View Full Version : Why Did Obama Choose the 4th of July to Warn Against Nationalism?

07-02-2017, 09:21 PM
Why did ex-President Barack Obama specifically choose right before July 4th to warn against Nationalism? At the time of the year where Americans should be PROUDEST, Obama is bitter. In our opinion, it’s the same reason he tried to hard to make Iran richer and America poorer. He largely succeeded, doubling our national debt to nearly 20 trillion while handing hundreds of millions to Iran for nothing in return. It’s also why he always put illegal immigrants and Islamic migrants above U.S. Citizens. 2008, Liberals elected a President in Barack Obama that largely hates America and the sad part is

More... (http://truthfeed.com/why-did-obama-choose-the-4th-of-july-to-warn-against-nationalism/87538/)