View Full Version : See This Guy In Action Against School Board

Keep Britain White
06-29-2021, 08:02 AM
I'm proud to draw your attention to a fellow Brit (naturalised American) giving the Pennsbury School Board in Pennsylvania what for!
Just listen to this guy go! He certainly uses his five minutes to maximum effect!


With folks like him around, we have a good chance of fighting off this liberal disease afflicting the West.
Never give up!

06-29-2021, 11:20 AM
I'm proud to draw your attention to a fellow Brit (naturalised American) giving the Pennsbury School Board in Pennsylvania what for!
Just listen to this guy go! He certainly uses his five minutes to maximum effect!


With folks like him around, we have a good chance of fighting off this liberal disease afflicting the West.
Never give up!

I saw this yesterday on "American Thinker!!" That guy is AWESOME!!