View Full Version : Finally someone has the guts to talk about how the media protects criminiggers!

06-28-2021, 09:27 PM
Yet what is perhaps most disturbing, frustrating, and idiotic, is that the paper is not publishing the description because it “could be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes.”

However, when white suspects are involved, the mainstream media appears to have no problem with vague descriptions—or even speculating about how white suspects think, act, and feel.

Maybe the tide is finally turning and the love affair with niggers souring a little?


Ray Cizzums
06-28-2021, 09:51 PM
It's a good read, but doesn't leave a mark on the MSM's stone wall of silence, where negro crime is concerned.
They've been doing this for over 50 years, and our police are complicit. I can site dozens of serious crimes that
there was no police report on, right here where we live. What they all have in common is that niggers committed
them. What would crime statistics look like if they were accurate ? The first step in stopping nigger crime is admitting
it exists, and police leadership and the press wont do that.

06-28-2021, 10:10 PM
What would crime statistics look like if they were accurate ? The first step in stopping nigger crime is admitting
it exists, and police leadership and the press wont do that.

That "half of all violent crime" would be more like 90%, and 95% if we include spiggers classified as just Latino.

Heyjackass keeps tabs on "unidentified" attackers, which we know are niggers.

Coon Club Road
06-28-2021, 11:36 PM
I think the media feels if they accurately report that "nigger(s) did it", it would create open season on all coons... as we all know they all look alike :lol