View Full Version : Spain's anti-racism "equality stamps": the dark-colored ones are worth less

05-30-2021, 05:32 PM
MADRID — A new campaign by Spain’s postal service that was intended to condemn racism has backfired and ended up offending many people with a series of stamps in skin tones — the lighter the shade, the more valuable the stamp.

The “Equality Stamps” were issued this week to coincide with the anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, a Black man whose killing by a police officer in Minneapolis fueled outrage on U.S. streets and led to broad calls for fighting racism in America and beyond. The release of the stamps also coincided with European Diversity Month.

The cost of the stamps starts at 0.70 euros (85 cents) for the darkest color, and as the shade grows progressively lighter, the value steadily goes up to 1.60 euros for the palest.

The postal service said on Twitter that the pricing had aimed to reflect “an unfair and painful reality that should not exist,” and that it had hoped the campaign would “give voice to a generation devoted to equal rights and diversity.”

Gerehou, a Spanish native of Gambian descent, said the postal service was joining a corporate anti-racism push that had spread to Spain from the United States. But he said that such efforts needed to be “accompanied by profound changes.”

They still screwed up on the pricing. Nigger-colored stamps should be worth zero, and usable only for mailing things to Africa.

And my mother's Spanish descent makes her more of a native than that self-imported nigger. It's as much of a "Spanish native" as niggers in the UK call themselves Britons.

05-30-2021, 09:10 PM
, a Spanish native of Gambian descent

So, a nigger. Gimme a break! Even niggers judge each other on how black they are.

Yes, it looks like Spain is embracing its invaders, I mean "migrants".

We're gonna need a higher fence!" I don't know why it's not electrified. We know Africoons don't "get" electricity and would keep climbing even as dey brudders are falling like stones.


05-30-2021, 09:40 PM
We're gonna need a higher fence!

This is the expression Spain-loving Spaniards have when seeing all the niggers climbing fences.


SC Anemia
05-30-2021, 11:34 PM
This is the expression Spain-loving Spaniards have when seeing all the niggers climbing fences.


I can't stop laughing :rofl

05-30-2021, 11:40 PM
I can't stop laughing :rofl

Same! :rofl

I need to try and find a video of all those nimble nogs scampering up that fence just like monkeys.

Jim Crow
05-31-2021, 07:39 AM
Same! :rofl

I need to try and find a video of all those nimble nogs scampering up that fence just like monkeys.
What do you mean”just like monkeys”? They is monkeys!

05-31-2021, 11:03 AM
What do you mean”just like monkeys”? They is monkeys!

They are a primitive sub-species. Actual monkeys and apes are the superior species and way more intelligent.

05-31-2021, 01:10 PM
"West African migrants"

No, they're invaders.


Here are 8000 migrants in just a 2-day period.


Jim Crow
05-31-2021, 01:37 PM
They are a primitive sub-species. Actual monkeys and apes are the superior species and way more intelligent.

And less smelly too!LOL!

05-31-2021, 02:44 PM
"West African migrants"

No, they're invaders.


Here are 8000 migrants in just a 2-day period.


What the hell are they supposed to do about this flood of invading niggers? I know what they would have done 100 years ago when niggers were not an untouchable species.

It's like blocking up one small hole in your house where you saw a cockroach thinking the problem is solved when there are 10,000 of them behind the wall just waiting to explode into your house. No fence will keep out niggers unless it's electrified or has quadruple rolls of razor wire at the top. OH, but can't hurt the niggers even if they are destroying your country.


06-01-2021, 10:52 AM
What the hell are they supposed to do about this flood of invading niggers? I know what they would have done 100 years ago when niggers were not an untouchable species.

It's like blocking up one small hole in your house where you saw a cockroach thinking the problem is solved when there are 10,000 of them behind the wall just waiting to explode into your house. No fence will keep out niggers unless it's electrified or has quadruple rolls of razor wire at the top. OH, but can't hurt the niggers even if they are destroying your country.


Niggers would probably just climb over the first wave of niggers that got made good and were stuck. It's going to take things like a Great Wall.

Did you see my rewrite of "Mirror, Mirror" from a couple of years ago? Captain Kirk finds out where Earth history went wrong, that the planet got taken over by niggers. China was one of the few countries to survive because it erected a 50-foot Great Wall, initially electrified before being fortified.

06-01-2021, 11:00 AM
Niggers would probably just climb over the first wave of niggers that got made good and were stuck. It's going to take things like a Great Wall.
This is true. Like ants, they would use the bodies of others as a bridge, except the ants who do this aren't harmed. Ants are more caring about their own than niggers are!

Did you see my rewrite of "Mirror, Mirror" from a couple of years ago? Captain Kirk finds out where Earth history went wrong, that the planet got taken over by niggers. China was one of the few countries to survive because it erected a 50-foot Great Wall, initially electrified before being fortified.

I don't recall that. It makes me think of another episode called "The Changling" where the space probe "Nomad" destroys all "biological infestations" (inhabitants) of planets because it has a corrupted program. They could remake this episode, set in the future when earth is infested with only niggers and nigger mutts. The ending would be different in that Kirk allows Nomad to wipe them all out.