View Full Version : Human female charged with hate crime for a stupid mistake and touching

07-01-2021, 05:28 PM

Apparently, she mistakenly accuse the groid of stealing her phone, but now she has a criminal charge! Niggers are gradually becoming an untouchable elite class.

Miya Ponsetto, the girl accused of a hate crime said: "The footage shows me attacking his son, attacking him how? Yelling at him, OK, I apologize. Can we move on?" she said. "Basically I'm a 22-year-old girl. I am, I don't — racism — how is one girl accusing a guy about a phone a crime?"

Niggers have brought this reputation on themselves

Rastus Nigger
07-01-2021, 06:21 PM
Avoid the groid at all times. Any nigger or human who tries taking ANYTHING of mine had better be able to run faster than 1,500 feet per second.

Ray Cizzums
07-01-2021, 06:28 PM
That silly bitch left her phone in a cab, then saw the nigger in question playing with an identical phone.
Of course, everyone knows niggers steal, so it was an honest mistake. He probably stole it, just not from her.
Too bad she didn't call it from another phone, and see if it rang.

Cat fur allergic
07-02-2021, 12:48 AM
‘Soho Karen’ Charged With Hate Crime After Laying Hands On Black Teen, Pleads Not Guilty


So when niggers kill humans, the da and judges etc.. would not even send them to prison.

07-04-2021, 01:43 PM
That silly bitch left her phone in a cab, then saw the nigger in question playing with an identical phone.
Of course, everyone knows niggers steal, so it was an honest mistake. He probably stole it, just not from her.
Too bad she didn't call it from another phone, and see if it rang.

Was it confirmed she forgot her phone, and that the nigger didn't paw it off to a homie?

It was more than an honest mistake, even. It's a natural presumption. If I saw a nigger 100 miles away carrying a TV like mine, I'd call home to make sure ours wasn't stolen. If I saw a nigger driving a car like my wife's, regardless of the license plate, I'd call her over and over to make sure she hadn't been carjacked or worse.

07-04-2021, 02:00 PM
In the same week and city this happened, some nigger shitbag in Brooklyn was aperested for attacking and seriously injuring 8 human women on the MTA subways. Go here to see libtards weigh in https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/561085-woman-who-falsely-accused-black-teen-of-stealing-phone-charged

07-04-2021, 02:40 PM
In the same week and city this happened, some nigger shitbag in Brooklyn was aperested for attacking and seriously injuring 8 human women on the MTA subways. Go here to see libtards weigh in https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/561085-woman-who-falsely-accused-black-teen-of-stealing-phone-charged

And that nigger will get a lighter sentence than the woman who had every reason to think the nigger stole her phone.

We still haven't been told what the nigger was doing at the hotel.

animal mother
07-04-2021, 03:09 PM
The Harrold family filed a civil lawsuit against Ponsetto, the Arlo hotel and the hotel manager, alleging violations to New York State’s human rights laws, assault and infliction of emotional distress among other charges. They are represented by civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who has counseled the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery

Ben Crump?? Of course, another nigger lotto! This nigger wasn’t even made good!

07-04-2021, 03:18 PM
The Harrold family filed a civil lawsuit against Ponsetto, the Arlo hotel and the hotel manager, alleging violations to New York State’s human rights laws, assault and infliction of emotional distress among other charges. They are represented by civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who has counseled the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery

Ben Crump?? Of course, another nigger lotto! This nigger wasn’t even made good!

Why hasn't that SHYSTER ape been DISBARRED?!

07-04-2021, 03:23 PM
Why hasn't that SHYSTER ape been DISBARRED?!

Or dismembered, preferably.

Maybe it'll cheat one of its nigger clients someday soon, and be found in a garbage can.

Ray Cizzums
07-04-2021, 04:38 PM
Was it confirmed she forgot her phone, and that the nigger didn't paw it off to a homie?
Yes, she left her phone in a cab she took to the hotel. Unfortunately, the nigger had the exact same phone. Most
teen girls have some kind of fashion designer protection case on their phone, which would have made it easy to spot.

07-04-2021, 06:01 PM
Or dismembered, preferably.

Maybe it'll cheat one of its nigger clients someday soon, and be found in a garbage can.

We can only HOPE!! A nigger michael avenatti, ANOTHER scumbag!!

Jim Crow
07-04-2021, 10:19 PM
Avoid the groid at all times. Any nigger or human who tries taking ANYTHING of mine had better be able to run faster than 1,500 feet per second.

I’m thinking the nigg better be able to move at least 800 FPS sound me.Mine are subsonic,big,and pack a punch! LOL!