View Full Version : Ex-racists of Reddit (aka people who threw caution and common sense out the window)

06-04-2021, 09:32 AM

The entry at 14:15 stood out to me (I don't know how to time stamp, sorry), and the person writes:
I went to a mostly black school and I was picked on for being white and nerdy. I hated black people with a passion. Then I graduated and went to college where black people were cool to me

That experience is very similar to my own, except that 1)I'm a mestizo, and 2) my perception towards niggers didn't change when I started college.
True, in college, maybe they didn't randomly punch people, steal money, vandalize, or pick fights, but nigger college students were still awful in different ways, among them, but not limited to:

Constantly late to class and calling the professor racist for telling them to be on time (I kid you not, it was not uncommon for them to saunter in 10 minutes before the class was about to end!!!)
Arriving to class with nothing to write with (!!!) and bugging other students for an extra pen
Loudly arguing with the professor if they thought the assignment was "too difficult" or "too long"
Distracting other students while eating disgusting smelly food during class
19 year old baby mommas bringing their bratty, disruptive toddler to class

These ex-racists are making conclusions on the few random good experiences, and ignore statistics and large scale behavior. Many of them also had based parents and grandparents, who more than likely had their own experience with niggers, but again, in a desire to look cool and rebel against their "fuddy duddy" elders, they see themselves "cured" of racism for encountering one or two friendly black faces

Coon Club Road
06-04-2021, 12:06 PM
I have to agree during my years of adult continuing education, the few niggers in class would be late and unprepared!

Must be a jigaboo thing!

Ray Cizzums
06-04-2021, 04:05 PM
Loudly arguing with the professor if they thought the assignment was "too difficult" or "too long"
Distracting other students while eating disgusting smelly food during class
I saw a clip of a professor having a very stupid negro forcibly removed from her class by campus security guards,
and at the same time, a 250 pound buffarilla was chowing down on a 25 piece chicken nugget lunch, with sauce,
fries, and a gallon of soda. It covered her entire desk. The smacking of blubber lips, chewing, and teef-sucking,
must have been deafening. WTF, why is this allowed during class ?

06-06-2021, 12:05 AM
I learned to be racist, or realist, from the niggers.