View Full Version : Stupid Nigger Solution to Typical Nigger Violent Crimes Like Murder

07-06-2021, 08:37 PM
Food insecurity linked to gun violence. In St. Louis, Black farmers work on a solution
JUNE 27, 2021 05:00 AM, UPDATED JUNE 29, 2021 12:50 PM
On the other side, uniform rows of vegetables — lettuce, radishes and bok choy — sprout on half an acre. The land is not on a remote country farm, but just 17 miles from the Delmar Loop in the heart of the city. As Lewis, founder of Heru Urban Farming, checks the crop he gets excited about its progress, raising his voice over the sound of traffic.

As he talks, he describes the need he has seen in St. Louis, his hometown, the neighborhoods where many children don’t have enough healthy food to eat, and where the nearest fresh vegetable can be miles away.

"Researchers" (stupid niggers) say a host of factors contribute to a city’s gun violence problem — what they define as deficits in social determinants of health such as income, housing, healthy living environments and quality education. And food insecurity.

Lacking a complex nutritional diet can harm brain development in childhood, according to public health experts. That can cause later problems dealing with peers, handling authority and responding to situations of extreme stress.

Nearly 70% of the city’s 271 homicides last year occurred in low income census tracts without access to a grocery store or supermarket for at least half a mile, according to a Kansas City Star analysis of federal data and police reports.

Fifty-two of the killings occurred in just eight census tracts on the north side of the city with no grocery store for a mile.

St. Louis leads the state in gun violence and for most of the past decade ranked No. 1 for food insecurity — the lack of reliable access to healthy food.

Yeah that's it, more fresh lettuce and peppers will make the niggers act human
Well, niggers need to eat better food than wangs and fried chiggun, and the work of farming will keep a few coons out of trouble, so let the jigs play farmer.
Notice all the white cucks doing the work

Rastus Nigger
07-06-2021, 10:12 PM
Who else wants to bet that the niggers throw anything actually healthy to eat away?

07-06-2021, 11:39 PM
Who else wants to bet that the niggers throw anything actually healthy to eat away?They'll still blame YT!

07-13-2021, 08:17 AM
Notice all the white cucks doing the work

Want to bet they were just posing, and that when trying to work they had no idea what they were doing? They look like they're almost afraid of a tool touching the ground.