View Full Version : Giuliani The Hero

Keep Britain White
06-26-2021, 08:39 AM
Just take a look at this....


The court in New York claims “This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and of our current president, Joseph R. Biden.”
Simple solution, isn't there? A proper audit of the election should settle it!

Despite all this, I do believe the truth will come out. America isn't going under that easy.

06-26-2021, 12:25 PM
This is just another tactic from the left. Target lawyers so there can be no representation for those who do not line up on the left. You can see all the pieces in play here and it really is scary how those retards on the left don't think it is going to lead to them losing all their rights once we are no longer able to defend them. Next will come the camps. The future is dim.

06-27-2021, 12:59 PM
This is just another tactic from the left. Target lawyers so there can be no representation for those who do not line up on the left. You can see all the pieces in play here and it really is scary how those retards on the left don't think it is going to lead to them losing all their rights once we are no longer able to defend them. Next will come the camps. The future is dim.
Exactly! That's the thing conservatives don't realize: The left never plays by the rules, they are just criminals. Laws, rules and fairness are not a concept the lefts understand, their goal is (just like mudslimes), to conquer and rule.

06-27-2021, 05:40 PM
The true American Patriots will breakout their guns way before that happens, and it is closer to happening than you think it is.

Tru Dat!! Molon Labe, marxists!!

06-27-2021, 06:08 PM
Giuliani lied? Where was the guilty verdict on this, let alone indictment and charges?

Zero due process once again. Just like with all the others on Trump's team, they're railroaded in court, or they're punished extra-judicially.

Jim Crow
06-27-2021, 10:00 PM
The true American Patriots will breakout their guns way before that happens, and it is closer to happening than you think it is.

And after we whoop their ass,I wonder if they will realize it could have been avoided.As,it is all the left’s doing.
The way I see it. “If the Liberals wanted peace, we’d have peace. If the conservatives wanted war, we’d have no more liberals!”

06-28-2021, 04:49 PM
And after we whoop their ass,I wonder if they will realize it could have been avoided.
They won't realize. They will blame everyone else, as they always do! The standard answer of liberals/marxists/socialists is always the same if you ask them why socialism failed every time (Soviet Union, Germany, Venezuela, Cuba ...): Not the concept of Marxism is defective, but "it wasn't done right" (Reminds me of "You are holding it wrong" :)). Just read the left wing publications, it's their standard answer if you point out that socialism always lead to suppression, mass murder and starvation. "It was done wrong", or "It was done with the wrong people" etc. They are unwilling to learn!

Jim Crow
06-28-2021, 09:13 PM
They won't realize. They will blame everyone else, as they always do! The standard answer of liberals/marxists/socialists is always the same if you ask them why socialism failed every time (Soviet Union, Germany, Venezuela, Cuba ...): Not the concept of Marxism is defective, but "it wasn't done right" (Reminds me of "You are holding it wrong" :)). Just read the left wing publications, it's their standard answer if you point out that socialism always lead to suppression, mass murder and starvation. "It was done wrong", or "It was done with the wrong people" etc. They are unwilling to learn!

You keep whipping their ass again and again until they do realize it.
My ex brother-in-law was like that. He finally learned after the third or fourth trip to the hospital from my dad and I.

06-29-2021, 04:18 PM
You keep whipping their ass again and again until they do realize it.
My ex brother-in-law was like that. He finally learned after the third or fourth trip to the hospital from my dad and I.

Sir, you are a honourable man!

Jim Crow
06-29-2021, 04:22 PM
Sir, you are a honourable man!

I wouldn’t say that.I just wholeheartedly hate niggers,libturds and my sister’s wife beater ex husband.