View Full Version : Detroit nigger wins $30K lottery. Buys $20K gold chain. Gets robbed at gas station.

Whitey Ford
06-11-2021, 06:54 AM
Video: Thieves beat, rob man of gold chain at Detroit gas station


A man was attacked when thieves targeted him for his gold chain on Detroit’s west side.

The incident happened at a Mobil gas station in the area of West Warren Avenue and Grand Boulevard.

Surveillance video showed the thieves chasing the man into the gas station. They tackled him to ground and took his chain, valued at $20,000, before taking off in a vehicle.


06-11-2021, 07:59 AM
It was probably a chain properly valued at $2,000, but the nigger paid $20,000 for it.

Nigger rich never lasts very long, especially when niggers just have to flaunt their bling. Mrs. S keeps all her best jewelry in a safe deposit box, and it comes out only for special occasions.

Ray Cizzums
06-11-2021, 03:38 PM
Nigger males love "Jury", which just provokes other niggers to rob them. They'll wear a Rolex watch, but
A: They can't tell time, and B: They don't have to be anywhere on time, and C: Wouldn't if they could, or did.
They also love nigger-faggot hair stylins, which also makes them a bitch. What grown man walks around with
a greasy, 5 pound pile of shit on his head ? Break a minor sweat, and it smells like the inside of a sneaker,
get near a jobsite, and that cupcake's now got sprinkles on it.

06-11-2021, 06:10 PM
NIGGER RICH is the status that immediately precedes BROKE-ASS NIGGER.

Cat fur allergic
06-11-2021, 06:15 PM
This is such of beautiful story how niggers are just clowns.

06-11-2021, 06:42 PM
Niggers, and assorted trash from other races think that the stuff you have is what makes you who you are.

Jim Crow
06-11-2021, 10:24 PM
Low IQ nigger was too dumb to realize it had to hide it’s jewels around other niggers!

06-12-2021, 04:00 AM

Damn, I needed a good laugh after the day I had.

This story had everything.
Dumb niggers
Lot-tree tiggits
Goal chainz
Thieving niggers
Nigger rich
Nigger broke
Closed circuit video of the whole incident
A reporter barely containing his laughter

06-12-2021, 08:26 AM
NIGGER RICH is the status that immediately precedes BROKE-ASS NIGGER.

06-12-2021, 02:21 PM
How intelligent is it to ware a $20,000 gold chain around in Detroit?

I'd call that "average nigger IQ."

06-12-2021, 03:09 PM
How intelligent is it to ware a $20,000 gold chain around in Detroit?

Besides: I don't believe any nigger would be able to distinguish a gold plated chain from a real one. Same goes for Rolex watches. But hey, as long as no human is involved, niggin nigs, so what.

06-12-2021, 04:20 PM
Besides: I don't believe any nigger would be able to distinguish a gold plated chain from a real one. Same goes for Rolex watches. But hey, as long as no human is involved, niggin nigs, so what.

Human jewelers get a sort of reparations by selling 1000% overpriced "ice" to niggers. The rocks are obvious paste, not even cubic zirconia, and have no sparkle to them. Niggers don't care because they stupidly think the price tag means the bling is valuable.

When you hear of a cRapper that had its niggernest robbed of "millions" in jewelry, an insurance investigator will be laughing at the miniscule check handed out.

Rastus Nigger
06-12-2021, 04:32 PM
NIGGERS!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

06-13-2021, 01:30 AM
He spent 20 big ones on gold because he spent the 10 on bills...no, it was drugs.

06-13-2021, 11:59 AM

Damn, I needed a good laugh after the day I had.

This story had everything.
Dumb niggers
Lot-tree tiggits
Goal chainz
Thieving niggers
Nigger rich
Nigger broke
Closed circuit video of the whole incident
A reporter barely containing his laughter

Don't forget massive gulumpasaurus sows buying lottery tickets with their welfare checks. A perfect day in Mr. Robinson's neighbourhood.

And niggers wonder why they have no wealth. Live in some roach-infested crib in Detroit, win 30K, immediately blow nearly all of it on some stupid jurry.

I wonder how many times the reporter had to repeat this ludicrous story before he could do it without laughing. Poor Jamal!

06-13-2021, 12:46 PM
What's the purpose of buying a $20,000 gold chain and warring it around your neck?

To get attention, right?

But isn't that what he got?

Lke John Lennon ! He wanted peace and he sure got it !!:melon

Ray Cizzums
06-13-2021, 02:20 PM
Don't forget massive gulumpasaurus sows buying lottery tickets with their welfare checks.
The value of the estate of your typical sow averages $500 after batwings are issued.
And there's usually gunfire at the wake, over that amount ....

06-13-2021, 02:46 PM
Human jewelers get a sort of reparations by selling 1000% overpriced "ice" to niggers. The rocks are obvious paste, not even cubic zirconia, and have no sparkle to them. Niggers don't care because they stupidly think the price tag means the bling is valuable.

When you hear of a cRapper that had its niggernest robbed of "millions" in jewelry, an insurance investigator will be laughing at the miniscule check handed out.

Haha, true dat! I really did not consider that! But of course that's true, if some humans can scam a few of the shitbeasts, that's definitely something good. Question is, will niggers be able to scam insurance for their "bling" - I have no idea how insurance for jewellery works, but sadly I'd assume the bill is enough for evaluation. (Luckily they probably won't buy insurance anyway, at least not as long as they don't want to commit insurance fraud).

06-13-2021, 03:01 PM
The value of the estate of your typical sow averages $500 after batwings are issued.
And there's usually gunfire at the wake, over that amount ....

Niggers complain about a "wealth gap," including a "generational wealth gap." And whose fault is it that niggers don't leave money for the next generation? Like with everything else, it comes down to their parasitism, and their belief in taking from YT.

This nigger is happy it got grandmammy's EBT card to deplete of its last deposit.