View Full Version : UMD Doctoral Candidate Stabbed To Death In Downtown Chicago While Trying To Prove Police Are Racist

Whitey Ford
06-24-2021, 05:14 PM
Live by the nigger, die by the nigger!
UMD Doctoral Candidate Anat Kimchi Stabbed To Death In Downtown Chicago


A Maryland doctoral student is dead after a visit to Chicago researching anti-negroid racisms. Police said 31-year-old Anat Kimchi was stabbed and killed Saturday afternoon by one of her beloved pet apes.

University of Maryland identified Kimchi as a doctoral candidate in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Kimchi was visiting Chicago over the weekend when she was attacked on Saturday afternoon. Police said she was stabbed in the back and radio transmissions among first responders reveal she may have also suffered neck injuries.

Police said Kimchi was walking along a niggerfuxxated area known as “The Loop” when someone came up from behind with a knife. She was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Was poised to become an up and coming do-gooder negro enabler in the Criminal Justice System.

Kimchi went to Charles E. Smith Day School in Montgomery County and continued to advance through her academic career to become a doctoral candidate in The University of Maryland’s Department of Criminal Justice.


Rastus Nigger
06-24-2021, 05:20 PM
Nigger lover batwinged by feral nigger? Oh the irony! :zerogiven

Ray Cizzums
06-24-2021, 05:58 PM
How many more of these "tragedies" must we endure ? Hopefully lots more.
Note to woketurds : The correct term for this is Poetic Justice, you silly cunts.

P.S. - Will this shit-for-brains-bitch be buried in a jar, with cabbage ?

Jim Crow
06-24-2021, 06:26 PM
Sad to see a human get killed by a beast. But that’s what happens when you try to help a vile savage beast.Niggers are loyal to no one.

06-24-2021, 10:54 PM
How many more of these "tragedies" must we endure ? Hopefully lots more.
Note to woketurds : The correct term for this is Poetic Justice, you silly cunts.

P.S. - Will this shit-for-brains-bitch be buried in a jar, with cabbage ?

Poetic Justice is a Tupac nigger story. I actually have seen it (not paying, of course) just to laugh at the monkeyshines. In the course of knowing more about these apes, and to further my Niggerology credentials, one must bravely be exposed to their "cultural expressions". You must know your enemy to defeat them. I was laughing and smirking in the theater when some nigger got shot.

Anat is an Indian name. Kimchi, heck, WTF. But no matter, count on the nigs to kill their own.

06-24-2021, 11:33 PM
Live by the nigger, die by the nigger!
UMD Doctoral Candidate Anat Kimchi Stabbed To Death In Downtown Chicago


Was poised to become an up and coming do-gooder negro enabler in the Criminal Justice System.


My Alma Mater!! Hey, I went there and I didn't become a libtard!! Again proof that "libtardism" is a MENTAL DISORDER!!

06-24-2021, 11:35 PM
Poetic Justice is a Tupac nigger story. I actually have seen it (not paying, of course) just to laugh at the monkeyshines. In the course of knowing more about these apes, and to further my Niggerology credentials, one must bravely be exposed to their "cultural expressions". You must know your enemy to defeat them. I was laughing and smirking in the theater when some nigger got shot.

Anat is an Indian name. Kimchi, heck, WTF. But no matter, count on the nigs to kill their own.

Her last name is a Korean food!!

06-24-2021, 11:58 PM
Maybe she wanted to soak up the local color, so to speak.

If her family is anything woke like she was, they're probably blaming white supremacy for driving niggers to crime.

Coon Club Road
06-25-2021, 11:02 AM
If only her parents had taught her to avoid the groid!!!

06-25-2021, 11:36 AM
If only her parents had taught her to avoid the groid!!!

If they did she wouldn't have received a visit from the Bat Fairy!!

Fat Abbott
06-25-2021, 06:29 PM
A Negro-Apologist gets Self-:owned...and NOTHING of Value was Lost.

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-25-2021, 08:21 PM
A Negro-Apologist gets...

What they always get when they coddle niggers? Beat up or, more likely, dead...?

I don't even have 1/10th of a fuck to give about that.

06-25-2021, 08:30 PM
Her last name is a Korean food!!

I've been laughing about this. Koreans always eat kimchi, who the hell knows how this stupid bitch got it's surname. No matter now, this is proof that karma and the universe doesn't like niggers. It's a message, you do good for them, they'll repay you with violence. Thus, anyone who feels sorry for niggers, makes them pets, burns coal will be given the right karma to balance the evil of the niggers: death.

06-25-2021, 09:27 PM
I've been laughing about this. Koreans always eat kimchi, who the hell knows how this stupid bitch got it's surname. No matter now, this is proof that karma and the universe doesn't like niggers. It's a message, you do good for them, they'll repay you with violence. Thus, anyone who feels sorry for niggers, makes them pets, burns coal will be given the right karma to balance the evil of the niggers: death.


06-27-2021, 11:58 AM

SC Anemia
06-27-2021, 02:57 PM
Her Name Is Anat Kimchi: White Female Doctoral Student (Researching Disparity in Probation Sentences) Randomly Murdered by Black Male in Chicago.


I don't even need to read the article. The headline was enough. Doctoral student and research was all I needed to know.

Then there's this:

Yes, Ms. Kimchi was dedicating her career to make it easier for black and brown to get out of probation, because obviously the criminal justice system is racist for disproportionately sentencing black and brown criminals to probation.

So before I got a twinge of conscious, I read this and felt better. So fuck you dummy, you already knew better.

06-27-2021, 03:31 PM
Her Name Is Anat Kimchi: White Female Doctoral Student (Researching Disparity in Probation Sentences) Randomly Murdered by Black Male in Chicago.


I don't even need to read the article. The headline was enough. Doctoral student and research was all I needed to know.

Then there's this:

So before I got a twinge of conscious, I read this and felt better. So fuck you dummy, you already knew better.

And she went to my Alma Mater!! Libtardism is a MENTAL DISORDER!! And deadly!!!!!!!!

Cat fur allergic
06-27-2021, 05:00 PM
Nobody beats mother nature and darwin.

06-27-2021, 05:38 PM
Nobody beats mother nature and darwin.

Tru Dat!!

06-27-2021, 05:40 PM

SC Anemia
06-27-2021, 05:58 PM
Police said Kimchi was walking along a niggerfuxxated area known as “The Loop"

WUT? The Loop? Everyone within a 100 mile radius knows better. I wouldn't drive through The Loop in an MRAP. This imbecile was a doctoral candidate and couldn't read a map?

06-27-2021, 06:03 PM
WUT? The Loop? Everyone within a 100 mile radius knows better. I wouldn't drive through The Loop in an MRAP. This imbecile was a doctoral candidate and couldn't read a map?

She probably thought her SJW aura was so obvious, she was Danielle in the lions' den.

06-27-2021, 06:10 PM
Maybe she wanted to soak up the local color, so to speak.

All this dumb bitch had to do was watch the news and she would know that the local color was red... blood red. The sidewalk and the body bag soaked it up instead.

06-28-2021, 12:24 AM
Anat is an Indian name. Kimchi, heck, WTF. But no matter, count on the nigs to kill their own.The stupid libhoe thought of herself as a wamen of color which means the jigs would see her as a fellow POC and she'd be their sistuh.

06-28-2021, 12:50 AM
The stupid libhoe thought of herself as a wamen of color which means the jigs would see her as a fellow POC and she'd be their sistuh.

That's right, this dumb broad thought it can appeal to niggers' reasoning, when there's none to begin with. They commit crime at non-human levels, because they are not human. To think you can help them, or change them, is pure lunacy.

We here know it's not about skin tone color, it's DNA. Nigger DNA is ugly faces, ugly bodies. This dead nigger lover was born a human, yet wanted to associate with animals. No sympathy here, I'm sure she'll see many of her beloved pets in hell.

AR Patriot
06-28-2021, 10:05 AM
Sad to see a human get killed by a beast. But that’s what happens when you try to help a vile savage beast.Niggers are loyal to no one.

I'm torn on this. My normal instinct is outrage when "humans" get killed like this. But really not in these cases. Wiping out whites (or close-to-white…whatever she is) who are steeped in this multicultural horse shit does improve the white gene pool AND these murders serve as examples to other persuadable whites that the ghettoes are f'ing dangerous and ought to be cleared out with some massive back-to-Africa revival.

06-28-2021, 12:58 PM
Who did she think she was - Jane Goodall? Proof positive that walking city streets in a nigger-infested area is much more dangerous than being in the jungle with actual chimpanzees.

Here she was, strolling along, thinking, "See, all you white supremacist racist meanies! The darkies are harmless, wonderful human beings and -OWW!"

That so many libtarded, delusional do-gooders are murdered by the niggers they love is irony that never gets old.

The only surprising thing is that she wasn't muh dikked first.

SC Anemia
06-28-2021, 01:15 PM
The only surprising thing is that she wasn't muh dikked first.

Says who? It wasn't mentioned but it wasn't discounted either. I bet the monkey who dispatched this twit likely did.

06-28-2021, 04:13 PM
Who did she think she was - Jane Goodall?

More like Dian Fossey, who as I recall was murdered (and probably muh dikked first) by the niggers she wasn't careful enough with.

06-28-2021, 05:10 PM
More like Dian Fossey, who as I recall was murdered (and probably muh dikked first) by the niggers she wasn't careful enough with.

Yep. You can spend a lifetime among primates likes chimps and gorillas and be unharmed. Niggers, who are lower on the evolutionary scale? Your days are numbered.

06-28-2021, 05:11 PM
Says who? It wasn't mentioned but it wasn't discounted either. I bet the monkey who dispatched this twit likely did.

True. We've seen that niggers have no inhibitions about committing rape on a city street in broad daylight.

06-28-2021, 06:05 PM
I will never understand what's wrong with these young white girls who are into liberal nonsense. And why on earth didn't her parents teach her to avoid the groid?! They surely know, everybody knows!

Ray Cizzums
06-28-2021, 06:26 PM
Says who? It wasn't mentioned but it wasn't discounted either. I bet the monkey who dispatched this twit likely did.

Agreed. It's common for the police to leave out the muh dikk motive, where the funky negro is concerned.
That niggerfaggot that kidnapped Cash Gernon, then went back for his twin brother, was no doubt a homosexual
child rapist, who targeted white boys. The cops are complicit with the fake news cocksuckers, in covering up the
depraved predations of the wild negro. They are then undercharged by woketurd DA's, and turned loose when
no one is looking.