View Full Version : DIsgusting coal burner brainwashes son. Now he's in a Greek prison

06-27-2021, 06:57 PM
So Mudshark Momma thought it would be good for her boy to go help all the poor nigger invaders - I mean "migrants" - slither into Greece.

Seán Binder, as a rescue diver and trained maritime search and rescuer, volunteered as a coordinator of civilian rescue operations, both on land and at sea, in Greece in 2018. Despite continued cooperation with the authorities, Seán was arrested for his humanitarian work and spent 106 days in pre-trial detention.

He just wanted to help "migrants" like these who, for some strange reason, are all military-aged young bucks:

It's hard to blame him. His nigger-loving mamma subjected him to an Africoon buck ("Desire" is a Niggergerian name) stepdaddy.



Jim Crow
06-27-2021, 07:58 PM
Niggers ruin everything!If you associate with niggers,it will cause you problems.Try to help nigger it’s even worse!Best thing is to avoid niggers like the plague they are!

06-27-2021, 11:06 PM
There's nothing special about what we did. It wasn't criminal, it wasn't heroic

I don't know how Greek prisons are, but he might just get a lot of "hero worship" up the ass, hopefully for a very long time. And not from the niggers he'd gladly accept muh dikk from.

Between this and the asslifter also going to jail, is it possible the Greeks are cracking down on importing niggers?

06-28-2021, 04:12 PM
Stupid vile race Traitor cuckold, I sincerely hope your stay at Greek's Nigger University is espicially long, and that you're fed food unfit for even a dog, horribly painful and filled with brutal unlubricated anal rape! You are worse then any Nigger because you betrayed the human race by smuggling in filthy niggers!

Rastus Nigger
06-28-2021, 07:15 PM
Hopefully that nigger loving faggot will need an asshole transplant when/if it finally gets out of lockup.