View Full Version : Nigger Supremacy at work: Nigger coddling in Portland - no traffic stops any more

06-24-2021, 04:13 PM
As we all know, almost every nigger has an open warrant. As we know as well, they a) can't drive, b) drive either the crappiest hoopties, or the 'blingiest', most obnoxious ones, and c) they exclusively drive when under influence.
So many of them luckily get caught at traffic stops to be escorted into NU. That beeeezzzzz racissssss, of course. So what does the black supremacist wigger mayor (Ted Wheeler) of Portland? Forbid policing of niggers in cars!
Official reason, you probably guessed it:

“The goal of these two changes is to make our safety safer and more equitable,” Wheeler said.


Rastus Nigger
06-24-2021, 04:18 PM
Solution: Remove all humans from Portland then use the area as a bomb testing site. I have no clue what shit the communists have on the nigger lover Portland Mayor but I suspect it involves pedophilia.

06-24-2021, 04:18 PM
I wonder how much police unions don't mind this, because it protects them from niggers chimping out during stops.

06-24-2021, 04:20 PM
Solution: Remove all humans from Portland then use the area as a bomb testing site.


06-24-2021, 04:37 PM
I wonder how much police unions don't mind this, because it protects them from niggers chimping out during stops.

Yep, that'll save some human police officers lifes!

06-24-2021, 11:01 PM
As we all know, almost every nigger has an open warrant. As we know as well, they a) can't drive, b) drive either the crappiest hoopties, or the 'blingiest', most obnoxious ones, and c) they exclusively drive when under influence.
So many of them luckily get caught at traffic stops to be escorted into NU. That beeeezzzzz racissssss, of course. So what does the black supremacist wigger mayor (Ted Wheeler) of Portland? Forbid policing of niggers in cars!
Official reason, you probably guessed it:


More PROOF that "libtardism" is a MENTAL DISORDER!!

06-26-2021, 12:29 PM
So the solution to nigger crime is not to punish nigger crime so more niggers can get away with crime. Next up, alcohol related fatalities up 7000%. Alcohol is racist because it effects niggers more. Need to spend a few trillion to invent colt45 that gets you drunk but lets you not be drunk so you can drink more.

06-27-2021, 06:04 PM
Solution: Remove all humans from Portland then use the area as a bomb testing site. I have no clue what shit the communists have on the nigger lover Portland Mayor but I suspect it involves pedophilia.
