View Full Version : Head Niggerlover Biden plans $100 billion in gibs to nigger businesses

06-01-2021, 07:24 PM
President Joe Biden intends to present a range of plans to shrink the Black-White wealth gap during his speech in Tulsa, Okla. Tuesday, including funneling $100 billion in federal contracts to ‘disadvantaged businesses,’ according to an administrative official familiar with the proposal.

Biden is scheduled to introduce the plan Tuesday at an event memorializing the 100th anniversary of the massacre perpetrated against the African-American section of the town, the Washington Post first reported.

It is unclear how the Biden administration intends to identify so-called “disadvantaged businesses” without explicitly establishing a racial litmus test, which would almost certainly be challenged in court as unconstitutional.

Under Biden’s plan, billions of dollars will also be directed to a variety of other underprivileged community needs, such as civic infrastructure, transportation and public transit, parks and recreation, and housing inequality. For example, the plan will allocate about $15 billion toward improving transportation in historically under-served areas and another $10 billion toward reclaiming vacant storefronts and subsidizing office space for community services.


Welfare isn't bad enough. Food stamps aren't bad enough. Section 8 isn't bad enough. Now the Democrats (you know it really isn't Old Man Groper deciding these things) have to give another $100 billion to niggers, which will be 100% fraudulent. There will be lots of applications by barber shops and weave salons.

Think of all the waste, all the nigger "construction companies" that will claim to pour concrete, demolish old buildings, etc., but they'll run off with the money before a single hammer is swung.

Coon Club Road
06-02-2021, 02:38 PM
Gibbs 'em more Pedo Joe!

06-03-2021, 12:46 PM
Another phony. Yeah, I'm sure he really loves niggers. I was so pissed off earlier in the week when SloJoe butted in to my court shows to whine about and enshrine some dead niggers who got batwinged a hundred years ago.

I really wanted to hear about that. :mad:

Jim Crow
06-03-2021, 02:16 PM
ByeDone is just a sock puppet.He does whatever the liberal’s hand tells him to do.He’s just a wrinkled old ornament w/silly looking hair plugs and a facelift.He can’t think for himself,so he makes no decisions.A man who lips whatever he’s made to lip.In other words.he’s perfect for the liberal/socialist machine!

06-03-2021, 07:08 PM
Nigger fraud lotto 2.0 on the horizon
It's up to all white people to make sure this GOES NOWHERE

I heard something on the news earlier about all the barbershops and hair salons expecting to get gibs. This was serious reporting. We don't make nigger stereotypes, the stereotypes were already there.

When you have traitors like Pelosi, Schumer, and a whole lot of Republicans too, what hope is there?

The Founding Fathers would have said we should pick our own cotton. They might even regret there was ever a single cotton plant on this continent.

SC Anemia
06-03-2021, 09:30 PM
I really wanted to hear about that. :mad:

I'm gonna assume that you didn't DVR that?

Just like I did with the nigger Hussein, I change the channel if I even think I'm going to be suffering that senile old bastard. I make a point to watch the national news every evening but the second I see or hear him....click.

Don't even get me started on fellatio Harris, nope! :lol Her laugh makes me want to Elvis my TV.

06-03-2021, 09:47 PM
]I heard something on the news earlier about all the barbershops and hair salons expecting to get gibs.[/B] This was serious reporting. We don't make nigger stereotypes, the stereotypes were already there.

When you have traitors like Pelosi, Schumer, and a whole lot of Republicans too, what hope is there?

The Founding Fathers would have said we should pick our own cotton. They might even regret there was ever a single cotton plant on this continent.

Remember when the Plague started and all businesses except essential services had to shut down? And it was decided that nigger brillo pad salons were an essential service because dog forbid any massive, welfare-sucking breeder nigress couldn't get her weaves did!!! It was urgent for their self-esteem. :mad:

06-06-2021, 12:49 AM
The level of nigger pandering by Biden is beyond belief

animal mother
06-06-2021, 09:09 AM
Let the lawsuits begin. This couldn’t be a more clear violation of federal law (snivel rights act) put in place for the benefit of niggers. They Can’t just flip it around to fuck YT.

06-06-2021, 01:22 PM
Biden can pay reparations to them out of his own money for all I care. That Pelosi as well as any other liberal.

06-06-2021, 11:27 PM
I honestly wish people would stop blaming Biden for any damn thing. The Vegetable is nothing more than a completely controlled fucking marionette. Democrats and the radical lefties literally have their hands up his ass, making his mouth move. He hasn't had a single original thought in his head since before he announced his candidacy. He doesn't say or sign anything that he isn't expressly ordered by his masters to say or sign. He's nothing more than a fucking rubber stamp with a pulse. The day he questions ANYTHING that he's told to say or do will be the day he's Amendment 25'd, and gone. All the shit they have on Hunter and the rest of his family ensures that he does exactly what he's told, when he's told. Stop thinking of him as anything like a 'leader'. He's a ventriloquist's dummy, and not one damn thing more.

Rastus Nigger
06-07-2021, 12:18 AM
I'm surprised the nigger loving commie faggot isn't sucking that feral shitskinned idiot beast's dick.

06-07-2021, 01:38 PM
All the shit they have on Hunter and the rest of his family ensures that he does exactly what he's told, when he's told. Stop thinking of him as anything like a 'leader'. He's a ventriloquist's dummy, and not one damn thing more.

Oh, believe me, I have no misconceptions about who's really in charge. He doesn't even need to be blackmailed. They just tell him to sign this, say that, and he does, and I don't think he's even aware it's so he can live in the pretty house and have his own plane to travel in.

His family's total disgrazia, letting him be used like that, so that they get more political and financial connections than ever before.

06-07-2021, 01:38 PM
I'm surprised the nigger loving commie faggot isn't sucking that feral shitskinned idiot beast's dick.

At least not on camera!