View Full Version : Sheboon who killed infant at daycare caged, Delaware

06-29-2021, 02:56 AM
Remember the sheboon who killed the infant at a daycare in Delaware?
Well, now the judge says tax payers like me will have to support her for life.
Niggers want a free ride, they just murder someone.


Old post:

06-29-2021, 11:52 AM
Remember the sheboon who killed the infant at a daycare in Delaware?
Well, now the judge says tax payers like me will have to support her for life.
Niggers want a free ride, they just murder someone.


Old post:

Bite me's old stomping grounds!!

Rastus Nigger
06-29-2021, 01:35 PM
That fucking nigger never should have made it to jail alive.

06-29-2021, 06:37 PM
Hemp therapy should be mandatory to nigger heinous murders. Even in the past, it didn't stop them from being evil, it was a deterrent.

Civilized people have morals and do not commit violence. Ape niggers are not people, so they can never hope to be civilized. Since they are brutal, the only thing they'll understand is brutality. At the current state of affairs, crimes are minimized, felons are given free passes, or the system is too lenient. We're headed towards anarchy if this isn't addressed soon. There'll be vigilante justice, not saying it's right, but if the legal system and the country are failing us innocent citizens, surely, there'll be enough is enough. Not advocating any violence, just an opinion. Read a great article in the shoutbox yesterday that said, "(blacks) will mess with the wrong people in the wrong town, and then they'll be held accountable". I paraphrased.

Don't push it niggers. But your simian walnut brain can't even understand that.

Coon Club Road
06-29-2021, 08:48 PM
"Hemp therapy should be mandatory to nigger heinous murders. Even in the past, it didn't stop them from being evil, it was a deterrent... "

Hemp therapy :lol
Never heard that before!
I'm guessing something with a trailer hitch is also required to facilitate this therapy :lol

06-30-2021, 11:58 PM
Hemp therapy should be mandatory to nigger heinous murders. Even in the past, it didn't stop them from being evil, it was a deterrent.

I'm a big believer in the death penalty, and if I say a human murderer should be swinging before sundown, why would I think a nigger should get less?

06-30-2021, 11:59 PM
Hemp therapy :lol
Never heard that before!
I'm guessing something with a trailer hitch is also required to facilitate this therapy :lol

You never did? Usually it means a straightforward hanging, but your idea works very well too. :)

If it doesn't deter other niggers, at least it deterred that nigger from killing anyone else.

07-01-2021, 08:48 AM
I'm guessing something with a trailer hitch is also required to facilitate this therapy :lol

Call me a cheapskate, but that just seems like expensive overkill.

Pulley blocks don't need insurance, identifying plates, a license to operate or even gasoline.

Coon Club Road
07-01-2021, 09:37 AM
Call me a cheapskate, but that just seems like expensive overkill.

Pulley blocks don't need insurance, identifying plates, a license to operate or even gasoline.

LOL yea I get it now :lol
It just went totally over my head! And to think I thought I had heard it all!

I think it was you that had mentioned previously it was refreshing to hear a nigger joke you had never heard before!

07-01-2021, 11:17 AM
That vile murder monkey needs a .45 cal bullet to it noggin....hell make it a full magazine.

I have to disagree. The filthy sow (those sows just despise beautiful human babies) needs to be slowly waterboarded to death. I'd pay to watch that.

Investigators said Isabella Rosetta Talton died after 19-year-old Dejoynay Ferguson placed her hands over the baby's mouth and nose and intentionally restricted her breathing.

Parents: PLEASE do not leave your helpless infants with niggers! EVER! Not even for 5 minutes.


Ray Cizzums
07-02-2021, 10:16 PM
She said dat white baby wuz "fussy". She fixed dat.
I'd string her up by that Marge Simpson weave,
and break all them bones, with a steel pipe.