View Full Version : Traffic and rules are racist!

Cat fur allergic
06-22-2021, 03:27 PM
Why Black people are disproportionately dying in traffic accidents


I got a answer for you liberal cuck. They don't obey traffic rules and laws. You now how many times a nigger cut me off and thinks its my fault? they don't care!

Ray Cizzums
06-22-2021, 04:01 PM
What a mind boggling crock of absolute horseshit. Nigger drivers, and nigger pedestrians, purposely and intentionally
obstruct traffic. They like to cause problems, for the people that pay their bills. And instead of working at a place of
employment, they have their "hustles" - prosta-matooshun, dealing dope, selling "loosies", squeegee pest - all of
which take place in the street. Niggers are also in the habit of hanging around on corners, sidewalks and in the
gutter, having barbecues there, getting drunk and high - then staggering around in traffic. WTF do they expect
when that's what the negro lifestyle is all about.

06-22-2021, 07:25 PM
What a mind boggling crock of absolute horseshit. Nigger drivers, and nigger pedestrians, purposely and intentionally
obstruct traffic. They like to cause problems, for the people that pay their bills. And instead of working at a place of
employment, they have their "hustles" - prosta-matooshun, dealing dope, selling "loosies", squeegee pest - all of
which take place in the street. Niggers are also in the habit of hanging around on corners, sidewalks and in the
gutter, having barbecues there, getting drunk and high - then staggering around in traffic. WTF do they expect
when that's what the negro lifestyle is all about.
:bugeyeWe don't call them Pavement Apes for nothing!

06-22-2021, 07:44 PM

I got a answer for you liberal cuck. They don't obey traffic rules and laws. You now how many times a nigger cut me off and thinks its my fault? they don't care!

Tru Dat!! Their PRIMITIVE simian brain was NOT CONSTRUCTED for sophisticated skills like driving!!

06-22-2021, 07:45 PM
We don't call them Pavement Apes for nothing!

I've been calling them that FOREVER!!

Jim Crow
06-22-2021, 07:51 PM
Niggers are arrogant,ingnorant and have a low IQ. Those three things are a bad combination for driving. I really am happy that they are being killed on the road. I would find it amusing, as long as they stick to killing each other.But that’s the problem, they get in accidents with innocent human drivers. I really think niggers should not be allowed to drive.They can’t even ride a fucking bike or walk across the fucking street without causing an accident.A worthless species of baboon/beast that does nothing but cause havoc and destruction.

Ray Cizzums
06-22-2021, 08:21 PM
They can’t even ride a fucking bike or walk across the fucking street without causing an accident.A worthless species of baboon/beast that does nothing but cause havoc and destruction.
My brother was sitting at red light, when a nigger landed with a thud in front of his car. He looked up, expecting to see the tree he fell out of, but there was none. A limo had been heading up behind him, and the jig stepped out between two parked vehicles, sending him 10' in the air. He landed like a lawn dart, more or less unhurt, because his head broke his fall. It turned out bro knew the limo driver's kid, so he told the cop he saw the whole thing - nigger's fault, all the way. His shyster begged him to change his account. Not happening, negro. That limo driver was our go-to guy for years after that.

Jim Crow
06-22-2021, 08:28 PM
My brother was sitting at red light, when a nigger landed with a thud in front of his car. He looked up, expecting to see the tree he fell out of, but there was none. A limo had been heading up behind him, and the jig stepped out between two parked vehicles, sending him 10' in the air. He landed like a lawn dart, more or less unhurt, because his head broke his fall. It turned out bro knew the limo driver's kid, so he told the cop he saw the whole thing - nigger's fault, all the way. His shyster begged him to change his account. Not happening, negro. That limo driver was our go-to guy for years after that.
I’d never take a nigger‘s side over a human’s.Even if the human was at fault. The way I see it, niggers don’t even belong here, living amongst us. So everything the shit skins do is wrong.All niggs do is cause trouble anyway.

Ray Cizzums
06-22-2021, 08:37 PM
I’d never take a nigger‘s side over a human’s.Even if the human was at fault. The way I see it, niggers don’t even belong here, living amongst us. So everything the shit skins do is wrong.All niggs do is cause trouble anyway.
I always wanted to shoot a nigger out of a cannon, either up into the county landfill, or into the ocean.

Jim Crow
06-22-2021, 08:42 PM
I always wanted to shoot a nigger out of a cannon, either up into the county landfill, or into the ocean.
I’d like to work in a car factory and use niggers as crash test dummies.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-22-2021, 10:33 PM
Niggers should be charged higher insurance premiums (the ones that actually have insurance) seeing as they account for a disproportionate amount of claims but no we all get to share the cost because that would be raycisss.

06-22-2021, 10:35 PM
I’d like to work in a car factory and use niggers as crash test dummies.

Their skulls and blubber are so indestructible, though, so they aren't too useful to determine passenger injuries. :lol

But if a nigger doesn't weigh the usual double what a human does, it could still be used to show a reaction during a crash.

Jim Crow
06-23-2021, 06:53 AM
Their skulls and blubber are so indestructible, though, so they aren't too useful to determine passenger injuries. :lol

But if a nigger doesn't weigh the usual double what a human does, it could still be used to show a reaction during a crash.

That may be so. But I still wouldn’t mind sending a nigger through a windshield at 90mph and watching them catapult towards a solid steel wall,head first! Just for the fun of it!

Rastus Nigger
06-23-2021, 12:43 PM
A: What do they expect from a subhuman species that walks on their knuckles?

B: Not sure if I posted the story on this current site but several years ago I ran a nigger over at a self-serve car wash. I'd said something to it that caused it to chimp out and it ran in front of my car thinking I'd stop. It was very wrong about that. No batwings issued and back then things like that didn't make the news.

06-23-2021, 03:45 PM
A: What do they expect from a subhuman species that walks on their knuckles?

B: Not sure if I posted the story on this current site but several years ago I ran a nigger over at a self-serve car wash. I'd said something to it that caused it to chimp out and it ran in front of my car thinking I'd stop. It was very wrong about that. No batwings issued and back then things like that didn't make the news.

I hope your car was ok! Any possibility of running into niggers is why cars should have solid metal bumpers like the old days.

Rastus Nigger
06-23-2021, 06:10 PM
I hope your car was ok! Any possibility of running into niggers is why cars should have solid metal bumpers like the old days.

1982 Cadillac. Broke the fascia under the front bumper and left a slight bit of nigger fur on the left side front stabilizer bracket. I was only going about 5 mph when I hit it. If'd I'd been in one of my old beaters like my 74 Buick Lesabre with the 455 I would have lit up the tires. I only paid $50 for that car.

SC Anemia
06-23-2021, 06:31 PM
My brother was sitting at red light, when a nigger landed with a thud in front of his car. He looked up, expecting to see the tree he fell out of, but there was none. A limo had been heading up behind him, and the jig stepped out between two parked vehicles, sending him 10' in the air. He landed like a lawn dart, more or less unhurt, because his head broke his fall. It turned out bro knew the limo driver's kid, so he told the cop he saw the whole thing - nigger's fault, all the way. His shyster begged him to change his account. Not happening, negro. That limo driver was our go-to guy for years after that.

I've re-read this several times today. Been chuckling to myself all day about it. :lol. Not bothering anyone and outta nowhere *WHUMP* incoming shit-missle. I'd have paid to see that!

BTW, in as much as I love the 'shot out of a cannon' idea....it'd probably fuck-up the cannon. If there's a way to fuck something up, you know a nigger would. I'm thinking 155mm Howitzer. Some real Wile E. Coyote inspired shit.

animal mother
06-23-2021, 06:47 PM
Niggers should be charged higher insurance premiums (the ones that actually have insurance) seeing as they account for a disproportionate amount of claims but no we all get to share the cost because that would be raycisss.
Insurance rates are determined by zip code. The more niggers in that demographic the higher the rate. Sadly even humans are forced to pay the higher cost because of niggers. As it is so often said here, niggers ruin everything.

06-23-2021, 06:48 PM
A few months back, I did something I never do. Believe it or not, I'm known to be pretty hard to rattle and slow to anger. I make it a point to keep my emotions in check, being self aware enough to know that my Scottish and Irish blood has a lower boiling point than most. This day was an exception.

I had just dropped my daughter off at work because her car was totaled by a nigger - who is now trying to sue her, btw. Some of you may remember the story from the yard section.

I was pulling out of the parking lot and stopped shy of the sidewalk. Seeing a break in the traffic, I started to pull out to make a right turn. Just as I had almost committed myself and blocked the sidewalk, a nigger driving probably 75 in the 35 zone popped out from behind the oncoming traffic and I was forced to slam on the brakes leaving me stuck where I was with a car behind me unable to back up to clear the sidewalk. Immediately, the floodgate of traffic was opened and I sat there for the next minute or so waiting for another break when what do I see shuffling towards me on the sidewalk but an oblivious teenigger wearing hayed foamz staring at it's I-foamb. It got to within a couple of feet of me before it saw me and immediately launched into it's bixnood about me blocking the sidewalk. It looked around and noticed the break in traffic coming up. It then INTENTIONALLY walked in front of me instead of behind me to block me in and took it's sweet ass time to clear the drive, while ooking, wildly gesturing and flipping me off.

As soon as it had moved out of the way with only a clearance of a foot, I floored it, sending a cloud of smoke and rubber onto it.

I immediately knew that I had screwed up. In that moment of anger, anything could have happened. This nigger could have stuck out an arm and said I hit it. It could have gotten my plates, assuming it could read.

I allowed my temper to get the better of me and it rattled me for days worrying if I was going to get a knock on the door. Luckily, I keep a dash cam running anytime the car is running. I think maybe I need to install a few more to show every angle.

Rastus Nigger
06-23-2021, 06:54 PM
Insurance rates are determined by zip code. The more niggers in that demographic the higher the rate. Sadly even humans are forced to pay the higher cost because of niggers. As it is so often said here, niggers ruin everything.

Where we live now my insurance rates are twice what they were when I lived in the country with no niggers within miles.

SC Anemia
06-23-2021, 09:01 PM
That may be so. But I still wouldn’t mind sending a nigger through a windshield at 90mph and watching them catapult towards a solid steel wall,head first! Just for the fun of it!

Oh wait! I know.....you know how they shoot frozen chickens from an air-cannons into jet engines? How spectacular would that be?


Coon Club Road
06-24-2021, 10:05 AM
"... 74 Buick Lesabre with the 455 I would have lit up the tires..."

I had a '72 Electra 225 with the "Ultra High Compression" 455.
Sunoco 260 all the way or it would ping like a bitch.

That boat probably weighed more than today's 2500 series pick up trucks, but would lay rubber with both wheels halfway into second gear, and sound good doing it too with the air cleaner lid flipped!