View Full Version : Niggers should not be allowed to drive anything, especially delivery trucks

06-09-2021, 12:23 AM
There isn't a nigger driver that isn't a menace to public safety. Besides, when niggers are not allowed to drive, it makes it easy for cops to know that a nigger stole a car without having to run a plate check.

I drove Mrs. S to work this morning as I sometimes do, so I can bring her car in for service. Her job is at a pretty secure complex, requiring a pass or delivery papers to get in. There's a guard station at the entrance to ensure authorized entry only, to do random vehicle checks, and to inspect all trucks entering and leaving. I dropped her off, and at the guard station, the YT guard was standing in middle of the exit lane for cars only, talking to a delivery truck in the other lane. The guard was handed papers, and I didn't see a nigger paw, but I knew from the proceeding behavior that the driver had to be a nigger. The idiot guard stood there for another minute to keep talking about whatever it was, like I wasn't there. The guard went into whatever you call that small building, and I thought, finally! But then WTH, the truck door opened, and out came this lumbering jigaboo to stand right in front of me for a couple of minutes, not even looking at me, and with as 10-IQ retard a look as a nigger can get. The guard finally realized, hey, somebody's waiting to get out, and told the nigger to wait back in its truck.

Meanwhile I was grinding my teeth, waiting to get home and finally have some coffee and breakfast. But I didn't want to make a problem with the guard and have it come back to hurt my wife. So I had to be extremely patient, no honking horns, no shaking my fist, no outward sign I was irritated.

Once, Mrs. S told me, an idiot nigger failed to latch the back doors of its delivery truck. So as it zoomed through the lot, the doors were swinging back and forth, luckily not hitting anyone. At the exit, it tied everybody up trying to figure out how to secure the doors. Evil YT juju metal parts! Remember, Africans never learned to mine or smelt metal, let alone pour molten metal into molds, until they imitated Egyptians (even then not well).

06-09-2021, 05:16 AM
I feel with you!
Niggers don't have any sort of common sense! It is absolutely astonishing, I observed that as well. They love to stand in somebody else's way, be it an aisle in the grocery store, or directly in front of doors. Thing is: If humans do that (everyone is in thought now and then), they get out of the way and apologize, but niggers chimp or get nasty (especially fat sheboons)!
Same can be said for niggers and machinery, that simply does not work well together! They have no idea how even the simplest things work!

Jim Crow
06-09-2021, 07:43 AM
Niggers are ignorant arrogant pieces of shit. Yes, there is no doubt that these bees are stupid with the low IQ. But,don’t blame it all on stupidity.Niggers also like to inconvenience YT on purpose!Niggers feels like theys impotant

Ray Cizzums
06-09-2021, 11:45 AM
Amazon goes out of their way to hire niggers, who drive like there's no one else on the road but them. Their
nigger blocks my street, which all you have to do is pull over near a driveway to not block it, then slow walks
a package, then fishes for it's phone to take a pic of it. By this time there's 3 cars, and a school bus, with parents
waiting down the block for their kids. The jig notices none of this, until I yell "WTF is wrong with you ? Pull that
shitbox over so traffic can pass"! Wisely, that nigger boogied the fuck out quick, because I was ready to jump
out, and so was the guy behind me.

Coon Club Road
06-10-2021, 12:52 AM
Niggers aren't capable of running the drying towels at the carwash!

There is a hamper the size of a goddamn Volkswagen full of clean, dry, freshly folded towels yet the jigs are too fucking lazy to toss a damp one and pick up a dry one.

Never fails, the humans dry one side of the car, leaving the windows spotlessly clear... while the fucking jabobbas leave streaks all over my windows and mirrors on their side.

Tar Remover
06-15-2021, 06:18 AM
Niggers are so goddamn stupid. FUCK I hate niggers......