of feeding them further, a F150 could probably drive a million miles with all the fuel. Slogan: "Nigger to petrol - the better world initiative"

I drive an F150, and I support this message.

Ray Cizzums
07-10-2021, 10:53 PM
I drive an F150, and I support this message.
You'd need an F-450, and a welder's mask, to pick these buffarillas up if they were hitchhiking.

07-10-2021, 11:37 PM
You'd need an F-450, and a welder's mask, to pick these buffarillas up if they were hitchhiking.

Verily, it takes a backhoe to beat a bufferilla.
