View Full Version : Baltimore will continue socially promoting "failing" students, i.e. niggers

05-29-2021, 03:52 PM
So what's new? This has been happening a long time. The pandemic's just an excuse for the constant failure of niggers to get minimal passing grades.

"As we approach the end of the 2020-2021 school year, we all recognize that students have experienced incredibly significant challenges and interruptions in their learning," Santelises said. "With that in mind, the district has developed a fair and straightforward process for evaluating and recording students' progress in the current school year."

Santelises added that the district has taken advice from faculty, families, students, support staff, school leaders and others during virtual group meetings since February.

Community and school members have been evaluating grading methods that reflect the "unique circumstances" that "Black people have faced."

Baltimore City Schools Chief Academic Officer Joan Dabrowski said during the meeting that the district is committed to its students and recognizes "the challenges they have faced this academic school year."

"We are going to avoid the punitive approach to failing students and the default reaction to unfairly retain students," she said. "Instead, we are going to … commit to our students as we plan for a multi-year academic recovery."

No changes will be made to the pre-K, kindergarten and first-grade grading systems. In grades two through five, however, students' "U" grades, which stand for "unsatisfactory," will be changed to "not complete," or "NC." Students at all middle and high school grade levels who failed classes will receive an "NC" — which stands for "no credit" at the high school level — instead of an F.

Students will move onto the next grade levels but will also be given time over the summer and fall to complete unfinished courses.


In other words, nigger "community activists" are complaining that actual academics are racist white privilege, and when the niggers are sent to summer school, they'll still fail there anyway. But the schools will still give them worthless diplomas. When a business requires a high school diploma to weed out teen idiots, mostly niggers but some humans, what good does that do now when Antwan and Marquise failed K-12 but graduated with honors an sheet?

One of my friends in elementary school went to summer school, but it was remedial for the next grade. His parents were Chinese immigrants and demanded the best of him. So when he started the next grade, he was actually that full year ahead.

On the other hand, what's difficult for a nigger and takes 3 years? First grade.

Ray Cizzums
05-29-2021, 04:33 PM
It's time to give up on "Edjumacating" the bush negro. Just build a kennel, with a tin roof, on a slab. Drains in the
floor will facilitate hosing down the funk they create, and chain link partitions should be doubled between pens,
as the nigra will mate through holes in the fence. At that point, all you need to do is install Purina monkey chow
dispensers, and you're done.

05-29-2021, 05:31 PM
It must be nice to have "black privilege" huh? You can burn whatever you want, kill whoever you want and take whatever you want. People will give you free everything, throw themselves at you and now you have the privilege to be a dumbass in school and still pass. Yet, they still ook and eek about "muh raycizum and shieet". The problem is quiet obvious that a nigger is just incapable of learning to a higher degree (no, pimping, selling drugs or muh dicking white 'wimmenz' is not a "professional" skill). I really hate what the education system has become, what's the point of going to school if teachers are going to brainwash the students that they have "white privilege", worship niggers, dumb down the school curriculum and give special treatment to "people of color"? The future generation of kids are a lost cause, there is no hope and I can only imagine how much worse it'll be once these juniors grow up.

05-29-2021, 06:43 PM
It must be nice to have "black privilege" huh? You can burn whatever you want, kill whoever you want and take whatever you want. People will give you free everything, throw themselves at you and now you have the privilege to be a dumbass in school and still pass. Yet, they still ook and eek about "muh raycizum and shieet". The problem is quiet obvious that a nigger is just incapable of learning to a higher degree (no, pimping, selling drugs or muh dicking white 'wimmenz' is not a "professional" skill). I really hate what the education system has become, what's the point of going to school if teachers are going to brainwash the students that they have "white privilege", worship niggers, dumb down the school curriculum and give special treatment to "people of color"? The future generation of kids are a lost cause, there is no hope and I can only imagine how much worse it'll be once these juniors grow up.

I think we're at a turning point. Humans can only take so much turpitude before they hit the stops. Niggers have no limits to their depravity as they have no respect for themselves. I think we're on the cusp of a Christian revolution and retooling. We can only take so much.

SC Anemia
05-29-2021, 09:15 PM
I have somewhat of a different slant on this. I am retired now but in my entire working life I was never asked once, not once to provide proof of graduation. I have filled-out a few applications over the years that asked if I had a HS diploma but that was only a box to check. It was only when I went on to earn my bachelor's that I was ever asked for my transcripts/diploma.

Since niggers are nothing more than cheap, menial laborers at best...I say go ahead and pass them and allow them to matriculate. Since almost none will go on to college it doesn't matter anyway. If they do enroll in college, that's where the rubber meets the road and the dumbasses can fail there. All the doctored HS grades in the world won't help.

My only issue is when schools' curriculum is dumbed-down so the imbeciles can pass. White students suffer then but since this mostly occurs in nigger-infested shitholes like Baltimore, who cares.

You can say you're a genius who can pilot a plane but in a nose-dive that made-up pilots license won't mean shit.

Ray Cizzums
05-30-2021, 07:30 PM
If they do enroll in college, that's where the rubber meets the road and the dumbasses can fail there. All the doctored HS grades in the world won't help.

The problem is that they don't care if the schvuggers pass or fail - they want the colleges to employ more
job-and-benefits-for-life parasite teachers, more SEIU pukes, and have them feeding and housing niggers
, and their sprogs, until age 30+, with the taxpayers footing the bills. Look how they now have niggers going to
high school until they're 21.

05-30-2021, 08:44 PM
What benefit to society is a socially promoted groid that can't read or count?

Ray Cizzums
05-30-2021, 10:15 PM
What benefit to society is a socially promoted groid that can't read or count?

To a socialist society ? Dependency.

Jim Crow
05-31-2021, 07:36 AM
When these dumb ass niggers with a fake deeploma enter the workforce and fail miserably,who will be blamed?

Coon Club Road
06-01-2021, 10:15 AM
"all you need to do is install Purina monkey chow
dispensers, and you're done."

One Liner Award Winner of the Day!


06-01-2021, 11:02 AM
I oppose the school to prison pipeline. School is a waste of time on niggers. Just send them straight to prison.

Ray Cizzums
06-01-2021, 11:21 AM
I oppose the school to prison pipeline. School is a waste of time on niggers. Just send them straight to prison.

A pipeline to Africa would be money well spent.....