View Full Version : On this fine day in 1944 - the good ol' days....

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06-16-2021, 02:42 AM
14 y.o Nigger George Stinney (He wuz a guede Boi) got to meet 'Ol' Sparky' in S.C having been found guilty of the attempted muh-dikken and murder of two young (7 and 11 y.o) human females.
No one queried two supposedly conflicting confessions (Niggers DO lie - right?) no one cross examined any witnesses and the trial only lasted 2.5 hours so it all sounds good to me.
No surprise though that the conviction was overturned in 2014 'cos he dinna gedd a fair trial'. Yeah, right.....

06-16-2021, 07:45 AM
14 y.o Nigger George Stinney (He wuz a guede Boi) got to meet 'Ol' Sparky' in S.C having been found guilty of the attempted muh-dikken and murder of two young (7 and 11 y.o) human females.
No one queried two supposedly conflicting confessions (Niggers DO lie - right?) no one cross examined any witnesses and the trial only lasted 2.5 hours so it all sounds good to me.
No surprise though that the conviction was overturned in 2014 'cos he dinna gedd a fair trial'. Yeah, right.....

I wonder how many young human females the ape muh dik'd and murdered and didn't get caught for those crimes. If it's a nigger, it's GUILTY!!