View Full Version : Is COVID really causing diabetes, or is NIGGERS that should be factored out?

06-10-2021, 03:33 PM
One year later is ludicrous to draw this kind of conclusion. Let's have studies of 100% humans, then we can see. Until then, the dataset is tainted by all the niggers which have higher rates of diabetes and other self-induced health problems. What's next, blaming COVID for causing STDs, because of an oversampling of niggers?

Most people will recover from COVID without longer-term problems, but doctors have noticed that some patients go on to develop diabetes.

Now, new research is finding that the virus may infect and destroy certain cells that are crucial for keeping diabetes at bay. Armed with this new knowledge, scientists are now racing to understand how to best prevent this from happening in patients with COVID-19.

“More study is needed to understand how SARS-CoV-2 reaches the pancreas and what role the immune system might play in the resulting damage,” said Collins.


06-10-2021, 08:25 PM
I forgot to include: niggers have much higher rates of COVID, which is all the more reason to exclude them.

Give me a study that's 100% human, or I disregard it as bad science.