View Full Version : EM: Germany, shithole country, destroyed by liberals

06-21-2021, 02:08 PM
In Germany politics and media want to "rainbowflag" the soccer stadium where the EM game Germany Hungary takes place. Just that you know: That is in Munich (Bavaria), the by far most conservative German state!!

Reason: Hungary recently finalized a law that prevents school children to get indoctrinated by "critical race theory" and LBQDKALNDANDA nonsense! Hence, Hungary is sane and protects their children - that can't get unpunished by the left&green rulers of Absurdistan.

06-21-2021, 03:15 PM
Well isn't that just FAGGY


06-21-2021, 08:37 PM
I have friend whose family is from Poland. It is white now but what bothers me is it is so close to Germany. There is no way the filth is not going to spread over to Poland sooner rather than later. They currently have a fag hating and nigger hating President (Poland) but that will only last so long. He barely won the last time.

He won against some guy who wants to turn Poland into another Germany and he only beat him by 1 percent or something.

Rastus Nigger
06-21-2021, 08:41 PM
That's so faggy soon it'll only have a back door.

06-23-2021, 11:48 PM
I don't have a problem with LGBT expressing their "pride," but the problem is that they don't like anyone else expressing pride.

When will that stadium be lit up for "straight pride"?


06-24-2021, 04:21 PM
I don't have a problem with LGBT expressing their "pride," but the problem is that they don't like anyone else expressing pride.

When will that stadium be lit up for "straight pride"?


Exactly! Whereas I am not even sure that the 'real' gay people are into that nonsense, I would not be surprised if most of these 'activists' are just commies who want to divide and destroy the western countries. Especially nowadays, because in Europe (15 - 30% sand niggers), gay people showing their gayness in public will get beaten up / killed immediately by the paedophile goat-fuckers. (The media of course would blame 'white nationalists', or, in the case of Germany, 'Nazis'.)

07-09-2024, 03:48 AM
An anti-A.f.D. (Alternative for Germany political party) Frootball player is moving out of the country, because "his" daughter would be unsafe there if they remained:


...chancellor Olaf Scholz's 'traffic light' coalition has passed reforms allowed dual citizens. Those on the right of German politics led the backlash against Merkel, leading to growing support for the hard-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.
The AfD recently came second in European election in Germany, reflecting a trend seen in other countries that are also struggling with the issue of migration...

"His" own preaching led to "his" decision to emigrate:


...“If you are not 100 percent convinced of your X, it is also an X against another party such as the AfD,” said the 2014 world champion and Real Madrid professional. For a peaceful and cosmopolitan Germany it is “very, very important to vote”...

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07-11-2024, 01:59 AM
Big-mouthed bank gets cornered by dried prune Leftist batallion into practicing what they preach


...One such measure is to freeze the bank accounts of those found to have donated money to any group the government declares to be “far-right.”...
...Support for the AfD has surged to over 20% of the electorate, meaning the Party is the strongest opposition to the current German government, a coalition led by the left-wing Social Democratic Party...


07-12-2024, 07:06 PM
An anti-A.f.D. (Alternative for Germany political party) Frootball player is moving out of the country, because "his" daughter would be unsafe there if they remained:


"His" own preaching led to "his" decision to emigrate:


<font color="#000000"><span style="font-family: Inter">

Yep, the typical double-standards of the rich&famous celebrity ...holes.

07-15-2024, 01:26 AM
Nationwreckers impunitively practise money-laundering, through circumventing Gibsmedat abuse ruling:


...Refugees in Munich have only received 50 euros in cash per month since the payment card was introduced (AZ reported). You can only use the remaining money via direct card payment or by bank transfer, which must be authorized firsthand in each case...

...Not only politicians from almost all factions in the city council, but also activists like Matthias Weinzierl find that these 50 euros are far too few, especially in an expensive city like Munich :violin . That's why the co-founder of the Bellevue di Monaco cultural center brought the "card exchange" to Munich. This is a simple, solidarity-based system for getting around this new monthly cash limit...

...It works like this: Refugees use their payment card to buy a voucher in a store (e.g. a supermarket or drugstore). You can then exchange it for cash at participating organizations. Munich residents who want to show solidarity should then buy these vouchers and go shopping with them. “Both sides have neither a gain nor a loss from this,” says Weinzierl. "It's a completely solidarity-based support."...

...At the end of June, the Munich city council approved the introduction of the payment card. Because the Free State has obliged all Bavarian municipalities to do so, the city must also introduce the card. They are handed out to around 4,600 refugees aged 14 and over. Refugees from Ukraine and those who are in nursing homes, for example, are exempt...
...Refugees in Munich have only received 50 euros in cash per month since the payment card was introduced (AZ reported). You can only use the remaining money via direct card payment or by bank transfer, which must be authorized firsthand in each case...

...Not only politicians from almost all factions in the city council, but also activists like Matthias Weinzierl find that these 50 euros are far too few, especially in an expensive city like Munich :violin . That's why the co-founder of the Bellevue di Monaco cultural center brought the "card exchange" to Munich. This is a simple, solidarity-based system for getting around this new monthly cash limit...

...It works like this: Refugees use their payment card to buy a voucher in a store (e.g. a supermarket or drugstore). You can then exchange it for cash at participating organizations. Munich residents who want to show solidarity should then buy these vouchers and go shopping with them. “Both sides have neither a gain nor a loss from this,” says Weinzierl. "It's a completely solidarity-based support."...

...At the end of June, the Munich city council approved the introduction of the payment card. Because the Free State has obliged all Bavarian municipalities to do so, the city must also introduce the card. They are handed out to around 4,600 refugees aged 14 and over. Refugees from Ukraine and those who are in nursing homes, for example, are exempt...

I quit giving this person likes, because "he" censored one of my posts. Here's the initial video, leading to this post:


07-16-2024, 02:39 AM
"Green" Party chairman, imported from Iran, pokes the Russian Bear for millions of Germans, putting them in danger, instead of poking the Bear from home:



..."Ukraine urgently needs additional military resources, including Taurus cruise missiles. That is why the decision on the German supply should be made quickly," Nouripour said...
..."Ukraine urgently needs additional military resources, including Taurus cruise missiles. That is why the decision on the German supply should be made quickly," Nouripour said...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hessenschau.de%2Fpolitik%2Fom id-nouripour-waehlbar-102~_t-1630827424566_v-16to9__retina.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=7109ae66d5ed731f06f52cd65a224b17780141524649ec 99796472bf2b036f25&ipo=images

07-17-2024, 01:27 AM
This is what happens, when absence of checks and balances combine with an absence of a written constitution. How a single minister is able to arbitrarilly employ a political police to shut down free speech is thus baked in the cake.
By default, this is possible when decisions are able to circumvent legislative debate:


Perhaps the most infuriating aspect of such below-the-belt political opponent removal is the absence of solidarity within "law enforcement" agencies themselves, just shortly after a colleague of theirs was slaughtered by one of the nation's true enemy, noting the contrast here in this following image gallery:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zdf.de%2Fassets%2Frazzia-compact-zeitschrift-100~1920x1080%3Fcb%3D1721105474854&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2fe82cd672c1a51940bdc5683dbfab48da1777001a6117 7b8e97ce4a4c218280&ipo=images

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.sparknews.funkemedien.de%2F40 6808957%2F406808957_1721123579_v16_9_1200.jpeg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=bc447e41e4897ce4682c2c0cbbd4a75c8cb2d810b52f29 1a99d64478f3f91e77&ipo=images

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stuttgarter-zeitung.de%2Fmedia.media.5f666832-13bf-43f4-bd1c-49ca326bf669.original700.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0e39a24363f1dff28f2be8d1e18527c955bc533bba1bdd 1f0b48d67627078b04&ipo=images

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.stern.de%2F34866198%2Ft%2Fn o%2Fv1%2Fw480%2Fr1.7778%2F-%2Fmicky-beisenherz-bad-oeynhausen.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=548f421363067644e8d6925306e59f1d6b172fe044980b 45952705b99c7404c3&ipo=images

"I was just following orders" was once not a viable excuse for escaping ultimate punishment

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.welt.de%2Fimg%2Fkultur%2Fhist ory%2Fmobile101800504%2F1212505107-ci102l-w1024%2Fbs-19-22-DW-Kultur-Nuernberg-jpg.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1467acc88a8f6aef7fdc3221eb3abfd9236fe36d4ad63e 77d7824969c0791b92&ipo=images

Why not just grab printed versions of their media and throw them into a pile to get burned, just like their enemies would have done with their property, had they've been justifiably born 90 years sooner:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. _8vIpsQ0Irj47LntTZYXUgHaKd%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=6b751899ae84067c2ada350538066fda8d23c29519a399 f8845104ca15e4de4d&ipo=images

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. 4wyYt4drGiNql6hQbGWScQHaFo%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ab23ab0ba701435b2ad8a7e8c42daf953cf9307b2e1a3a e55479104429d5f15e&ipo=images

07-18-2024, 04:32 PM
This is what happens, when absence of checks and balances combine with an absence of a written constitution. How a single minister is able to arbitrarilly employ a political police to shut down free speech is thus baked in the cake.
By default, this is possible when decisions are able to circumvent legislative debate:


Perhaps the most infuriating aspect of such below-the-belt political opponent removal is the absence of solidarity within "law enforcement" agencies themselves, just shortly after a colleague of theirs was slaughtered by one of the nation's true enemy, noting the contrast here in this following image gallery:

I read about that incident, too! Wow! On the bright side, that will have serious implications, the Supreme Court will have to deal with that. This could become the last chance for Germany. Luckily Swiss newspapers report this kind of stuff :-)
It's not correct that they don't have checks and balances & a constitution, though. (Even if they don't call it that way and it is constructed differently than the American.) Actually, Germany has a very well laid-out constitution (It is even more restrictive in terms of states' rights than the US Constitution.), it dates back to pre-Germany "Paulskirchenverfassung", and was made to protect citizens from Nobles, Socialists and Churches. What it shows though, is that this helps nothing, when enough corrupt people gain positions of power: As soon as more people are - directly or indirectly - employed by the state, it's the end of a democracy: Checks and balances works only, if people are willing to control each other. As soon as everyone involved is equally corrupt and their only goal is to get as much power and money as possible, everything is lost. If I see it correctly, in Germany it's even worse as they are still not a "free country" (2+4 contracts), and behind the scenes various US NGOs are in charge, with their own interests. (High ranked positions like various "Staatssekretäre" are held by US citizens, forced import of Turks and Afghans in the past etc.)
To my mind, there is one thing most constitutions miss: Voting (active and passive) should be only allowed to people who are willing to defend the country (e.g. one year military service), and who either have paid taxes for e.g. at least 10 years, or, perhaps even better, are not employed (or paid for) by the state. Everything else will sooner or later end in a overtaxed hellhole. If I remember correctly, Israel has something like that implemented (with the exception of ultra-orthodox people). Just my opinion, of course.

I just wanted to post this as a separate topic, but as it fits so well in this post: Joe Biden in 1974 admits he's corrupt / about corruption in general. (If he's correct, Trump is probably the first president of the US who wasn't corrupt):

07-22-2024, 02:11 AM
...It's not correct that they don't have checks and balances & a constitution, though. (Even if they don't call it that way and it is constructed differently than the American.) Actually, Germany has a very well laid-out constitution (It is even more restrictive in terms of states' rights than the US Constitution.)...I don't recall ever reading about the outlining of a secretary of treasury's power limits in the American constitution, if even mentioned whatsoever or if the present German "Basic Law" outlines the same for their secretary. In any event, regarding checks and balances, an American treasury secretary is limited to only an advisory position of which requires a presedential signature for approval of any implementation of suggestion ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Secretary_of_the_Treasury ), whereas a German secretary of treasury enjoys decision-making without any approval of any other branch of government, before subsequent changes in policy get implemented. Such unbridled power theoretically has the capability to endanger German national security, in times of armed conflict, if this single secretary refuses allowing an increase in defense spending, for example
...in Germany it's even worse as they are still not a "free country" (2+4 contracts), and behind the scenes various US NGOs are in charge, with their own interests...That's closely related to the point I was attempting to make. To not have a constitution ratified, instead having a "Basic Law" somehow assigned to a country, this raises suspicion that this is somehow not home-made. But a reminder of how fictitious constructs invented for Woakist language warfare ("Microaggressions", 72 Genders, etc...) are truly much older inventions. Why else would an agency of government call itself a "Protection of Constitution" (Verfassungsschutz), instead of truthfully calling itself a Grundgesetzsschutz (Protection of Basic Law), despite a Basic Law document being issued in substitution of a constitution? The German vocabulary lists both constitution and "Basic Law", unlike, for example, the Dutch and Danish languages of which both list only basic law. The Norwegian language, being nearly identical to Danish, lists both definitions. This is why I find the convenient use of both German-language words to define an eqivalent entity to be linguistically somewhat fraudulent and as misleading as someone claiming two chairs for simultaneously sitting on both.
Without "Siegermächte" (Allied) involvement, it would be interesting to witness which form of government would presently be ruling Germany.
For "Allied" nations to continue to use "Siegermächte" (Self-called "Allied" powers, claiming victory over Third Reich Germany) is a self-embarrasing situation for them, given that, except for the former Soviet Union, the urban centers of each one, upon visitting, resemble anything else other than a nation of which has freed itself from enemy occupation. In many areas, only the remaining street signs written in that country's original language and building architechture are hints that one finds him- or herself in a Western country

07-29-2024, 03:20 PM
An anti-Woak media channel gets de-banked, therefore presently receiving donations through a Hungarian bank. As soon as I can find a list of all of these 8 cuckhold banks, I'll post it here for boycott. here's the first one: https://n26.com/de-de I didn't understand the second bank mentioned


Major anti-globalist TV station debanked in Germany and Austria - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/major-anti-globalist-tv-station-debanked-in-austria-and-germany/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa)

...they are also trying to cut us off from our supporters by canceling our accounts at short intervals with the aim of annoying and upsetting our donors...
...they are also trying to cut us off from our supporters by canceling our accounts at short intervals with the aim of annoying and upsetting our donors...

08-14-2024, 02:34 AM
Invite closet terrorists into one's country, before inventing legislation which allows blanket extrajudiciary intrusion into the private realm of the entire population:


What happens when the "Terrorism" label gets tacked onto political opposition, as is presently the case in Britain?

...Imagine arriving home: the chair doesn't seem to be exactly where it always is. And the toothbrush is standing on the left of the toothbrush's cup instead of to the usual right. Was there anyone in the apartment? So far it has been possible to rule out the possibility that the police secretly searched the apartment, because they aren't allowed to do that yet.

The house search is a routine measure. And if the householder happens to be absent, at least one relative, friend or neighbor must be called in - this has been the case for decades. But Social Democrat Interior Minister Nancy Faeser now wants to soften it. To ward off international terrorist attacks, the BKA should also be able to secretly search apartments. And it should be able to break in so that spying software – so-called state trojans – can be installed on computers or smartphones.

Even if the measure is (initially) limited to potential international terrorists - in practice primarily Islamists - it is still a breach of a taboo. Given the large number of police laws, hardly anyone has an overview of which security authority has which powers and under what conditions. A real taboo such as the ban on secret apartment searches is particularly important. Your own four walls should remain a place of protected privacy as much as possible.

The benefits that the police expect from secret searches and secret spying on computers usually cannot be realized. The most controversial police methods are often the ones that are used the least. There was much and controversial discussion about the use of state trojans: for a long time, the police only had the theoretical authority and were technically unable to implement them due to a lack of suitable software. That's why the following applies to Nancy Faeser's current suggestions: Stay away! The police benefit is not worth the uncertainty among citizens.

09-08-2024, 08:55 AM
The State Department should issue the following travel advisory, at right:


09-16-2024, 01:10 AM
Rocket scientists and astro physicists to be traded-in for rocket scientists and astro physicists. This time, on paper:


...Germany has already signed similar agreements with India, Georgia and Morocco, and will sign one this weekend with Uzbekistan during a visit there by Scholz, according to the German news agency dpa.The agreement was signed by German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and Kenyan’s Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi...
...Germany has already signed similar agreements with India, Georgia and Morocco, and will sign one this weekend with Uzbekistan during a visit there by Scholz, according to the German news agency dpa.The agreement was signed by German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and Kenyan’s Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi...

https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/6d45480/2147483647/strip/true/crop/6000x4000+0+0/resize/599x399!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2Fb1%2F6c%2Fc 902f71e1ffb04b2d2ecffabdc7f%2Fe07aa99290f94f2cbf60 3e174faa731a

09-20-2024, 05:48 AM
Only visual Germans to get public transpotation ticket checks:


...It was a measure of “de-escalation”, i.e. conflict avoidance, a railway spokesperson told the “Thüringer Allgemeine”. Train conductors on the Süd-Thüringen-Bahn are now allowed to decide for themselves whether to check foreigners' tickets or not.
The staff association of the Süd-Thüringen-Bahn warns against “people with a migrational background”. In a letter to provincial Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (The Leftist Party), it is said that there are repeated scenes of violence on trains.
Female conductors in particular are repeated victims of threats and attacks. However, many male employees are also affected, which is why fare evasion is often “helplessly” tolerated. In one case, a train attendant had to continue the journey “in fear of death” after she had to fix technical problems on the train during an attack.
The Süd-Thüringen-Bahn responded with increased security measures. By the end of the year, a total of 336,000 euros will be spent on additional security precautions. At the same time, asylum seekers in initial reception centers would be made aware of the rules of conduct in train traffic.

Female conductors in particular are repeatedly victims of threats and attacks. However, many male employees are also affected, which is why fare evasion is often tolerated “helplessly”. In one case, a train attendant had to continue the journey “in fear of death” after she had to fix technical problems on the train during an attack.

09-21-2024, 12:48 PM
...Female conductors in particular are repeatedly victims of threats and attacks. However, many male employees are also affected, which is why fare evasion is often tolerated “helplessly”. In one case, a train attendant had to continue the journey “in fear of death” after she had to fix technical problems on the train during an attack.
...Female conductors in particular are repeatedly victims of threats and attacks. However, many male employees are also affected, which is why fare evasion is often tolerated “helplessly”. In one case, a train attendant had to continue the journey “in fear of death” after she had to fix technical problems on the train during an attack.
Too late, to edit. This didn't show up on a black background

09-23-2024, 11:53 PM
Only visual Germans to get public transpotation ticket checks:

Wunderbar! So enforcement efforts will be directed at those who hardly ever commit crimes. This is where Sandy Sr. would say, "Yeah, that's real smart."

09-23-2024, 11:54 PM
Too late, to edit. This didn't show up on a black background

No problem, you should have an Edit Post button. Then you can remove the [color] tags so that it'll be readable on any color background.

09-24-2024, 12:47 AM
It only works within a limitted time frame. I'm guessing, 24 hours

09-30-2024, 01:15 AM
Double-standard deportations begin, under political pressure, due to the surge in populist party election successes. Those most vicious Rapefugees (Afghans, Northafrichimps) aren't getting deported, because of "personal safety" excuses. Meanwhile, those who are truly in mortal danger are getting sent to their ill fates:


...The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) daily reported that Turkey had offered to soon take back up to 500 citizens per week on "special flights"...

...In return, Germany would ease visa rules for Turkish citizens wanting to visit the EU country for holidays or business trips, it said...

...The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) daily reported that Turkey had offered to soon take back up to 500 citizens per week on "special flights"...
...In return, Germany would ease visa rules for Turkish citizens wanting to visit the EU country for holidays or business trips, it said...


Jim Crow
09-30-2024, 02:18 PM
Liberals are trying to erase the alpha male. All they want remaining are cuckboys that are easy to control. Liberals try to control an alpha male like myself or some of the men on this site, they’ll get a one-way ticket to the resurrection!