View Full Version : Niggers literally starve their blind, "austic" teenaper Karreon to goodness

06-05-2021, 02:59 PM
I didn't post this in Felonious Lawlessness because there's no crime here, and I hesitate to post it here because it's not exactly a nigger fail, unless we count that the welfare checks won't be coming to the pappy and mammy anymore.

The Oregonian reported that the parents - Jesse Franks and Felicia Adams-Franks - allegedly hit the casino just hours after Karreon died last November.

Police found Karreon and his two younger brothers, who were also adopted, were severely neglected and malnourished by the adoptive parents, the Oregonian reported.

According to court records obtained by the Oregonian, the parents neglected their three kids for years. They restricted access to food and abused them, the outlet reported.

Karreon was autistic, blind, and nonverbal, and a social worker said he looked like a "walking skeleton" when she conducted a review of the family home a week ahead of his death, court records say, according to the Oregonian.

The teen's aunt - the kids' biological mother - allegedly tipped off Washington state child welfare agencies about the conditions that the kids were subjected to while living with her sister. She said her sister had deliberately withheld food from Karreon and his two brothers, the Oregonian reported.

Just hours after Karreon died in November, the parents went to a casino. According to police records obtained by the Oregonian, the two lost about $280,000 over the course of their lifetime gambling.


Yahoo won't put up a picture, but I smelled niggers right away. And guess what. Now just to make sure, the one on the left has been identified as the mammy, which is good info for us, because otherwise we couldn't readily tell. One of the big biological differences between humans and niggers is that humans tend to get taller and more attractive, but niggers keep getting uglier. It's a natural biological drive to mate with attractive members of the same species, and one advantage is that "beautiful" genes replace or at least dilute genes for features considered less attractive. But with niggers, their dominant gene types make them uglier, and uglier, and really uglier with each new generation. Maybe that's why they want to breed so much with humans, because niggers recognize their own ugliness.
