View Full Version : The First Gibs Me Dat

06-16-2021, 08:32 PM
If anything this should be remembered as a tragedy of our nation's past (niggers could still have served a useful purpose), but a holiday?


06-17-2021, 05:59 AM
they already have their own flag, their own presidents, Lincoln and that Obama thing, their own postage stamps, they are featured on every commercial advertisement, are required hires, protected by hate crime legislation, give a special get out of jail card by our "justice system..
They have MLK's holiday, their own Christmas Kwanza.

They also have June 12th "Loving Day" celibrating mixed marriage....

I have a real problem w Lincoln's memory.

Coon Club Road
06-17-2021, 09:07 AM
End of slavery. What's next? First day of welfare? First day of section 8 housing? First day nigger could ride up front? First day nigger set foot in whites only rest room? Restaurant?

Blue Gum
06-17-2021, 04:26 PM
Makes me want to vomit. I'm also pissed at what's his name, the cop that was forced to wrangle "Fentanyl " Floyd to the ground. It seems like in a small way, or maybe not, that incident was the match that lit the fire, DON'T misunderstand me, I agree with what the cop HAD to do, but what pisses me off is he should've had more fuking Savy in how he did it, with a sidewalk full of niggers recording with their sail foams, he should've wrangled the nigger into the backseat first....

06-17-2021, 10:51 PM
Makes me want to vomit. I'm also pissed at what's his name, the cop that was forced to wrangle "Fentanyl " Floyd to the ground. It seems like in a small way, or maybe not, that incident was the match that lit the fire, DON'T misunderstand me, I agree with what the cop HAD to do, but what pisses me off is he should've had more fuking Savy in how he did it, with a sidewalk full of niggers recording with their sail foams, he should've wrangled the nigger into the backseat first....

Tru Dat!!