View Full Version : Gang of armed "Moors" wrangled in Mass.

07-03-2021, 12:42 PM
Massachusetts (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/massachusetts/index.html) police have taken nine 'armed and dangerous' men into custody after they fled from police during a traffic stop overnight.
A state trooper spotted the group - who claimed to be members of 'Rise of The Moors' - at the side of the Interstate-95 between Wakefield and Reading around 1.30am Saturday.
The men, who were dressed in tactical-style gear and armed with both pistols and rifles, refused to comply with orders to drop their weapons and ran into woodland by the side of the road.

Massachusetts State Police issued an urgent shelter-in-place warning for residents Wakefield and Reading, and urged them to lock their doors. They added that the group were 'dangerous' and 'do not recognize US laws'.
The I-95 was subsequently closed down as cops combed the area in search of the men.


07-03-2021, 01:18 PM
More like "Rise of the Retards" :rofl

Their website



Looks like Jamhal Abdullah Talib "Squirrel Foot" Bey is making bank! 🤣

07-03-2021, 05:29 PM
I thought they had to be moor-Americans. I kept seeing reports of mysterious groups in that area.

The old rule applies. If they don't show 'em, they're moor-Americans.


07-04-2021, 01:13 PM
Why do I have the sinking feeling in a state like Nazichusetts, the niggers will get to plea down to minor offenses?

If a white "militia" group had done the same (name any that have), we'd have already seen the FBI, ATF and a dozen other alphabet soup agencies "investigating right-wing domestic terrorism." Sleepy Joe would have been drugged up to make a quick speech "denouncing these extremist groups who know only violence."

MSC's founder Noble Drew Ali taught that black 'Moors' were America's original inhabitants and were therefore entitled to self-governing status.

He believed that all African Americans were descendants of the Moabites and are therefore Moorish.

Some Islamic historians believe that the Moors and Muslim groups reached the Americas before Christopher Columbus.

I'll tell them what. Vikings discovered America before Columbus, and since I'm part of the same whiteness, and whites owned slaves, all those "Moors" are my unclaimed property. I will issue orders to recover them so they can get back to work in the fields. Sounds ridiculous, of course? Not as ridiculous as niggers reaching America first, or just the concept of "Islamic historians."

07-04-2021, 09:47 PM
More like "Rise of the Retards" :rofl

Their website



More "cultural appropriation" n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. The original Moors weren't niggers, although they bacame "@$$lifter$" early on. The "Maghreb" or North Africa was called "White Africa" because the "Berbers" first settled there, and they had Caucasian DNA. Of course when they invaded the Iberian Peninsula in A.D. 711 they had nigger slaves and some nigger soldiers in their army, but the rulers of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia were Berbers and not niggers. I've met some Berbers and they looked like real life "Gypshuns n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit, NOT niggers!!

07-04-2021, 09:53 PM
Looks like Jamhal Abdullah Talib "Squirrel Foot" Bey is making bank! ��

They said that Canaanites and Hittites were niggers?! BULLSHIT!! Canaani!! The Crusades were the West's answer to over 450 years of barbarism and murder in the Middle East and Islam has ALWAYS AND WWITHOUT EXCEPTION been the "aggressor" towards the West!! And the REST OF THE WORLD!!

07-04-2021, 09:54 PM
They said that Canaanites and Hittites were niggers?! BULLSHIT!! Canaani!! The Crusades were the West's answer to over 450 years of barbarism and murder in the Middle East and Islam has ALWAYS AND WWITHOUT EXCEPTION been the "aggressor" towards the West!! And the REST OF THE WORLD!!

I accidentally deleted part of my post. Canaan was the land where modern day Israel is and the Hittites were from Turkey. NONE of them were niggers!!

07-04-2021, 09:55 PM

So in a libtahd state like marxachimpshits I doubt anything will happen to them!!

Jim Crow
07-04-2021, 09:59 PM
Liberal allow their nigger/chimp pets get away w/murder. That was the proud boys are a group of white boy scouts, they’d throw the book at em.Nigger pets get a free pass!

Ray Cizzums
07-04-2021, 11:53 PM
First the niggers are Egyptians, then Greeks, then Romans, and now they're the Moors ? The Moors were just
Muslims with a suntan, and while they were savages, they weren't sub-Saharan African retards. They built
ships, and raided human civilizations throughout Europe. They were nowhere near the US, ever, you silly boons.
Depictions of their leaders showed no signs of wool hair, smash nose, or blubber lips. These jailhouse niggers
think that our law don't apply to them, and that they are entitled to whitey's property.

07-05-2021, 11:16 AM
Notice how the MSM is making it seem like these moors arrested are white supremacists. They even post stock photos of whites holding confederate flags.

07-05-2021, 11:19 AM
Liberal allow their nigger/chimp pets get away w/murder. That was the proud boys are a group of white boy scouts, they’d throw the book at em.Nigger pets get a free pass!

Tru Dat!!

Whitey Ford
07-06-2021, 01:57 AM
I saw this story as it was developing, the pics of the scene indicated niggers. But a nigger militia? LOL
Besides, this is Massachusetts, how many niggers could possibly live there?
Massachusetts I-95 standoff was with Rise of the Moors militia, police say


Massachusetts state police said 11 people who were arrested following an hours-long armed standoff that partially shut down Interstate 95 on Saturday claimed membership of the group Rise of the Moors, which police said calls itself a militia and follows “sovereign citizens” ideology.

Police said the group claims to adhere to “Moorish Sovereign Ideology”.

More 'sovereign citizens' niggers LOL.

The standoff began early on Saturday when a trooper stopped to offer assistance to vehicles on the side of the highway in the town of Wakefield. Police later said the group was refueling.

The trooper called for backup and most of the group went into nearby woods until they surrendered to a police tactical team just after 10am. The standoff closed I-95 during the busy holiday weekend and some residents were told to shelter in place.

The group told police they traveling from Rhode Island to Maine for “training”. None of the men, who were dressed in military fatigues and body armor, had a license to carry firearms in Massachusetts.


Coon Club Road
07-06-2021, 04:56 AM
Dey beez travlin thru!

07-06-2021, 07:56 AM
I saw this story as it was developing, the pics of the scene indicated niggers. But a nigger militia? LOL
Besides, this is Massachusetts, how many niggers could possibly live there?
Massachusetts I-95 standoff was with Rise of the Moors militia, police say


More 'sovereign citizens' niggers LOL.


Like those c@cksuckers that call themselves the "Not F@ckin' Around Coalition" from outside of apelanta, Ga. One of those c@cksuckers shot a poleez maing in da' hayid in Daytona, Fl. 2 weeks ago and it got wrangled at their headquarters a few days later. Nigger was 'hiding" in a tree house!! It's in their DNA< now way you can make this SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT up !! Niggers want to be ANYTHING but niggers!! They may claim " we was Gypshun, Vikings, Moors, Hittites, Canaanites" but they will ALWAYS be niggers!!

07-06-2021, 08:29 AM

Just hearing about this on local talk radio so I came to post about it. What you guys seem to have missed is that the niggers were traveling from Rhode Island to Maine and ran out of gas after about 60 miles. They were spotted by a Mass Statey as they were fueling up on the side of the highway with gas cans while open carrying rifles.

Only niggers..

Threads merged :lol

07-06-2021, 08:33 AM
I saw this story as it was developing, the pics of the scene indicated niggers. But a nigger militia? LOL
Besides, this is Massachusetts, how many niggers could possibly live there?

Too dammed many and they're migrating north to New Hampshire..

07-06-2021, 08:38 AM
And they beez Aboriginals


07-06-2021, 10:23 AM
And they beez Aboriginals



Dear lord.

Not too surprising though, since many niggers claim to be part Indian, just for the gibs.

But if they are "aboriginals"(I think the word they want is "indigenous) they why are crying about slavery and being carried to the US on ships, if they were were here since the dawn of time? Niggers - their screwed-up, dumbass stupidity and "facts" they pull out their asses can make the head of a normal human spin.

So what are these Egyptian, Roman, Viking, Moorish - are they still "Sovereign Citizens" too? - niggers up to? Are they planning some sort of coup, or rebellion when they can't plan far enough ahead so they don't run out of gas? :lol

07-06-2021, 10:53 AM
more like sinking of the morons. Nothing is more sadder on this planet than niggers attempting to organize into some kind of meaningful party. They are too easily distracted by buckets of chicken and muh dikkery to commit an attention span longer than 5 minutes to a cause. They'll be taking care of themselves soon with a incestuous fueled shoot out. No worries here folks. Niggers are the epitome of failure.

Ray Cizzums
07-06-2021, 12:24 PM
Niggers, please ! You can dress up, pose with weapons, and "train" all you want - you'll still be lame, and in no way
qualified to fight the white devil, even for one day. We will wipe you out on Saturday morning, then go have lunch.
I'm looking forward to collecting souvenirs off your lifeless bodies, you silly boons....

07-06-2021, 01:39 PM
Niggers, please ! You can dress up, pose with weapons, and "train" all you want - you'll still be lame, and in no way
qualified to fight the white devil, even for one day. We will wipe you out on Saturday morning, then go have lunch.
I'm looking forward to collecting souvenirs off your lifeless bodies, you silly boons....


07-06-2021, 02:30 PM
This reminds me of that MOVE group from Philly back in the 80's.

07-06-2021, 10:30 PM
This reminds me of that MOVE group from Philly back in the 80's.

I worked for the PHA back then!! FORTUNATELY I QUIT the job 5 days before that incompetent nigger wilson "not so" goode destroyed 3 city blocks!! Oh, the TNB that I experienced during that time!!

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-06-2021, 10:46 PM
Um, niggers? You are not "Moors".

The Moors of antiquity originated on the Iberian peninsula and the northern Med. They were of Arabic descent, not sub-Saharan "Negroes". Genetically, Moors are southern European Caucasian.

Niggers have as much in common with the Moors as they do with the Irish.

07-06-2021, 11:09 PM
Um, niggers? You are not "Moors".

The Moors of antiquity originated on the Iberian peninsula and the northern Med. They were of Arabic descent, not sub-Saharan "Negroes". Genetically, Moors are southern European Caucasian.

Niggers have as much in common with the Moors as they do with the Irish.

Tru Dat!! You mean we don't beez "Black Irish?!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-06-2021, 11:37 PM
Tru Dat!! You mean we don't beez "Black Irish?!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Niggers constantly ook about "cultural appropriation" -- even though they're too dumb to understand that term, but then proceed to identify as every culture from Aztec to Egyptian to Viking.

They're idiots!

Ray Cizzums
07-07-2021, 10:32 AM
This reminds me of that MOVE group from Philly back in the 80's.
Those silly niggers were comedy gold. Their fearless leader, calling himself "John Africa" used to climb out of
a window of their shitbox house and swing on a rope, to prove what a gung ho rappelling expert he was. The
other niggers in the neighborhood had complained that MOVE used the front lawn of the abandoned house as
their toilet, and the stink and flies were intolerable. Here is a nasty monkey that lived, running off at the mouth.
Believe it or not, it is a female. Some good footage of the cops booting "Delbert Africa" in the head. Those were
the good old days !


07-07-2021, 12:40 PM
Niggers constantly ook about "cultural appropriation" -- even though they're too dumb to understand that term, but then proceed to identify as every culture from Aztec to Egyptian to Viking.

They're idiots!

Yep!! They are closer to PRIMATES than anything else!!

07-07-2021, 12:44 PM
Those silly niggers were comedy gold. Their fearless leader, calling himself "John Africa" used to climb out of
a window of their shitbox house and swing on a rope, to prove what a gung ho rappelling expert he was. The
other niggers in the neighborhood had complained that MOVE used the front lawn of the abandoned house as
their toilet, and the stink and flies were intolerable. Here is a nasty monkey that lived, running off at the mouth.
Believe it or not, it is a female. Some good footage of the cops booting "Delbert Africa" in the head. Those were
the good old days !


One DISGUSTING sow!! I lived in philthadelphia back in those days!! One of my happiest memories was leaving that SHITHOLE!!

SC Anemia
07-07-2021, 01:17 PM
Those silly niggers were comedy gold. Their fearless leader, calling himself "John Africa" used to climb out of
a window of their shitbox house and swing on a rope, to prove what a gung ho rappelling expert he was. The
other niggers in the neighborhood had complained that MOVE used the front lawn of the abandoned house as
their toilet, and the stink and flies were intolerable. Here is a nasty monkey that lived, running off at the mouth.
Believe it or not, it is a female. Some good footage of the cops booting "Delbert Africa" in the head. Those were
the good old days !


Did this uppity ho ever get the rope therapy it desperately deserved?
That was s serious question because I was busy paying a mortgage, plowing the wife and other more worldly things in the 80's. I don't remember MOVE or Delbert Africa. But like I said, other than drag them off to jail, my interactions with wild niggers in the 80's was limited.

Ray Cizzums
07-07-2021, 11:42 PM
Did this uppity ho ever get the rope therapy it desperately deserved?
That was s serious question because I was busy paying a mortgage, plowing the wife and other more worldly things in the 80's. I don't remember MOVE or Delbert Africa. But like I said, other than drag them off to jail, my interactions with wild niggers in the 80's was limited.
You wouldn't have any kids if you had to look at this wild wool-haired animal. Seeing ugly like this is like exposing your
gonads to radiation. I hope you scored some kicks, like those Philly cops did with ole' Delbert. That's good police work !

SC Anemia
07-08-2021, 01:00 PM
You wouldn't have any kids if you had to look at this wild wool-haired animal. Seeing ugly like this is like exposing your
gonads to radiation. I hope you scored some kicks, like those Philly cops did with ole' Delbert. That's good police work !

Oh man the stories. Here's a quick one...
I was driving a transport van, a big ass Ford E-350 and had a high-profile shine in the back for a court appearance. Courthouse parking lot and several blocks adjacent was thick with protesting niggers.
On the way out, they were pelting the van and eventually got us stuck axles deep in nigs rocking us, trying to tip us over. Shit got ugly real fast. Finally seeing a break in the crowd, I went for it. Exiting the parking lot on two wheels around the corner, I clipped a humongous battle sow with the passenger side rear view. One of the kind you see on utility trucks that have 4 arms connecting it to the door.

That hog knocked it right the fuck off except for the one it was dangling from when I got back to the county complex. Made a helluva racket.

Ray Cizzums
07-08-2021, 04:02 PM
That hog knocked it right the fuck off except for the one it was dangling from when I got back to the county complex. Made a helluva racket.
One thing is for sure - there wasn't any brain matter left on the mirror....

07-09-2021, 07:37 AM
and that's what niggers perpetually do - complain ! They never fix anything or get anything fixed. They just roll along like the blood sucking ticks that they are, draining their hosts. Niggers have had centuries to prove that they are not worthless third class beings. Niggers are inferior. It's genetic and we do not need to collect any more evidence.