View Full Version : I gots fo you da guinea pigs and sheeit...

05-25-2021, 11:30 AM

So a buck and sheboon were arguing over Guinea Pigs...GUINEA PIGS! There is nothing that niggers won't turn in to a CAT 5 Chimpout! IDC if the sheeboon got her batwings. That just means that there is less breeding stock. I am commenting just on the argument alone. Who fights over Guinea Pigs? I certainly do not know of any HUMAN who would. I know that the average IQ of a garden variety nigger is about 80, but arguing over a fucking rodent?

Only niggers...

SC Anemia
05-25-2021, 01:28 PM
I know that the average IQ of a garden variety nigger is about 80, but arguing over a fucking rodent?....

So they're marginally smarter than the Guinea Pigs? (or about neck & neck?) :lol


Coon Club Road
05-25-2021, 02:54 PM

2 + 2 = a 3 Piece! :lol

05-25-2021, 10:48 PM
Hutchinson said Edwards hit him in the head with a laptop and she grabbed a kitchen knife before they wrestled over the blade. He eventually pinned her to the ground, kneeling on her back and neck, the court documents stated.

I really have to laugh over these tales of nigger brawls.