View Full Version : Nigger feetsball coach makes nigger "Hebrew Israelite" eat a pepperoni pizza

06-05-2021, 06:02 PM
Apparently Hebrew Israelite's are niggers that think they are descended from the tribes of Israel. Anyway, the coach, and six assistant coaches all got fired. I'm sure a nigger lotto is imminent for the feetsball spook.

06-05-2021, 09:17 PM
First off, I know that there is always more to the story and half of everything that does make it to print is bullshit.

Second, No-one can force you to eat anything short of putting a gun to your head and even then, if your conviction is your conviction is true, you would take the bullet.

This guy is just a coach. The team is likely just a bunch of fellow niggers. This kid didn't have to do anything for someone or something that he voluntarily choose to sign up for.

I have to wonder - would they have forced a vegetarian or a muslim to do the same? They can't even make the kids wear clothing appropriate to their birth sex.

If he actually ate the pizza, that's ultimately on him.

With that said,if this situation was reversed and he had been a white Southern Baptist kid being pressured to watch gay porn, this would be just as wrong and if I were his father, I would be all over that school like stink on shit.

While I don't believe for one second that any niggers are true Israelites (descended from the 12 tribes), I cannot agree with the coaches behavior if the story is actually true - and that is, once again, a big if.

If you told me that I had to eat pork, I'd tell you to pound sand up your ass and use the pepperoni to get it up there. Whatever team or anything else you have to offer me is not enough to make me do a damn thing. I would say to the staff, students and coach that I answer to the coach in matters of the game but I answer to a higher power in matters of everything else - so kindly fuck off.

06-06-2021, 01:45 PM
Nigger on nigger, no sympathy for either. No different from watching two chimps get into a fight in a zoo cage.