View Full Version : Why Beez Ize da Inappropriate and sheeit?

05-27-2021, 03:34 PM

Why is it that niggers seem to think that their hideous fashion is somehow acceptable in the human world? They come up with the most outrageous thing that their 80 IQ brains can manage and then parade themselves around like they are some kind of nigger royalty. These motherfucking pieces of shit will literally wrap themselves up in plastic-wrap and call it 'fashion'.

With niggers, they thing that the more offensive something is, the more reason to do it. Why? Because niggers hate YT just as much as we hate them.

05-27-2021, 04:26 PM
“The police were called after three disruptive, adult patrons engaged with another table of patrons, and one of the female owners of Lula,” the restaurant said. “No person or group was escorted off of the property. There were no physical altercations.”

“You were here when we walked in. If there was anything wrong with what she had on, you should have said something at that time,” Sanai’s mom told WDSU. “Not after we had spent well over $2,000 at your establishment. This is when she called the police.”

The niggeress says it had been two hours, meaning it extended arguing about it for two hours. And whose stolen credit card did they use, or did they actually get approved for one that they'll default on?

Niggers complain about "racism," but any respectable place wants its guests to be respectable. When I was in college, my friend's club way out on Long Island (meaning almost no niggers!) could get a little steamy, but no girl would have been allowed in wearing a bikini top. One dead Saturday night, I was hanging out with my friend and the two bouncers at the front door. At the bar, a really hot girl started giving a bit of a clothed lap dance to her guy. Her black dress was pretty short, but still club attire. Then she pulled down her spaghetti straps and acted like she was going to do more. While someone mopped up our drool off the floor, my friend told the bouncers to make sure she didn't go any further. Well, she pulled her dress below her bra, and that was that. A bouncer went to tell her to get dressed and that she'd have to leave. That's how a respectable place is run.

Sure, we guys would have enjoyed seeing more, but my friend didn't want customers not coming back because they thought the place was no better than a strip club. And a restaurant doesn't want to lose customers because they lost their appetite at the sight of a niggeress flaunting its udders!

Whitey Ford
05-28-2021, 05:16 PM
Du you really want to have to look at this while trying to eat in a restaurant? Her udders are hangin' out and the others sow practically has a dress so short if it was any shorter you could see its muh poosy. GROSS!

05-29-2021, 02:39 PM
Sanai Butler

That nigger needs to change its name....I just think of serving the wicked white man with the name Butler. Maybe Sanai Bama would more suit the new age coon. All niggers should change their names from any association with whitey anyway. All those Jones and Browns needs to become Wakandas and Wonders too.