View Full Version : Who killed mar'n lucifer kang?

06-24-2021, 02:51 AM
Who really issued batwings for mar'n lucifer kang? (or march'n loot'n koon, or whatever is your favorite one )

Even the kang fabily believes James Earl Ray did not step on their cockroach. ( You can only assassinate important humans, not roaches. )

I came across this old article. It's a good read.


06-24-2021, 11:02 AM
When I see that "famous" photo, all I see are three missed targets.

Until her own death in 2006, Coretta Scott King, who endured the FBI’s campaign to discredit her husband

The nigger "discredited" itself. Plagiarism, beating hoes on top of regular muh dikk, probably DL muh dikk, and no doubt a lot of drugs behind it all.

Coon Club Road
06-25-2021, 07:46 PM
Perfect example of another criminal nigger who over time got a national holiday, statues all over creation, as well as hailed as a civil rights hero.

Curious George Fentanyl Floyd just got fast tracked!

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-25-2021, 09:03 PM
My money is on a stray bullet fired by a hunter shooting at game that found a nigger instead.

I have no doubt that JER knew the truth about niggers just like pretty much every Human southerner at the time, but doubt that he would have put himself in such jeopardy over some uppity coon that was likely to be greased by another nigger at some point anyway [see: "Malcolm X"].

If Ray was the assassin, then he was a piece of shit that sent the anti-Negro cause back decades. The same is true for retards like Dylann Roof... Freeing Humanity from the nigger scourge will take centuries, and is not helped along by generating more sympathy for the ugly destructive parasites among the otherwise uninformed Human populace.

06-25-2021, 09:49 PM
The same people who put the monkey on the national stage were the exact same ones that decided when he was done. Marchin' Lecherous Kang was about to be exposed as a whore-monger, a liar, a plagiarist, a communist, a woman beater and a complete fraud.

It was decided that MLK was worth more to the cause of the destruction of our nation dead than he was alive. As a disgraced fallen "civil rights leader," he would have set the movement back. As a martyr, he would be worshiped for years. This is why the FBI files have been permanently sealed.

This is why JER sat rotting in prison for years. He was a patsy.

Like JFK, we will never truly know the whole truth about what happened.