View Full Version : Commiefornia: Female gets what she (probably) voted for: sex is just a social construct

06-27-2021, 12:49 PM
As an European, I always found the attitude of US people towards nudity a bit strange, but who am I to judge:

A woman confronted the staff at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles after a man walked into the women's section with his genitals hanging out in front of girls. He identified as a "woman." The employees said he had a right to do that. The employees say that it's the law.


06-27-2021, 06:11 PM
It's not about the nudity in and of itself, but insulting and horrifying the women. The perverts who do these stunts tend to have disgusting bodies in one way or several, and they want to gross women out.

Jim Crow
06-27-2021, 08:01 PM
There are only two genders. Male and female. And you have no choice. You are what you were born.A man walking naked into a woman’s locker room should be arrested. And if he did it because he thinks he’s a woman, he needs to spend some time in a mental ward. And those who defend him or part of the problem.

Keep Britain White
06-28-2021, 06:26 AM
There are only two genders. Male and female. And you have no choice. You are what you were born.A man walking naked into a woman’s locker room should be arrested. And if he did it because he thinks he’s a woman, he needs to spend some time in a mental ward. And those who defend him or part of the problem.

My views precisely!

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-28-2021, 07:40 AM
There are only two genders. Male and female. And you have no choice. You are what you were born.A man walking naked into a woman’s locker room should be arrested. And if he did it because he thinks he’s a woman, he needs to spend some time in a mental ward. And those who defend him or part of the problem.
A lobotomy for those mental rejects wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

06-28-2021, 04:25 PM
It's not about the nudity in and of itself, but insulting and horrifying the women. The perverts who do these stunts tend to have disgusting bodies in one way or several, and they want to gross women out.

Yes, that is exactly how I see that as well! And I absolutely can't understand how on earth a sane person can openly claim that "gender is just a social construct", and hence anybody can declare what he/she wants to be today! We are not talking what pair of shoes to wear! There are two sexes, male and female, and that's it. No less, no more (talking about humans/mammals of course)!
Why on earth is a pervert allowed to run around naked in a female locker room, and why can people openly perform sexual acts on the street in SF (talking about that strange "street fair", I don't know the name, but since I know that from tv it's probably something 'big'), but a female tanning topless on the beach is a big deal? I really don't understand liberals, that's just beyond crazy! Luckily the probability that the affected human lady voted for that democrat nonsense is very high, and that guess makes me smile.

06-28-2021, 04:32 PM
A lobotomy for those mental rejects wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

I second that! That, and a mandatory sterilization for niggers and mudlimes at birth. That would create a wonderful world within no time.

06-28-2021, 07:03 PM
Why on earth is a pervert allowed to run around naked in a female locker room, and why can people openly perform sexual acts on the street in SF (talking about that strange "street fair", I don't know the name, but since I know that from tv it's probably something 'big'), but a female tanning topless on the beach is a big deal? I really don't understand liberals, that's just beyond crazy! Luckily the probability that the affected human lady voted for that democrat nonsense is very high, and that guess makes me smile.

That's the inherent evil of liberalism. Liberals call it "prudish" and "intolerant" to have certain standards on TV, at least during prime time. But it's not just about showing a woman's nipples or people's backsides non-pornographically, they want the full monty. They think it's fine for a grown man can go in a women's locker room to purposely flaunt his penis, no matter what young girls are there (and changing), and I know the SF event you're talking about. I don't know about it personally, but I've read about it. The grown men (but are they really "men"?) will go out of their way to find young children. I saw a picture of one, thank heaven from behind, that intentionally went up to a little girl, and she had started crying. You know he wasn't just standing there.

Rastus Nigger
06-28-2021, 07:10 PM
Wifey has a temper but thankfully keeps it under control 99% of the time. If she'd been present when that sicko freak did that he'd have been instantly turned into a neutered blood sprinkler.

06-28-2021, 08:58 PM
Wifey has a temper but thankfully keeps it under control 99% of the time. If she'd been present when that sicko freak did that he'd have been instantly turned into a neutered blood sprinkler.

What would it take to make them change their policy? Would this sick fuck have to walk around with an erection? Invite the young girls to touch him? Masturbate openly? Actually assault one of them?

I swear it's what they want.

Not only is his "transgender" (an oxymoron at best) status complete and utter bullshit, he is simply a perverted man trying to get his jollies at the cost of women and children's horror. If he could, I have no doubt that he would outright sexually assault them if he thought that he could get away with it.

We are losing this country and the world as a whole. Those women should have ganged up on this sick freak and beat him to within an inch of his worthless sick life. If he wanted to be identified as a woman and Mrs. Tweak was in that locker room with our daughter, they would have obliged him by flattening his testicles and ripping his dick off. I would have bought them both a steak dinner at Ruth's for their troubles.


Edit: Transgender and gender are both made up words invented by sick fuck sexologist (another made up term/profession) John Money back in the 1955. He should have been imprisoned for the Frankensteinian things he did to children. Google him if you dare.

06-28-2021, 09:00 PM
I second that! That, and a mandatory sterilization for niggers and mudlimes at birth. That would create a wonderful world within no time.

Tru Dat!!

06-29-2021, 05:48 AM
Men have no place in a women's changing area true, but what you are saying is plain stupid, actual GAYS have no sexual interest at all in women. Those who do are outright perverts and or phedophiles And if "gender" is a made up word then how stupid does saying there are only two "genders" actually sound? You're literally using a word you claim is made up and fictional.

06-29-2021, 10:28 AM
..what you are saying is plain stupid... You're literally using a word you claim is made up and fictional.

First off, we're all reasonable people here and reasonable people can disagree by using points and references, not slurs.

You're not going to win any fans here calling anyone stupid or a coward like you did in a previous post towards another member. We're not your enemies and there is no reason to insult. If you have a disagreement with a post or opinion, then by all means, cite your reasons. Feel free to use references, as well. They hold more water than insults.

Secondly, did you even read the whole post? I explained my disagreement with the word transgender as being a misused and invalid term when it comes to use with humans. This goes for all mammals that I'm aware of as well - even the niggers. We are not plants or lower marine biologicals. Some of them can change sex at will if needed - we can't.

I literally explained why I used a word that others are using and literally explained why I hold that it is not a valid word for use with humans! The word "transgender" was in quotes for a reason. My point in doing so was that it is impossible to change a person's sex - even if you intentionally mislabel it gender. My apologies if you didn't catch it.

Worth noting as well, trans-sexual was once the in-vogue term to use. While being equally as impossible, it wasn't inclusive enough so it's been replaced with transgender.

Rewriting your own definitions of words doesn't change their meanings anymore than writing your own history book makes you a historian.

I didn't think I would have had to do this. I felt that it was common sense to me and most people I know, so I wouldn't have to spell it out. I obviously suffered an error in judgement here, so if I have to spell it out, then here you go:

Sex is what you are born as. You are either a male or female according to your chromosomes. XY or XX and that's it - period! Even if you are born with deformed, ambiguous genitalia, including all but the tiniest number (e.g. Klinefelter syndrome) you are still sexed as male or female. Sex is NOT a social construct! It is an insurmountable biological fact landing on heads or tails and easily determined by a simple blood test even if your mother had syphilis and your junk looks like a Rorschach blotch.

A person either chooses to have sexual acts or doesn't. You are defined by your actions.

Sexual preference is just that - a preference... Until you act on it. I won't believe any argument to the contrary since I, as a man, have obviously had thoughts of sex outside the monogamous bounds of my marriage. Since I have, thus far, managed to keep my errant thoughts from over-ruling my better judgments, I am therefore monogamous and not poly (or as my wife would put it - a dead man). Seems pretty simple to me. I knew a man once who was effeminate but not homosexual for the same reasons. He wouldn't cross that line because he knew it was wrong. Thinking of shoving someone off a cliff doesn't make you a killer does it?

The term gender wasn't even used in medical science terminology with regard to humans until this guy started it:

While there are ONLY two sexes, there are well over 100 different "genders" with more being invented every day - each one being more ridiculous and perverse than the last. I therefor consider it self-evident that the term gender is the definitive example of a social construct.

The terms sex and gender ARE NOT SYNONYMOUS!

A homosexual person can also be bisexual. That doesn't make them not a homosexual. That just makes them indecisive when it comes to which brand of self destructive behavior they want to engage in.

Pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia... Any way they go, none of it helps to procreate or advance the human race. In fact it all does the exact opposite, destroying the family unit and society as a whole.

Just like ancient Rome, we're too busy getting our collective rocks off to even notice, much less stop the invasion and destruction of our country.

Do you get my point now?

06-29-2021, 01:39 PM
Men have no place in a women's changing area true, but what you are saying is plain stupid, actual GAYS have no sexual interest at all in women. Those who do are outright perverts and or phedophiles And if "gender" is a made up word then how stupid does saying there are only two "genders" actually sound? You're literally using a word you claim is made up and fictional.

It's using liberals' own terminology against them. Two genders, two sexes, it means the same thing.

Let's all be careful now and not get argumentative, please.

06-30-2021, 05:38 AM
It's using liberals' own terminology against them. Two genders, two sexes, it means the same thing.

Let's all be careful now and not get argumentative, please. I understand completely, It is not my desire to be argumentative, I was only trying to point out using a term that was or is deemed fictitious (in general) made no sense to me. I sincerely apologize to anyone who I may have offended and will consider my words more carefully going forward.

06-30-2021, 05:31 PM
I understand completely, It is not my desire to be argumentative, I was only trying to point out using a term that was or is deemed fictitious (in general) made no sense to me. I sincerely apologize to anyone who I may have offended and will consider my words more carefully going forward.

I think there's nothing to worry about. We all understand what was being said, and nothing got out of control.

06-30-2021, 10:50 PM
I understand completely, It is not my desire to be argumentative, I was only trying to point out using a term that was or is deemed fictitious (in general) made no sense to me. I sincerely apologize to anyone who I may have offended and will consider my words more carefully going forward.

None taken and no sweat. Ax-shulee, The only thing I have in common with niggers is an exceptionally thick skin.;)

07-01-2021, 12:39 PM
I think there's nothing to worry about. We all understand what was being said, and nothing got out of control. This is true; However we all know the Golden rule, which is to get respect we have to give it to one another.

07-01-2021, 12:58 PM
As an European, I always found the attitude of US people towards nudity a bit strange, but who am I to judge:


It isn't about nudity. No one is going to complain about nudity on a nude beach, e.g. or other places where one has agreed to view nudity. Exposing himself to women in this manner is "flashing" something I've experienced more than once. It's the passive-aggressive action of a pathetic pervert, done only to shock and upset women and is a crime in most places. Or it used to be a crime.

The last time I got flashed, I pointed and laughed. The little shitbag put his limp dingle away and scurried off when he didn't get the reaction he wanted.

07-01-2021, 03:57 PM
It isn't about nudity. No one is going to complain about nudity on a nude beach, e.g. or other places where one has agreed to view nudity. Exposing himself to women in this manner is "flashing" something I've experienced more than once. It's the passive-aggressive action of a pathetic pervert, done only to shock and upset women and is a crime in most places. Or it used to be a crime.
Hi IseDaDiva, that is exactly how I see that as well, and that's the exact reason why I posted that story. I apologize for not expressing myself clearly enough, that "As an European, I always found the attitude of US people towards nudity a bit strange, but who am I to judge" sentence was meant ironic of course. I tried to play with the usual (and in the case of "Europe" very different between the different countries) stereotypes towards nudity to mock the liberal nonsense "invent your own sex" thing. Sorry for not making that clear enough!

The last time I got flashed, I pointed and laughed. The little shitbag put his limp dingle away and scurried off when he didn't get the reaction he wanted.
Haha, that's probably the best way to deal with these idiots. Except if it's a nigger, then you should cut his thing off of course!!

07-01-2021, 06:52 PM
Hi IseDaDiva, that is exactly how I see that as well, and that's the exact reason why I posted that story. I apologize for not expressing myself clearly enough, that "As an European, I always found the attitude of US people towards nudity a bit strange, but who am I to judge" sentence was meant ironic of course. I tried to play with the usual (and in the case of "Europe" very different between the different countries) stereotypes towards nudity to mock the liberal nonsense "invent your own sex" thing. Sorry for not making that clear enough!

No, you're right about the prudery surrounding nudity. The thing is, exposing one's genitals to an unsuspecting women is more of an assault and/or a threat. Doing it to little girls is another thing. A man did this to me when I was 10 years old, which left me avoiding any contact with males until I was about 20. So it can be very harmful.

Haha, that's probably the best way to deal with these idiots. Except if it's a nigger, then you should cut his thing off of course!!

I laughed at him when I was already in my car and felt safe. Had I been alone in the open, I would have been frightened. Most flashers are harmless, sad little pervs, but you never know. When you are a woman you have to wary at all times.

07-02-2021, 10:51 PM
I laughed at him when I was already in my car and felt safe. Had I been alone in the open, I would have been frightened. Most flashers are harmless, sad little pervs, but you never know. When you are a woman you have to wary at all times.

At certain times, you can take it in stride like David Niven at the Oscars.


But when a woman is alone, and unarmed, there's an evil about it. One of my friends arrived early in a first-floor office, the first one in, and all alone. Someone came up to the window and dropped his pants, which was bad enough, and then he started jerking himself off. Was he going to do worse, like try to break in? You can probably guess that by the time police arrived, the perv was long gone and couldn't be found.

07-02-2021, 11:41 PM
At certain times, you can take it in stride like David Niven at the Oscars.


But when a woman is alone, and unarmed, there's an evil about it. One of my friends arrived early in a first-floor office, the first one in, and all alone. Someone came up to the window and dropped his pants, which was bad enough, and then he started jerking himself off. Was he going to do worse, like try to break in? You can probably guess that by the time police arrived, the perv was long gone and couldn't be found.

David Niven never missed a beat: "Stripping naked and showing off his shortcomings." :lol

07-03-2021, 05:07 AM
No, you're right about the prudery surrounding nudity. The thing is, exposing one's genitals to an unsuspecting women is more of an assault and/or a threat. Doing it to little girls is another thing. A man did this to me when I was 10 years old, which left me avoiding any contact with males until I was about 20. So it can be very harmful.
Damn, that sounds bad, sorry to hear that! Very strange people out there!

I laughed at him when I was already in my car and felt safe. Had I been alone in the open, I would have been frightened. Most flashers are harmless, sad little pervs, but you never know. When you are a woman you have to wary at all times.
You are right of course, safety is paramount! Luckily on your side of the pond you are at least allowed to carry. I can't relate to the pevs thread of course, the thing that comes nearest is possibly when I encounter a group of niggers (I am a small person, so almost all of them are way bigger). And nowadays the stinking, loud shitbeasts are everywhere.

07-03-2021, 05:51 AM
When you are a woman you have to wary at all times.

You think it's just women?

We have a local joke down here: Q - Why are there no pavement traffic markings in the French Quarter? A - Because they can't pay a man enough money to bend over and paint them and all the women there are already getting paid to bend over.

But when a woman is alone, and unarmed, there's an evil about it.

Before I was born, Mamma Tweak was home alone, unarmed at night watching my older brother. The German Shepard was all she had. The dog had moved to the back door and crouched down, beginning a series of barely audible low frequency rumbles that could be felt thru the floor. Imagine something like growling but not normal at all. She stared at that door wanting out for the next several minutes and had to be dragged away.

The next day, a pile of cigarette butts were found put out on the window sill behind a bush and down the wall from the back door.

I've always suspected it was a nigger. No-one wants to think about what it was doing while it was peeking thru that window.

07-03-2021, 11:04 AM
Damn, that sounds bad, sorry to hear that! Very strange people out there!

You are right of course, safety is paramount! Luckily on your side of the pond you are at least allowed to carry. I can't relate to the pevs thread of course, the thing that comes nearest is possibly when I encounter a group of niggers (I am a small person, so almost all of them are way bigger). And nowadays the stinking, loud shitbeasts are everywhere.

I'm in Canada. Since a major crackdown this past year, owning handguns is strictly forbidden without rigorous checks and permissions unless we are in the military, the police forces or are an armed guard. We aren't even permitted to carry pepper spray.

All that was fine, since there was no need to be armed. The crime rate has historically been very low here, but now with the invasion of violent and feral species like Jamaicoons, Hayshees, and Muzzies it has been rising of course.

SC Anemia
07-03-2021, 11:05 AM
We have a local joke down here: Q - Why are there no pavement traffic markings in the French Quarter? A - Because they can't pay a man enough money to bend over and paint them and all the women there are already getting paid to bend over.

Thanks Tweak, I hadn't heard that one. :rofl

BTW, that's one creepy-ass story about your mom, the dog & cigarette butts. Geez!

This seemed like the right place to leave this:


07-03-2021, 12:59 PM
that's one creepy-ass story about your mom, the dog & cigarette butts. Geez!

That dog is still legend in the Tweak Kingdom.

Funny thing is, Dad never really taught her anything. She really didn't need training. She followed verbal orders after being shown and told one time and rarely more than once. If she saw Mom or Dad do something, she would try to do it herself so she instinctively knew to bring Dad's morning paper inside, to bring him his slippers and to watch my brother. She would drag my mom to the crib just as soon as he needed a diaper change or was crying. If he dropped his bottle or toy outside the crib, she would retrieve it and place it back in. No-one ever taught her to do any of these things, although she did have to get corrected after getting praised bringing in the paper for the first time. The next day, she figured if one paper was good, two papers must be better. The next day, she figured ALL the papers must be BEST. Needless to say, the neighbors weren't happy about that one.:lol

Heaven help you if you threatened the family. We know what would have happened if Mom had opened that back door. Whoever was back there would have met a quick, brutal and bloody demise unless Mom had called her off of him which was not likely since she was scared out of her wits. They had just moved into a new house that the phone company had not even shown up to install service at when this happened. She couldn't have called the cops if she wanted to and Dad was working late and on the road.

I still wish she had opened that door. This story would be so much more interesting if she did.

07-03-2021, 04:56 PM
I'm in Canada. Since a major crackdown this past year, owning handguns is strictly forbidden without rigorous checks and permissions unless we are in the military, the police forces or are an armed guard. We aren't even permitted to carry pepper spray.
Wow, I was not aware of that! So Canada followed the UK and Australia (gun-wise and idiocy-wise: "invite" millions of hostile rapefugees and then forbid locals to protect themselves). I would not have thought that is possible, since Canada is sparsely populated but has a lot of wild animals as well (bears, wolfs, etc.).

All that was fine, since there was no need to be armed. The crime rate has historically been very low here, but now with the invasion of violent and feral species like Jamaicoons, Hayshees, and Muzzies it has been rising of course.
I know exactly what you mean, same here! In my youth, it simply was safe! I grew up in a town with more than 1 million inhabitants, and we all (girls and boys) drove (public transport) or walked to school on our own (starting at age 6). As youths, girls walked home alone at night through dark parks (way bigger than the central park in NYC), never happened anything. Less than 1 homicide per year. Today, even adults are afraid to use the public transport at night. The joys of multiculturalism! God dam liberal ...holes!

07-03-2021, 05:00 PM
Update: Antifa used that lady's complaint as a reason to riot in LA because of "transphobia":

07-03-2021, 05:27 PM
Wow, I was not aware of that! So Canada followed the UK and Australia (gun-wise and idiocy-wise: "invite" millions of hostile rapefugees and then forbid locals to protect themselves). I would not have thought that is possible, since Canada is sparsely populated but has a lot of wild animals as well (bears, wolfs, etc.).

I know exactly what you mean, same here! In my youth, it simply was safe! I grew up in a town with more than 1 million inhabitants, and we all (girls and boys) drove (public transport) or walked to school on our own (starting at age 6). As youths, girls walked home alone at night through dark parks (way bigger than the central park in NYC), never happened anything. Less than 1 homicide per year. Today, even adults are afraid to use the public transport at night. The joys of multiculturalism! God dam liberal ...holes!

Well, there are no wolves or other top predators anywhere near the big cities, but I'd feel way safer with bears, wolves, and mountain lions than with feral niggers and muzzies infesting those cities.

Yes, I used to feel safe walking home alone at midnight from babysitting jobs and taking the Metro at all hours from work or whatever when I lived in the city, but no longer. I'm now nervous walking the streets of my city, which used to be one of the safest in the world, even in the afternoon since our government thought we needed to import savage cannibalistic Haitians, one of the lowest of the nigger species. Hey, they speak French. Surely they will be good additions here. :mad: I don't mind my back-breaking tax burden going to provide them with everything.

07-03-2021, 07:28 PM
This is true; However we all know the Golden rule, which is to get respect we have to give it to one another.

I don't know what you are talking about and I am going to assume you are young (under 40) based on your reaction.
I am a a woman. I don't care if a man is gay or straight but I don't want anyone of the opposite sex in the womens locker room, regardless of whether or not he gets a hard on looking at me or buttslamming his boyfriend.

What this freak did is violence against women. The whole transgender movement is violence against women. Sure, there may be transgender people on this site but that doesn't change the fact that you are what you are born. If you are born with a penis and testicles, you are a man. If you are born with a vagina and ovaries, you are a woman. Doesn't matter if you are attracted to the same sex or not but I don't want you in my locker room if you happen to have a Y Chromosome.

07-04-2021, 11:11 AM
I don't know what you are talking about and I am going to assume you are young (under 40) based on your reaction.
I am a a woman. I don't care if a man is gay or straight but I don't want anyone of the opposite sex in the womens locker room, regardless of whether or not he gets a hard on looking at me or buttslamming his boyfriend.

Same. I have never cared in the slightest. One of my closest friends since early childhood is gay, and what do I care? What he does in his bedroom is none of my concern. I do care when I see them performing oral sex on each other in the STREET at a parade. I would feel the same outrage if a heterosexual couple did the same in public. Oh, but that in that case they would be arrested, not being of a "protected class."

What this freak did is violence against women.

It absolutely is! If a woman exposed herself to a man he'd think "Yippee!" When a man does it to a woman it's a threat, born out of hatred or dislike of women, and being so ineffectual this is the only way they can express it. Doing it to little girls is a particularly despicable brand of perversion.:mad:

07-04-2021, 02:35 PM
Same. I have never cared in the slightest. One of my closest friends since early childhood is gay, and what do I care? What he does in his bedroom is none of my concern. I do care when I see them performing oral sex on each other in the STREET at a parade. I would feel the same outrage if a heterosexual couple did the same in public. Oh, but that in that case they would be arrested, not being of a "protected class."

It absolutely is! If a woman exposed herself to a man he'd think "Yippee!" When a man does it to a woman it's a threat, born out of hatred or dislike of women, and being so ineffectual this is the only way they can express it. Doing it to little girls is a particularly despicable brand of perversion.:mad:

You mean you don't want DL niggers like this muh dikking each other in front of little white girls? That's racist and bigoted! I was looking for that vile picture of a YT faggot parading his junk in front of a little girl, making her cry, when I found this from a Toronto DL event in 2014.


I've wondered myself what the difference is. There's a natural reaction of fear to the penetration or threat of penetration when a human male or niggerbuck displaying "that." There's a level of violence necessary to make that happen, whereas a strong woman is a rarity, and even then a male victim must get "excited" enough to be victimized beyond groping.

Of course, you could run into something like this, and unless you're Herculean, run for your life!


07-04-2021, 07:48 PM
That SF festival some of you are referring to is called the Folsom Street Fair. A few years ago, I was visiting SF for a week and imagine my surprise when I was walking around and ran into this "street fair". There were gays everywhere wearing leather, lots of nudity, BDSM themed things, dildoes, etc. I was like "WTF is going on? What is this?" Apparently I visited the wrong weekend.

From their website (https://www.folsomstreet.org/): "Folsom Street is committed to cultivating a safe, open, and inclusive environment for the kink, leather, and alternative sexuality communities while centering equity for BIPOC and LGBTQA2I+ people in our work.". Disgusting. So now sex is mixed with nigger DEI bullshit on top of the other debauchery they promote. Also, what are those letters after LGBTQ? They keep tacking on letters.
Also: "Black Lives Matter, Sex work is work, The body is not an apology".... wut?

07-04-2021, 09:46 PM
That SF festival some of you are referring to is called the Folsom Street Fair. A few years ago, I was visiting SF for a week and imagine my surprise when I was walking around and ran into this "street fair". There were gays everywhere wearing leather, lots of nudity, BDSM themed things, dildoes, etc. I was like "WTF is going on? What is this?" Apparently I visited the wrong weekend.

From their website (https://www.folsomstreet.org/): "Folsom Street is committed to cultivating a safe, open, and inclusive environment for the kink, leather, and alternative sexuality communities while centering equity for BIPOC and LGBTQA2I+ people in our work.". Disgusting. So now sex is mixed with nigger DEI bullshit on top of the other debauchery they promote. Also, what are those letters after LGBTQ? They keep tacking on letters.
Also: "Black Lives Matter, Sex work is work, The body is not an apology".... wut?

Safe? Yes. Children can see explicit live sex acts that I didn't even know about until I was past the age of majority.

This will be very helpful to you. You can even make up your own incredibly complicated orientation and start posting about it on Tumblr. Be sure to add that you are a "differently-abled, autistic, POC and person of size" as well. Use the words "fuck" and "bullshit" a lot and you'll have a million followers in no time:


e.g. "I'm a poly-trans homo philic-romantic".

Whitey Ford
07-05-2021, 07:07 AM
Edit: Transgender and gender are both made up words invented by sick fuck sexologist (another made up term/profession) John Money back in the 1955. He should have been imprisoned for the Frankensteinian things he did to children. Google him if you dare.

There was a sicko 'sexologist' named Magnus Hirschfeld who died in 1935 who did the same thing. He even performed 'surgeries' for trannies way back then. I can only imagine the hideously mangled monstrosities he probably created.

07-05-2021, 09:08 AM
Safe? Yes. Children can see explicit live sex acts that I didn't even know about until I was past the age of majority.

This will be very helpful to you. You can even make up your own incredibly complicated orientation and start posting about it on Tumblr. Be sure to add that you are a "differently-abled, autistic, POC and person of size" as well. Use the words "fuck" and "bullshit" a lot and you'll have a million followers in no time:


e.g. "I'm a poly-trans homo philic-romantic".

I hadn't even heard of "demisexual" until the other day, when Cuomo's mentally ill daughter said she is. I don't even want to read past the headline. I don't want to know what that idiotic word means.

07-05-2021, 10:37 AM
I hadn't even heard of "demisexual" until the other day, when Cuomo's mentally ill daughter said she is. I don't even want to read past the headline. I don't want to know what that idiotic word means.

Try skoliosexual, pansexual, allosexual, homoflexible, sapiosexual, etc etc etc, ad nauseum.

All utter BS, of course. I don't know what they mean but used them all when I wrote a funny story for a friend when we became too exasperated with the Clown World in which we find ourselves. Much healthier to laugh at these twerps trying to outdo each other with the complexity of their made-up "orientations".

07-05-2021, 11:38 AM
I don't care if a man is gay or straight but I don't want anyone of the opposite sex in the womens locker room, regardless of whether or not he gets a hard on looking at me...

As a Constitutionalist Libertarian, it is not my business or problem what sized firecracker a person wants to blow his/ her hand off with. Don't throw it at me, my family or friends and we won't have a problem. Their self destruction is their choice and I don't care if they die happy of AIDS or anything else as long as I don't get stuck with the bill or any other aftermath.

I understand what you mean and feel the same about the opposite sex in the locker room but I also don't want anyone of any same sex looking at me in the men's locker room. In boot camp, we had just such an individual. Open bay showers are in boot camp for three reasons - cost, ability to quickly and thoroughly clean/sanitize and to prevent folks from hiding any weird shit behind shower dividers. Open bays are not there for meat gazers to stare at other guys. Man rules dictate that you stare straight ahead or make eye contact only if absolutely necessary. In those days, it meant that the individual that I mentioned took a quick trip down the stairs from the third deck to the first deck in a laundry bag. He was soon sent home after this incident.

Admiral Boorda told us that "Practicing homosexuals have no business in the military because it is prejudicial to good order and discipline." He said those words to us at Station Quarters one day during a visit to NASNOLA just prior to his unfortunate Arkanside. I don't think Hillary was impressed by his policy anymore than the lisping sailor that asked the question which prompted that response.

There was a sicko 'sexologist' named Magnus Hirschfeld who died in 1935 who did the same thing. He even performed 'surgeries' for trannies way back then. I can only imagine the hideously mangled monstrosities he probably created.

Yeah, I've read about this sick fuck. The thing that gets me, is that short of 50 cent mother/daughter street-corner blowjob teams, everything that happened in the Wiemar Republic in those days is happening today in America. Hell, it's happening worldwide. History repeats itself every time because people never learn.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-GGMucqH_ktk%2FXMFn1Ex-WLI%2FAAAAAAALBUM%2Fk9AMLvTQGgshFtCNaofMqxqfs01ta2 2HACLcBGAs%2Fs1600%2F1556154664425fhgfghfhgfhgf.jp g&f=1&nofb=1

That SF festival some of you are referring to is called the Folsom Street Fair. A few years ago, I was visiting SF for a week and imagine my surprise when I was walking around and ran into this "street fair". There were gays everywhere wearing leather, lots of nudity, BDSM themed things, dildoes, etc. I was like "WTF is going on? What is this?" Apparently I visited the wrong weekend.

I had the same thing happen to us the first time I was stationed in Nude Orleans. I was simply trying to take Mrs. T to a concert and had never heard of the "Southern Decadence" festival. People were literally having orgies in the streets and the cops did and still do nothing.

Word to the wise, if you ever must visit this cesspool, don't bring your kids during SD fest, carnival season or any other party weekend unless they are adults and have a strong stomach (and a CCW, of course). And FFS, DO NOT go north of Saint Ann Street! You will see some sick shit happening openly that most folks likely have never heard goes on in private. This, on top of the regular monkeyshines, makes this place the bowels of hell on Earth.

Better yet, just don't come. There is a reason I never leave the safety of the 'burbs unless I have to.

Whitey Ford
07-05-2021, 04:45 PM
History repeats itself every time because people never learn.

What most people don't get is that both Hitler and Marx were both Socialists. The govt the U.S. and a lot of the West is living under is already playing by the Marx Playbook.
Marx in a nutshell:
Marx said that there were two kinds of people on this Earth; the high and mighty but small elite known as The Bourgeoisie and the large but poor majority Proletariat that they rule over. Marx said that the Bourgeoisie would constantly be finding better and newer ways to confiscate wealth from the Proletariat through monopolies, corporate tomfoolery, etc etc and this in Marxist terminology is called Primitive Accumulation. Marx said that the best way to accelerate this is by enlarging the pool of available workers, known to Marx as the Industrial Reserve Army thus making them redundant, cheap, servile and easy to control. This is why you see Microsoft pushing for more H1B Visa workers and practically every big corporation in America (and elsewhere) pushing for more and more immigration even as unemployment skyrockets to astronomic levels. But, as the Industrial Reserve Army become bigger, Primitive Accumulation gets more and more successful thus plowing more and more of the Proletarian wealth into Bourgeoisie pockets, it leads to a bigger and bigger ever growing chasm between the rich and the poor. This in Marxist terminology is known as the Polarization Of The Classes. This is why that talentless mudshark Kartrashian sisters all own fleets of Lambos and Ferraris while some veterans are homeless and living on the street. It's a rigged game.

Well, if all goes successful under the Marx playbook, the Proletarian masses will have all their wealth Primitively Accumulated . They will be a servile, broke, easy-to-control mob Industrial Reserve Army living in shanty towns, favelas, slums and ghettos and Polarized By Class .

Now what? All the wealth is now in the Federal Reserve, on a corporate balance sheet, in the hands of private equity, hedge funds, investment banks etc etc and practically none of it is in the hands of the Proletariat who need it to pay rent, buy food and just plain live a life. This what is known to Marxists as Creative Destruction. And, in the modern Marxist lexicon as The Schumpeter's Gale (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_destruction#:~:text=Creative%20destructio n%20(German%3A%20sch%C3%B6pferische%20Zerst%C3%B6r ung,a%20theory%20of%20economic%20innovation).

After The Schumpeter's Gale/Creative Destruction has completely destroyed society by annihilating all of the wealth, now they are free to do with you whatever they want. Take your guns, destroy your religious beliefs and completely destroy all cultural/societal/historical/religious norms, in other words, to create a Year Zero. After the Year Zero, they will then have to totally redesign society from the ground up- or as Mao called it The Great Leap Forward.

Hey, wait a minute. The Great Reset? Or is it Creative Destruction?
Build Back Better? Or is it The Great Leap Forward? Their stories are old and poorly told.

We pretty much already live under a Marxist State, just not a fully actualized one.. Yet.

07-05-2021, 08:50 PM
I like PJ Watson's commentary on this subject. He always hits the nail on the head.


07-05-2021, 10:40 PM
As a Constitutionalist Libertarian, it is not my business or problem what sized firecracker a person wants to blow his/ her hand off with. Don't throw it at me, my family or friends and we won't have a problem. Their self destruction is their choice and I don't care if they die happy of AIDS or anything else as long as I don't get stuck with the bill or any other aftermath.

I understand what you mean and feel the same about the opposite sex in the locker room but I also don't want anyone of any same sex looking at me in the men's locker room. In boot camp, we had just such an individual. Open bay showers are in boot camp for three reasons - cost, ability to quickly and thoroughly clean/sanitize and to prevent folks from hiding any weird shit behind shower dividers. Open bays are not there for meat gazers to stare at other guys. Man rules dictate that you stare straight ahead or make eye contact only if absolutely necessary. In those days, it meant that the individual that I mentioned took a quick trip down the stairs from the third deck to the first deck in a laundry bag. He was soon sent home after this incident.

Admiral Boorda told us that "Practicing homosexuals have no business in the military because it is prejudicial to good order and discipline." He said those words to us at Station Quarters one day during a visit to NASNOLA just prior to his unfortunate Arkanside. I don't think Hillary was impressed by his policy anymore than the lisping sailor that asked the question which prompted that response.

Yeah, I've read about this sick fuck. The thing that gets me, is that short of 50 cent mother/daughter street-corner blowjob teams, everything that happened in the Wiemar Republic in those days is happening today in America. Hell, it's happening worldwide. History repeats itself every time because people never learn.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-GGMucqH_ktk%2FXMFn1Ex-WLI%2FAAAAAAALBUM%2Fk9AMLvTQGgshFtCNaofMqxqfs01ta2 2HACLcBGAs%2Fs1600%2F1556154664425fhgfghfhgfhgf.jp g&f=1&nofb=1

I had the same thing happen to us the first time I was stationed in Nude Orleans. I was simply trying to take Mrs. T to a concert and had never heard of the "Southern Decadence" festival. People were literally having orgies in the streets and the cops did and still do nothing.

Word to the wise, if you ever must visit this cesspool, don't bring your kids during SD fest, carnival season or any other party weekend unless they are adults and have a strong stomach (and a CCW, of course). And FFS, DO NOT go north of Saint Ann Street! You will see some sick shit happening openly that most folks likely have never heard goes on in private. This, on top of the regular monkeyshines, makes this place the bowels of hell on Earth.

Better yet, just don't come. There is a reason I never leave the safety of the 'burbs unless I have to.

The caption of that picture is hilarious and so true...
Also, "Nude Orleans" :lol I hadn't heard that one before. A long time ago, I was curious about visiting the French Quarter and eating some beignets and real Cajun food. I also met a nice handsome Cajun man from Louisiana and so visiting N.O. was on my list of things to do. This was a long time ago, though. However, since "Nude Orleans" is apparently overrun with niggers and crime with the white population shrinking and Baton Rouge and other cities aren't much better, I don't know if I still want to visit.

I also don't care for mardi gras and all that debauchery. It's really not my thing. I don't get why adults don't just keep their kinky stuff behind closed doors. Now it's not enough to do it in public. Now it's bring the kids along too.
It's really too bad.

Liberals ruin everything, see?

07-10-2021, 01:20 AM
Try skoliosexual, pansexual, allosexual, homoflexible, sapiosexual, etc etc etc, ad nauseum.

All utter BS, of course. I don't know what they mean but used them all when I wrote a funny story for a friend when we became too exasperated with the Clown World in which we find ourselves. Much healthier to laugh at these twerps trying to outdo each other with the complexity of their made-up "orientations".

I don't know the others, and I don't want to know what they mean, but I unfortunately know "pansexual" because the new Lando Calrissian said that it muh dikks anything. It looks like a real word but wasn't, until Freud and other perverts made it up.

The reality is worse than the "What is your rapper name" jokes. Even the real Greek/Latin/French prefixes are used meaninglessly about copulation/muh dikk. Someone familiar with classical prefixes and suffixes couldn't tell what "demisexual" means by looking at the word, but could instantly tell what "homonym" or "geology" or "phonetics" means.

Jim Crow
07-10-2021, 04:39 AM
Liberal supporters are so misinformed and brainwashed that they don’t even know what the fuck they voted for!

07-10-2021, 01:40 PM
There was a sicko 'sexologist' named Magnus Hirschfeld who died in 1935 who did the same thing. He even performed 'surgeries' for trannies way back then. I can only imagine the hideously mangled monstrosities he probably created.

True! Not to forget their companion from the "Frankfurter Schule", Siegmund Freud, who, together with the other Marxist idiots created all that mess we are living in today.

By the way: I had some very strage network problems the whole week, so could not log in here last week. So, albeit the delay, I hope you all had a nice independence day!

07-10-2021, 01:45 PM
That SF festival some of you are referring to is called the Folsom Street Fair. A few years ago, I was visiting SF for a week and imagine my surprise when I was walking around and ran into this "street fair". There were gays everywhere wearing leather, lots of nudity, BDSM themed things, dildoes, etc. I was like "WTF is going on? What is this?" Apparently I visited the wrong weekend.

From their website (https://www.folsomstreet.org/): "Folsom Street is committed to cultivating a safe, open, and inclusive environment for the kink, leather, and alternative sexuality communities while centering equity for BIPOC and LGBTQA2I+ people in our work.". Disgusting. So now sex is mixed with nigger DEI bullshit on top of the other debauchery they promote. Also, what are those letters after LGBTQ? They keep tacking on letters.
Also: "Black Lives Matter, Sex work is work, The body is not an apology".... wut?

Yes, that is probably the festival I meant! When I saw that on TV, I had a job in Las Vegas in late summer, so that could match. That whole thing seems to be even more disgusting than I supposed it to be! Just googled it, the pictures made me puke! Why on earth are people allowed to do these kinds of things on the streets?! They could just rent some stadium, or some other closed buildings!

07-10-2021, 02:00 PM
What most people don't get is that both Hitler and Marx were both Socialists. The govt the U.S. and a lot of the West is living under is already playing by the Marx Playbook.
Marx in a nutshell:
Marx said that there were two kinds of people on this Earth; the high and mighty but small elite known as The Bourgeoisie and the large but poor majority Proletariat that they rule over. Marx said that the Bourgeoisie would constantly be finding better and newer ways to confiscate wealth from the Proletariat through monopolies, corporate tomfoolery, etc etc and this in Marxist terminology is called Primitive Accumulation. Marx said that the best way to accelerate this is by enlarging the pool of available workers, known to Marx as the Industrial Reserve Army thus making them redundant, cheap, servile and easy to control. This is why you see Microsoft pushing for more H1B Visa workers and practically every big corporation in America (and elsewhere) pushing for more and more immigration even as unemployment skyrockets to astronomic levels. But, as the Industrial Reserve Army become bigger, Primitive Accumulation gets more and more successful thus plowing more and more of the Proletarian wealth into Bourgeoisie pockets, it leads to a bigger and bigger ever growing chasm between the rich and the poor. This in Marxist terminology is known as the Polarization Of The Classes. This is why that talentless mudshark Kartrashian sisters all own fleets of Lambos and Ferraris while some veterans are homeless and living on the street. It's a rigged game.

Well, if all goes successful under the Marx playbook, the Proletarian masses will have all their wealth Primitively Accumulated . They will be a servile, broke, easy-to-control mob Industrial Reserve Army living in shanty towns, favelas, slums and ghettos and Polarized By Class .

Now what? All the wealth is now in the Federal Reserve, on a corporate balance sheet, in the hands of private equity, hedge funds, investment banks etc etc and practically none of it is in the hands of the Proletariat who need it to pay rent, buy food and just plain live a life. This what is known to Marxists as Creative Destruction. And, in the modern Marxist lexicon as The Schumpeter's Gale (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_destruction#:~:text=Creative%20destructio n%20(German%3A%20sch%C3%B6pferische%20Zerst%C3%B6r ung,a%20theory%20of%20economic%20innovation).

After The Schumpeter's Gale/Creative Destruction has completely destroyed society by annihilating all of the wealth, now they are free to do with you whatever they want. Take your guns, destroy your religious beliefs and completely destroy all cultural/societal/historical/religious norms, in other words, to create a Year Zero. After the Year Zero, they will then have to totally redesign society from the ground up- or as Mao called it The Great Leap Forward.

Hey, wait a minute. The Great Reset? Or is it Creative Destruction?
Build Back Better? Or is it The Great Leap Forward? Their stories are old and poorly told.

We pretty much already live under a Marxist State, just not a fully actualized one.. Yet.

EXACTLY!!! Everything you say is absolutely correct! Most people just don't realize, and media actively tries to hide that the Nazis were Marxists. Most people don't know as well that the NSDAP was some sort of 'casted' by the then influential industrial families and the brits to provide a stronghold against Stalinist Russia, I just don't know if affairs then just went wrong, or if it went as planned. Luckily all of the newspapers, books etc. of that time are on paper, so the left can't cancel them (and many of them don't know things like books "on paper" exist :)).Sadly I don't speak Russian, because Putin opened the archives last year, I would love to be able to dig into these documents.
The whole gender nonsense as well as the mass immigration is just implemented to destroy & disunite the population, so that the world socialism can be implemented without people objecting, because they are busy in fighting each other.

SC Anemia
07-10-2021, 03:03 PM
In boot camp, we had just such an individual. Open bay showers are in boot camp for three reasons - cost, ability to quickly and thoroughly clean/sanitize and to prevent folks from hiding any weird shit behind shower dividers. Open bays are not there for meat gazers to stare at other guys. Man rules dictate that you stare straight ahead or make eye contact only if absolutely necessary. In those days, it meant that the individual that I mentioned took a quick trip down the stairs from the third deck to the first deck in a laundry bag. He was soon sent home after this incident.

You've got me cracking up reading this as I remember those days all too well. Having been through HS in the early 70's, the showers didn't bug me much as we had the same set-up in the boys locker room.
It was the crappers in the head that bothered me. Exactly like the scene in Full Metal Jacket. Just two rows of toilets, no doors, no partitions, nothing. It's all about efficiency and practicality. Modesty got left behind at the recruiting office.

You'd be surprised at how much focus you can direct at NOT focusing on anything at all. Man rules.

animal mother
07-10-2021, 04:08 PM
You've got me cracking up reading this as I remember those days all too well. Having been through HS in the early 70's, the showers didn't bug me much as we had the same set-up in the boys locker room.
It was the crappers in the head that bothered me. Exactly like the scene in Full Metal Jacket. Just two rows of toilets, no doors, no partitions, nothing. It's all about efficiency and practicality. Modesty got left behind at the recruiting office.

You'd be surprised at how much focus you can direct at NOT focusing on anything at all. Man rules.
I served in the late 60’s as well and if anyone back then had a shred of modesty it quickly vanished during basic training. Our shitter didn’t even have commodes, just a wooden row of boxes kind of like in an outhouse but 8 across. I remember sitting down while laying cable and having a conversation with the grunt next to me. These barracks were built pre WWI and I suspect General Pershing may have taken a dump at this place. Any meat gazers were quickly booted out with a general discharge back in those days as they should be today.

07-10-2021, 04:23 PM
From their website (https://www.folsomstreet.org/): "Folsom Street is committed to cultivating a safe, open, and inclusive environment for the kink, leather, and alternative sexuality communities while centering equity for BIPOC and LGBTQA2I+ people in our work.". Disgusting. So now sex is mixed with nigger DEI bullshit on top of the other debauchery they promote. Also, what are those letters after LGBTQ? They keep tacking on letters.

Aren't there objections from the other 50 classes of perverts that they don't get a letter in there?

07-10-2021, 05:04 PM
Aren't there objections from the other 50 classes of perverts that they don't get a letter in there?

What are they going to do once they run out of letters? Add the Greek alphabet?

07-10-2021, 05:41 PM
What are they going to do once they run out of letters? Add the Greek alphabet?
Probably they will start to use the Chinese alphabet, since the Greek alphabet would only add 24 letters. Besides, the snowflakes tend to communicate in "emojis" so letters in general seem to be to complicated for them. So perhaps we will see muhdicking emojis in the future. (Side note: They start to use these incomprehensible "emoji only" mails even at work, did anyone else notice that too?)

07-30-2024, 01:54 AM
...people openly perform sexual acts on the street in SF (talking about that strange "street fair", I don't know the name...Westernwide, these yearly events are known as Chrisopher Street Day.
One enterprising woman has found a way of tapping their expendable income, through printing unwanted dick pics posted on her dating site account onto various souvenir-type objects such as onto bottle openers, nut crackers, meat grinders etc... Thereafter, peddling these at CSD parades. I'm hoping, these perverts' mugs are also attached:


...That's why Soledad turned her bitter dating fate into her own business. She has the images sent printed - on the back of pocket mirrors, as a ring, magnet, bottle opener or even a key ring. But there is also a certain message behind it. “Women who complain about dick pics are laughed at or not taken seriously,” criticized the businesswoman. That shouldn't be the case...

...That's why Soledad turned her bitter dating fate into her own business. She has the images sent printed - on the back of pocket mirrors, as a ring, magnet, bottle opener or even a key ring. But there is also a certain message behind it. “Women who complain about dick pics are laughed at or not taken seriously,” criticized the businesswoman. That shouldn't be the case...


Jim Crow
07-30-2024, 07:35 AM
That’s Kamala’s state! It created most of those fucked up laws while it was sucking off Willie Brown! And those are the kinds of laws you should be expecting if Kamala should ever get cheated in!

07-31-2024, 04:56 AM
What are they going to do once they run out of letters? Add the Greek alphabet?Hyrogliphics would be most fitting

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.ifunny.co%2Fimages%2Fc7dce8cb 0776135c2e500f272aea824d4421d307aed706b54ae3af7589 e71ecc_1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=62e6d3054d5b51b9830e0713d814175f61d256e4ffa788 d50554615b86696da4&ipo=images

Jim Crow
07-31-2024, 08:10 AM
Liberal politicians, love, ignorant, stupid uneducated voters that believe everything that the Liberal media tells them. Liberal sheep are so brainwashed, that they have no clue about what they’re really voting for.

07-31-2024, 11:46 AM
Liberal politicians, love, ignorant, stupid uneducated voters that believe everything that the Liberal media tells them. Liberal sheep are so brainwashed, that they have no clue about what they’re really voting for.

HL Mencken wrote:

All of us, if we are of reflective habit, like and admire men whose fundamental beliefs differ radically from our own. But when a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or count himself lost. ... All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

Bayard vs. Lionheart, The Evening Sun, Baltimore (26 July 1920)

He wrote a lot of other great stuff, as if he had a crystal ball to our future: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/H._L._Mencken

08-01-2024, 08:59 AM
Mencken is a hero of mine. He understood over 100 years ago that journalists are swine. Here are a few more quotes:

"Socialism is the theory that the desire of one man to get something he hasn't got is more pleasing to a just God than the desire of some other man to keep what he has got."

"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos."

"It is positively dreadful to think that the young of the American species are exposed day in and day out to the contamination of such dark minds. What can be expected of education that is carried on in the very sewers of the intellect? How can morons teach anything that is worth knowing?"

There is much much more, he's worth looking up.