View Full Version : Kenosha City Council Unanimously Votes Not To Pay Jacob Blake For His Shooting

SC Anemia
06-25-2021, 09:36 PM
The Kenosha City Council voted 17-0 on Monday night to reject a $50,000 damages claim by 29-year-old Jacob Blake for his officer-involved shooting in August of 2020.

A claim filed by Blake’s Chicago-based legal team at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. on March 11 sought to recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, and “pain and suffering and disfigurement,” the Kenosha News reported.

Doesnt mean this hood rat won't get new rims for his wheelchair, he'll just have to give up the power steering option.



06-25-2021, 09:42 PM
Doesnt mean this hood rat won't get new rims for his wheelchair, he'll just have to give up the power steering option.



"What's the difference between Kyle Rittenhouse and jacob blake?" Kyle Rittenhouse will walk!!!

Ray Cizzums
06-25-2021, 10:27 PM
Lost wages ? Okay, Nigger U. pays 50 cents an hour, but that's for prisoners that actually work,
not this shiftless negro. Work release ends when parole is violated, and would barely cover
child support gibs muhs. This retard, like most niggers, was destined to be a burden on taxpayers
from cradle to grave, and that is now guaranteed. Salute to the Kenosha city council for refusing
any further extortion attempts, by this parasitic jaboon.

06-27-2021, 10:18 PM
Lost wages ? Okay, Nigger U. pays 50 cents an hour, but that's for prisoners that actually work,
not this shiftless negro. Work release ends when parole is violated, and would barely cover
child support gibs muhs. This retard, like most niggers, was destined to be a burden on taxpayers
from cradle to grave, and that is now guaranteed. Salute to the Kenosha city council for refusing
any further extortion attempts, by this parasitic jaboon.


Jim Crow
06-27-2021, 10:25 PM
It was silly that it even had to come to a vote.Monkey shine was guilty. It got it’s just desserts and it’s lucky they didn’t roll it’s black ass into a prison where it belongs.

06-27-2021, 11:32 PM
"What's the difference between Kyle Rittenhouse and jacob blake?" Kyle Rittenhouse will walk!!!

That's sadly true. The Rittenhouse kid's going to get railroaded for defending himself against a mob. He may not have shot niggers, but Antifa will riot and burn things down if he goes free.

06-27-2021, 11:36 PM
That's sadly true. The Rittenhouse kid's going to get railroaded for defending himself against a mob. He may not have shot niggers, but Antifa will riot and burn things down if he goes free.

Tru Dat!!

07-07-2021, 01:50 AM
That's sadly true. The Rittenhouse kid's going to get railroaded for defending himself against a mob. He may not have shot niggers, but Antifa will riot and burn things down if he goes free.I predict they will convict him of the least charges and he'll be out in five tops. The Kenoshians know how those apes and libturds did $54M in damages b4 Kyle,

07-10-2021, 01:08 AM
I predict they will convict him of the least charges and he'll be out in five tops. The Kenoshians know how those apes and libturds did $54M in damages b4 Kyle,

You're probably right, and I hope you're wrong in that he winds up walking.

Rittenhouse, Chauvin, that Florida guy pushed down, there's just no justice anymore for anyone when niggers or liberals are on the other side.

07-10-2021, 05:22 PM
I am so very glad I no longer live in Koonosha. It's about time the city stop pandering to the niggers.