View Full Version : Arguing with a nigger gets you arrested.

Cat fur allergic
07-06-2021, 06:15 AM
White man who pushed Black neighbor in racist rant arrested


Not worth it these days, they record shit and cops will side with them.

Jim Crow
07-06-2021, 07:28 AM
And they got YT all over the news ,exposing his name and address.But when a nigger commits a far more severe crime, they won’t expose anything. They won’t even tell you the beast was black!

07-06-2021, 07:41 AM
And they got YT all over the news ,exposing his name and address.But when a nigger commits a far more severe crime, they won’t expose anything. They won’t even tell you the beast was black!

Like the "Rise of the Moors" in bahston, marxachimpshits!! They aren't Moors, who were Berber @$$lif+er$ they're NIGGERS!! In a $hi+ libtahd state like marxachimpshi+s I doubt they will do ANYTHING to these niggers, except lie and say they were "White Supremacists!!

07-15-2021, 11:26 PM
thrusting his hips in a vulgar way after police responded and talked to him

That's his right. There is no requirement to be nice to cops when they're looking to arrest you over BS.

If he really attempted to enter one of the nigger nests, why wasn't he charged with trespassing? Why just "harassment and disorderly conduct"? It's because it's all bullshit, as we all know. But like WD said, it isn't worth it getting into any confrontation with niggers.

And meanwhile,

Police are investigating if protesters who threw objects toward officers and Mathews as they arrested him committed any crimes, Coffina said.

So a white man saying words to niggers is being held in jail for a few days, apparently without bail, while niggers that assaulted police aren't being investigated. Tell me more about that "white privilege."

07-16-2021, 09:26 AM
That's his right. There is no requirement to be nice to cops when they're looking to arrest you over BS.

If he really attempted to enter one of the nigger nests, why wasn't he charged with trespassing? Why just "harassment and disorderly conduct"? It's because it's all bullshit, as we all know. But like WD said, it isn't worth it getting into any confrontation with niggers.

And meanwhile,

So a white man saying words to niggers is being held in jail for a few days, apparently without bail, while niggers that assaulted police aren't being investigated. Tell me more about that "white privilege."
