View Full Version : Michigan Sow Gets $385 Ticket For Yapping Too Loud

SC Anemia
05-28-2021, 12:13 PM
Yes this really happened. Of course we all know what really happened here. Some loud, obnoxious boon screeching away on its sail foam annoying the shit out of everyone.


"I'm not doing anything wrong by walking up and down the street talking on my phone," Robinson said in the video.

But as Robinson continued to record, the police officers wrote her a ticket.

"I get a ticket for being a public nuisance because I'm talking too loud on my phone," she said in the video. "That's why I got a ticket?"

Yes, yes it is. :rofl



05-28-2021, 01:20 PM
yes this really happened. Of course we all know what really happened here. Some loud, obnoxious boon screeching away on its sail foam annoying the shit out of everyone.


yes, yes it is. :rofl



love this!!

Rastus Nigger
05-28-2021, 03:49 PM
Every nigger is a public nuisance.

Whitey Ford
05-28-2021, 03:59 PM
Woman gets $385 ticket for talking too loud on sidewalk, she says race is the reason


Diamond Robinson says she was walking up and down Cushing Street where she lives in Eastpointe talking on her phone Thursday. That was when she says one of her neighbors approached her.

Robinson said the woman asked 'Do you think that you can get off your phone or talk lower.
"One of those things she said," Robinson said. "And I said 'Get out of my face,' and I proceeded to walk past her. She is saying whatever she is saying, three minutes later, Eastpointe police pulls up."

So Robinson started doing a Facebook Live video.

"And I hope you know this is all being recorded," she said in the video to the officers.

The woman, who called the police, had just moved to the neighborhood within a couple of weeks ago and is white. Robinson said she was targeted because she is Black.



05-28-2021, 05:03 PM
It's only going to keep yapping, and never pay the ticket.

SC Anemia
05-28-2021, 06:26 PM
Here ya go:


Ray Cizzums
05-28-2021, 10:17 PM
This is a standard sheboon practice in NYC, seen on the train, the bus, the rail platform and the street.
All the blubber-potamus needs is a sail foam, it doesn't even have to be functional, and they can yell
whatever stupid shit that's on their pea-brain, for as long as they like. White motherfucka this, bitch ass
cracka that, I is fixin' to shoot a motherfucka - this goes on for hours, wherever they go. There's a well
known case that happened on the Long Beach LIRR train, where a white commuter finally had enough,
told the fat cunt to STFU, and he ended up on the news every night for a week. Of course, some prosecutor
in Queens had him arrested, but the case got tossed, when both sides of the exchange were heard.

05-28-2021, 10:52 PM
There was a niggeress that wouldn't shut up for 16 hours on an Amtrak train. It was finally kicked off. I don't know if anything came from the disorderly conduct charges, but at least it was kicked off.

Jesus, I hadn't seen video of it before, and just look at that niggerpotamus barely able to waddle itself off. It was Amtrak, not a freight car!


I love this picture. Caption it, "You goddamn nigger, Africa is that way!"


Still, don't most humans know when they're getting on someone's nerves? Perhaps not in every case. As MSNBC reported, Beard herself felt "disrespected."

Not all humans know, but no niggers know.

SC Anemia
05-28-2021, 11:58 PM
There was a niggeress that wouldn't shut up for 16 hours on an Amtrak train.

I could swear I saw the suspension on that train bounce when the sow stepped off.


05-29-2021, 10:16 AM
There was a niggeress that wouldn't shut up for 16 hours on an Amtrak train. It was finally kicked off. I don't know if anything came from the disorderly conduct charges, but at least it was kicked off.

Jesus, I hadn't seen video of it before, and just look at that niggerpotamus barely able to waddle itself off. It was Amtrak, not a freight car!


I love this picture. Caption it, "You goddamn nigger, Africa is that way!"


Not all humans know, but no niggers know.

That shepotamus could be a fucking sumo wrestler!!

Ray Cizzums
05-29-2021, 02:31 PM
There was a niggeress that wouldn't shut up for 16 hours on an Amtrak train. It was finally kicked off. I love this picture. Caption it, "You goddamn nigger, Africa is that way!"


Not all humans know, but no niggers know.
That is a remarkable turn of events, putting a sow off of a long haul passenger train, between stations.
On commuter trains, you might have to listen to the same lard-ass sheboons several times a week.
One guy, again on the Long Beach train, was infamous for fights with babbling bitches on sail foams,
so he bought a cell phone jammer. He'd let humans stay on a short call, but he'd jam the buffarillas,
and let them know it, by turning it on in their face. The cops came on the train once, and asked him if
he had one, he said no. Good thing, because using one is a federal offense of some sort, and there was
a guy in Florida who the FCC tracked down on 95 south, who used to leave it on for his whole commute.
He was facing $50,000 in fines.

SC Anemia
05-29-2021, 02:34 PM
This is a standard sheboon practice in NYC, seen on the train, the bus, the rail platform and the street.


Ray Cizzums
05-29-2021, 03:28 PM

For the life of me, I'd print that out on stickers, and plaster the trains and platforms with it,
if I still rode the rails.

05-29-2021, 03:30 PM
That is a remarkable turn of events, putting a sow off of a long haul passenger train, between stations.
On commuter trains, you might have to listen to the same lard-ass sheboons several times a week.
One guy, again on the Long Beach train, was infamous for fights with babbling bitches on sail foams,
so he bought a cell phone jammer. He'd let humans stay on a short call, but he'd jam the buffarillas,
and let them know it, by turning it on in their face. The cops came on the train once, and asked him if
he had one, he said no. Good thing, because using one is a federal offense of some sort, and there was
a guy in Florida who the FCC tracked down on 95 south, who used to leave it on for his whole commute.
He was facing $50,000 in fines.

I make no admission as to whether I had or didn't have that class of electronic device, purchased after I myself almost into a real fistfight with a jerk. ;) But let me just say, I salute that guy and just wish he'd been more discreet so he had no chance of being caught. I remember someone who might be that guy in Florida, who was stupid enough to hold his out in the open, who shouldn't have left it on all the time in case someone had to make a quick call home. Now if someone's yakking loudly, especially and usually niggers, I have no problem with people reacting beyond FCC regulations. I was actually part of a televised discussion when quiet cars were first introduced, pro and con, all of us human. I couldn't imagine if we had some shrieking niggeress, who'd ook "It be muh rights an sheeit!" no matter that it was ooking in someone's ear.

I remembered a classic nigger joke. An old buck couldn't get its muh dikk up anymore, so it went to the doctor. It came out all smiles and its niggersow asked why. "Dat doctuh say I gots a problem, an dat it be curable, but why I gonna wan dat cure? I be impotent! Everybuds gonna knows me!"

Ray Cizzums
05-29-2021, 03:47 PM
I remember someone who might be that guy in Florida, who was stupid enough to hold his out in the open, who shouldn't have left it on all the time in case someone had to make a quick call home.
I recall that Florida guy's commute took him past either a police station, hospital or firehouse - and they noticed emergency calls being disrupted 5 days a week at the same times. The FCC had 9 guys in 3 vans, triangulate on his signal, then had the highway patrol box him in. The cop played it cool, asking casually what that device in his console was. The guy blew it, by answering truthfully. He could have said "I found it, and I'm not sure what it is". Using it is a crime, possession is not.

05-29-2021, 03:59 PM
I recall that Florida guy's commute took him past either a police station, hospital or firehouse - and they noticed emergency calls being disrupted 5 days a week at the same times. The FCC had 9 guys in 3 vans, triangulate on his signal, then had the highway patrol box him in. The cop played it cool, asking casually what that device in his console was. The guy blew it, by answering truthfully. He could have said "I found it, and I'm not sure what it is". Using it is a crime, possession is not.

He could have definitely been smarter about it, even just saying he had nothing like that. They wouldn't have had a warrant to inspect his belongings or take anything to check out.

That was a different guy. The one I remembered held his out in the open, and other regulars realized they couldn't make calls when he was holding this black box. I again admit to nothing ;), but instead of jamming all the time, it's less intrusive and more satisfying to jam right when a known annoying person's just started to make a call. After the fourth time you hear things like, "I keep getting cut off, hey can you hear me? I'll just call you later."

SC Anemia
05-29-2021, 07:11 PM
There was a niggeress that wouldn't shut up for 16 hours on an Amtrak train.

Ever seen video of a train ride/subway in Japan? Depending upon where and when, they can be absolutely stuffed full of people but it's also DEAD SILENT except for announcements. Crazy .

Ray Cizzums
05-29-2021, 07:31 PM
Ever seen video of a train ride/subway in Japan? Depending upon where and when, they can be absolutely stuffed full of people but it's also DEAD SILENT except for announcements. Crazy .
They hire people to push passengers, so they're more tightly packed into the cars.
They also have a problem with women getting felt up and humped, to where they needed
to have female only cars, so they didn't have to get loved long time ....

SC Anemia
05-29-2021, 08:24 PM
They also have a problem with women getting felt up and humped, to where they needed to have female only cars, so they didn't have to get loved long time ....

Only in Japan. (I was just reading about that)

In Hawaii once, I might have been in a titty club one night. There were these mini-bleachers like you see in a HS gymnasium and they were packed full of Japanese women in formal wear.
Took me a minute to figure that out. They were actually coming in with their husbands and taking a seat while the husbands were 'supporting' the local talent. I thought "ho-ree shit, I've seen it all now.


Ray Cizzums
05-30-2021, 02:28 PM
Only in Japan. (I was just reading about that)

In Hawaii once, I might have been in a titty club one night. There were these mini-bleachers like you see in a HS gymnasium and they were packed full of Japanese women in formal wear.
Took me a minute to figure that out. They were actually coming in with their husbands and taking a seat while the husbands were 'supporting' the local talent. I thought "ho-ree shit, I've seen it all now.
I like when grown women aren't stiffs, so more power to 'em. Years ago, I took the missus for a night out, and we ended up at a great club, with an enthusiastic adult crowd. I thought it was a little odd that there were lots of attractive single girls, all the couples featured unusually attractive wives (we fit right in), and there were no single guys. Had a great time, the wife was dancing up a storm, and great girls were chatting us up at the bar. I was talking to one of the other husbands, who was telling me how he did the previous week, when it dawned on me - we were at a swinger club event, on "Unicorn Night". The wife figured it out at the same time, when a girl she was dancing with got very friendly. She had a good buzz on, comes back to the bar, to tell me what I already knew. We were both fine with it, because it was such a fun place, but I couldn't talk her into a double-decker sandwich, with me in the middle. We went a couple more times, just for laughs, but I failed to get my unicorn 3-way. I think I came closest on the first night. :)

06-01-2021, 10:57 AM
I remember a story about a nigger who stank really bad always stinking up this gas station in the middle of the night. It got to the point where the manager called the police and the cop actually gave the nigger a ticket for "being a public nuisance" because it stank so bad.

Ray Cizzums
06-01-2021, 12:29 PM
I remember a story about a nigger who stank really bad always stinking up this gas station in the middle of the night. It got to the point where the manager called the police and the cop actually gave the nigger a ticket for "being a public nuisance" because it stank so bad.

Assault on the public's nostrils, is the charge....

06-01-2021, 11:03 PM
I remember a story about a nigger who stank really bad always stinking up this gas station in the middle of the night. It got to the point where the manager called the police and the cop actually gave the nigger a ticket for "being a public nuisance" because it stank so bad.

Sounds like it was JUSTIFIED!!