View Full Version : Minnesota No Longer Separating Incarcerated Sows From Their Shitlings

Ray Cizzums
06-26-2021, 12:47 AM
Caged buffarillas, ratchets and sheboons will no longer be separated from their tar papoose
when residing at Nigger U, in the state of Minnesota.

"Thanks to the efforts of Raelene Baker, a doula in the Minnesota prison systems, this practice is on the way out."

"This is not the first time doulas in Minnesota have advocated for the rights of incarcerated, pregnant mothers.
In 2010, they began providing free birth coaches for inmates. In 2014, the legislature abolished the practice of handcuffing pregnant women to the hospital bed before and after delivery."

I don't know, nor do I care, WTF "doulas" are - I just want them deported to Africa. Take a good look
at the pic in the article - all sheboons, minus their ridiculous weaves and wigs.

06-26-2021, 01:23 AM
Caged buffarillas, ratchets and sheboons will no longer be separated from their tar papoose
when residing at Nigger U, in the state of Minnesota.

"Thanks to the efforts of Raelene Baker, a doula in the Minnesota prison systems, this practice is on the way out."

"This is not the first time doulas in Minnesota have advocated for the rights of incarcerated, pregnant mothers.
In 2010, they began providing free birth coaches for inmates. In 2014, the legislature abolished the practice of handcuffing pregnant women to the hospital bed before and after delivery."

I don't know, nor do I care, WTF "doulas" are - I just want them deported to Africa. Take a good look
at the pic in the article - all sheboons, minus their ridiculous weaves and wigs.

Fine. Treat the criminal sows like an endangered species in a zoo. Let them shit out their niglets and keep them (imagine the abuse the sprogs are in for) BUT in return, they have to agree to be spayed.

Many incarcerated individuals have to contend with physical, emotional and psychological abuse, as well as cruel and unusual punishment

I have a simple solution: If niggers feel they might not be sufficently coddled and singled out for special privilges in NU - stop committing crimes, you goddam savages! There. Problem solved.

In 2010, they began providing free birth coaches for inmates.
NOt "Free". YOU are paying for someone to help a nigger drop a niglet. As if they need help. They shit them out in a few minutes, everywhere and anywhere then usually toss the sprog in the nearest dumpster, walk away, and find another buck to knock them up. Disgusting, over-sexed, dirty creatures.

I found the Doula. She looks like a Viking, yet has an affinity for violent sows squeezing out yet more little felons and hoes and being happy about it.


Rastus Nigger
06-26-2021, 01:46 AM
Ship the criminigger sows and their sprogs back to Apefrica as freight and be done with them. Actually every incarcerated nigger should be stuffed into shipping containers and sent back to where they belong while still breathing.

Ray Cizzums
06-26-2021, 01:51 AM
She looks like a typical woketurd / feminist dope. She is no doubt outraged that fugly sows have to be locked up.
I don't think she'd appreciate Ole' Doc Cizzums approach to negro reproductive treatment and "chile birf" -
a size 14 boot to the ute, and a three point jump shot into the nearest dumpster.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-26-2021, 10:25 AM
This could be a good idea if the niglet has to stay in prison with the sow. It will eventually end up there anyways.

Rastus Nigger
06-26-2021, 10:31 AM
Nature at work: Nigger lives beginning then ending in NU.

SC Anemia
06-26-2021, 11:29 AM
Oh this is fuckin brilliant! Just wait till the butt-dumplings become jail currency. Personally I have no idea how much Top-Ramen, how many contraband Newport's or bags of Cheesy Puffs a niglet goes for but I believe we're fixin' to find out.


06-26-2021, 01:18 PM
Ship the criminigger sows and their sprogs back to Apefrica as freight and be done with them. Actually every incarcerated nigger should be stuffed into shipping containers and sent back to where they belong while still breathing.

I really think the unrealized wishes of Abraham Lincoln should finally be honored by sending all the niggers to Liberia. Let's see how they like the prisons over there. They would really have something to bitch and squawk about.

I just bet there aren't any bleeding heart advocates, free birthing classes, or frickin' doulas there.


Ray Cizzums
06-26-2021, 01:25 PM
I just bet there aren't any bleeding heart advocates, free birthing classes, or frickin' doulas there.

I'd love it if "Doula" Raelene Baker got locked in that cellblock for a couple of weeks.
A before and after pic would say it all.
That link has contact info, in case the Liberian prison authorities need her expertise.

Magic Nigger Rashad
06-27-2021, 06:37 AM
Those piles of excrement, bucks and sows have it better than soldiers in many conditions. I tried to enlighten one complaining about this and they told me: "you chose that" the fucking irony. Yes prison is something you hope to survive and never return to in countries that sprout garbage like niggers. In my experience they sit around watching cable television all day, get access to mail, have showers when they want, get all the junk food from commissary that people can buy outside, have air conditioning, and they get visits with their sugar daddies/momma's is they is good. All on your tax dollars. They also get they feelings protected. I received nine months probation for "mistreating" two buck sows because I told them to swing the broom they were holding so I could crack their heads open on the floor. I would have been separated if I told them they were the nigger filth they are. Needless to say they coddle these fucks and it's not just in libtard places, it's as far south as Texas.

Rastus Nigger
06-28-2021, 06:09 PM
I have a much better solution. It works every damn time.


It's also reusable several times which makes it eco-friendly. The windchime .gif from the original site needs to be brought back.

06-28-2021, 06:19 PM
Well, the nigglets will end at NU sooner or later anyway, so that's only a shortcut. With a little luck the sheboons will prepare a few ghetto lobsters as well if they don't get enough fried chicken at NU.

06-28-2021, 07:22 PM
literally had myself in 3 states recently. I was standing where MN, SD and IA all meet. I literally pissed in MN and crossed back into Trumpville !

06-28-2021, 07:40 PM
In 2014, the legislature abolished the practice of handcuffing pregnant women to the hospital bed before and after delivery."

Not sure what the problem is. I found video of a sow giving birff. It seems the zookeepers simply have the snigglet's best interest at heart. If you don't chain them down, sometimes the sow will inadvertently step on the newboawed babeez. The chains are there to stop it from happening.

Oh well, let them stomp them if they wish, then!


Ray Cizzums
06-28-2021, 08:36 PM
Not sure what the problem is. I found video of a sow giving birff. It seems the zookeepers simply have the snigglet's best interest at heart. If you don't chain them down, sometimes the sow will inadvertently step on the newboawed babeez. The chains are there to stop it from happening.
Oh well, let them stomp them if they wish, then!
Wow, I didn't know that Stacey Abrams had chilluns. She was probably snacking while this video was shot.


Midder Peenud Hayed
07-06-2021, 07:54 PM
Minnesota No Longer Separating Incarcerated Sows From Their Shitlings

Good! More niglets will end up good as a result!

07-06-2021, 08:28 PM
Why are niggers so oversexed? At least other animals have mating seasons. What's wrong with niggers that they are so sex crazed all the time?

07-06-2021, 08:41 PM
Will the sows have sex with their butt dumplings?

07-06-2021, 09:30 PM
Why are niggers so oversexed? At least other animals have mating seasons. What's wrong with niggers that they are so sex crazed all the time?

That's what I don't understand. I actually think the sows - always in heat - are even more hypersexual and filthy than are the bucks. It seems to be all they think about, along with sucking the taxpayers dry and doing drugs. What a disgusting species.

07-13-2021, 08:19 AM
Why are niggers so oversexed? At least other animals have mating seasons. What's wrong with niggers that they are so sex crazed all the time?

There's the old joke, but not much of a joke. Why do niggers always have muh dikk on their minds? Because they have pubes on their heads!