View Full Version : Mass starvation for Ethiopean niggers, again. Still.

06-06-2021, 05:36 PM
Why can't that UN just butt out and let Mother Nature, who has been trying mightily to eliminate parasitic niggers, do her job?

The U.N. humanitarian chief warned Friday, June 4, 2021, that famine is imminent in Ethiopia's embattled Tigray region and the country's north and there is a risk that hundreds of thousands of niggers or more will die.

Is that a warning or a promise?

Lowcock said leaders of the seven major industrialized nations -- the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Italy and Canada -- need to put the humanitarian crisis and threat of widespread famine in northern Ethiopia on the agenda of their summit from June 11-13 in Cornwall, England.

“Everyone needs to understand that were there to be a colossal tragedy of the sort that happened in 1984 the consequences would reach far and last long,” he said.

I'm sure we'd all like to donate. Go find someone who cares, Lowcock.


06-06-2021, 11:03 PM
If only Sam Kinison were alive today.

"So we've got this problem for the last 30, 40 years of starving Africans having more babies that are starving but somehow grow up to have lots of babies themselves. I've got a little solution for that. You, uh, stop feeding them. Am I right? I am, aren't I? STOP FEEDING THEM!"

06-06-2021, 11:03 PM
No worries, I'm sure Joe the Vegetable has already sent half the U.S. Air Force to go and get them to bring them here.

Rastus Nigger
06-07-2021, 12:26 AM

06-07-2021, 12:40 AM
If only Sam Kinison were alive today.

"So we've got this problem for the last 30, 40 years of starving Africans having more babies that are starving but somehow grow up to have lots of babies themselves. I've got a little solution for that. You, uh, stop feeding them. Am I right? I am, aren't I? STOP FEEDING THEM!"

OMG, I've been saying that since I was a teen! It's a good thing Sam is not around. He'd be crucified for that these days.

06-07-2021, 01:22 PM
OMG, I've been saying that since I was a teen! It's a good thing Sam is not around. He'd be crucified for that these days.

I never heard his standup when I was growing up, only that he was crude, vulgar, and "insensitive." The PC crowd had already painted him as a horrible person. Then some years after he died, and people started uploading videos of him, I realized just how right he was. What was put on his gravestone is absolutely right.


06-08-2021, 12:43 PM
Ironically it's nigger worship that leads to nigger starvation. The powers that be oppose any form of nigger burf coontrol because dat be rayciss and niggaz gots da right to breed. So niggers breed out of control, leading to too many niggers and not enough chiggun, which leads to mass starvation.

We spay and neuter cats and dogs because we love them, but if anyone suggested spaying and neutering niggers, libtards would scream, "Hate! Hate! Hate!"

Ray Cizzums
06-08-2021, 12:55 PM
I think we need to send our expert black farmers over there to save the day .....
Oh wait..... there's no such thing.

06-08-2021, 05:51 PM
Ironically it's nigger worship that leads to nigger starvation. The powers that be oppose any form of nigger burf coontrol because dat be rayciss and niggaz gots da right to breed. So niggers breed out of control, leading to too many niggers and not enough chiggun, which leads to mass starvation.

We spay and neuter cats and dogs because we love them, but if anyone suggested spaying and neutering niggers, libtards would scream, "Hate! Hate! Hate!"

I also found it amazing all those years ago that niggers in such a state of starvation were still able to muh dik. I remember saying that instead of sending food to give them just enough energy to breed they should have sent them birth control but no, send them food and then try to guilt us into providing for the resulting fly-blown, stringy niglets the sows shat out. Disgusting. Even many species of wild animals refrain from breedng when food is scarce, but not niggers!

06-08-2021, 09:13 PM
Was it in 1984 that they had the song "Feed the World (let them know it's Christmas time"?
First, they're fucking muzzies, so why even try? All non-Muslim, even atheists, should do all they can to not support any Islamist, for world safety. All of them are bad. I guarantee it.

Now, Ethiopians are black, so double whammy. Unless they're the first Jews as they claim
Yeah, some claim they're Christian. Bullshit.

Starve them. Not our problem. I feel no "moral obligation" to useless non-human nigger species. Let them die, I'm fucking tired of seeing their "poor me" ads. Why don't their Arab and other Muslim relatives help them. Turks? Berbers? Ah, I see. They're just savages.

06-08-2021, 09:56 PM
Fertile soil and loads of natural resources, still can't make it work. Just shitting in their own drinking water and waiting for gibbs.

06-08-2021, 11:55 PM

Yep, that's what I was thinking of. :D

Don't send the niggers another bite, but don't send them U-Hauls either. Let the niggers starve right where they are. Buzzards need food!

06-08-2021, 11:57 PM
Now, Ethiopians are black, so double whammy. Unless they're the first Jews as they claim
Yeah, some claim they're Christian. Bullshit.

If they're Jews, then can't they hit a rock like Moses to make water come out, and pray for manna?

If they're Christians, can't they take a few fish and loaves, and break the up to feed thousands of themselves?

07-11-2024, 01:25 AM
But, when you give them chemistry sets, they tend to work wonders at renovating their Gibsmeedat housing projects:


...Damages to the accommodation, which consists of containers turned into housing, were estimated to cost around €250,000 (around $270,000).A total of 62 asylum seekers stayed in the containers...


07-11-2024, 09:28 AM
Lowcock, a little newsflash for you: our own countries are already in terrible trouble, a huge number of our own people can't properly feed and house themselves because we're governed by Communists, so why don't you and the entire United Nations take a flying fuck?

07-11-2024, 10:49 AM
Why can't that UN just butt out and let Mother Nature, who has been trying mightily to eliminate parasitic niggers, do her job?

Is that a warning or a promise?

I'm sure we'd all like to donate. Go find someone who cares, Lowcock.


Let them eat ghetto lobstah!!

07-11-2024, 10:50 AM
Yep, that's what I was thinking of. :D

Don't send the niggers another bite, but don't send them U-Hauls either. Let the niggers starve right where they are. Buzzards need food!

That was one of my FAVORITE Sam Kinison skits of ALL time!! That guy CRACKED me up!!

07-11-2024, 10:57 AM
Ever since the first Apefricken Homo erectus encountered the first YT to venture into the jungle, the ONLY way the sub-species has survived to this day is GIBS! All over that craphole continent niggers by the untild millions sit in the dirt wif deys paws out fo' GIBS! After the big earthquake in Haiti there were thousands of photos all over the news showing dem po' niggas sitting beside piles of rocks and rubble wif deys paws out. Photos more than ten years later showed Haiti-niggers sitting beside THE SAME piles of rocks, waiting fo' gibs! In more than ten years they never figured out how to stack one rock on another to make a wall, and eventually a house. That is why the US occupation of Haiti was ended after twenty years or so: the US military finally realized niggers are HOPELESS. It's time YT realized we ARE NOT the world's zookeepers...