View Full Version : 2 year old niglet points gun at cops

Buck Simian
07-06-2021, 12:06 AM
Gotta love it. They are never too young to rob, rape or kill. And don't be fooled by the article. It keeps showing stock photos of white children probably taken from gun-safety ads, that was not the case here. the mother and sperm donor are both niggers thus its a niglet.


07-06-2021, 12:12 AM
Gotta love it. They are never too young to rob, rape or kill. And don't be fooled by the article. It keeps showing stock photos of white children probably taken from gun-safety ads, that was not the case here. the mother and sperm donor are both niggers thus its a niglet.



Coon Club Road
07-06-2021, 05:00 AM
Should of disarmed it, cleared it, then showed it how the trigger works.

Conducted their investigation, stoked it back up, then returned it to the 2 year old and got the f out! :lol

07-06-2021, 05:45 AM
Too bad the snigglet didn't gank the parents before the cops showed up.

The story didn't specify, but I'm guessing the gun was a Hi Point. What if it had shot at the cops? I guess they should just stand there and allow it, huhh?

Jim Crow
07-06-2021, 07:21 AM
New Haven ct is where I was from.It was always a nigger infested dump,now it’s even worse!Because the liberals have allowed their ape pets to rule the roost. This is what happens when you don’t allow honest citizens to own guns.Nigger criminals still have them!

Buck Simian
07-06-2021, 07:49 AM
New Haven ct is when I was from.It was always a nigger infested dump,now it’s even worse!Because the liberals have allowed their ape pets to rule the roost. She would happens when you don’t allow honest citizens to own guns.Nigger criminals still have them!

Admittedly i just haven't traveled much. When you say places like Connecticut i picture beautiful nigger free paradises. I always find it shocking when i hear how these once white places have become niggerfied. How naive i must be.

Jim Crow
07-06-2021, 08:02 AM
Admittedly i just haven't traveled much. When you say places like Connecticut i picture beautiful nigger free paradises. I always find it shocking when i hear how these once white places have become niggerfied. How naive i must be.
You can bet your last dollar that any place that is controlled by liberals, becomes infested by niggers and ultimately ruined forever.

07-06-2021, 02:19 PM
New Haven ct is when I was from.It was always a nigger infested dump,now it’s even worse!Because the liberals have allowed their ape pets to rule the roost. She would happens when you don’t allow honest citizens to own guns.Nigger criminals still have them!

It's a shame. I know someone whose relatives were one of the original residents of New Haven. We are talking 1600's Pilgrim times. I'm sure they worked their asses off to make that town happen, yes including risking (and losing) their lives in some cases. Damn shame.

07-08-2021, 11:16 PM
Should of disarmed it, cleared it, then showed it how the trigger works.

Conducted their investigation, stoked it back up, then returned it to the 2 year old and got the f out! :lol

I was thinking more that if a cop had suddenly taken one in the leg or butt, then they open fire and OOPS realize it's a niglet.