View Full Version : There's no medical "equity" because these niggers never got their niglets screened for sickle cell

05-24-2021, 12:15 PM
Kyra, who has sickle cell, had suffered a devastating stroke — her second — a common complication of this inherited disease, which afflicts 100,000 Americans, most of them Black. She most likely would never have had the strokes if she had been given an annual screening test and treatment proven more than two decades earlier to prevent 9 out of 10 strokes in children with the disease and recommended by the National Institutes of Health. But like countless other children with sickle cell, she was never screened.

But Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said the lack of attention paid to sickle cell historically “is one more reflection of the fact that we do not have equity in our country.”

One-third as many Americans have cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that is of comparable seriousness to sickle cell but that primarily affects white children, yet it gets “seven to 11 times the research funding per patient, which results in disparate rates of development of medications,” according to a recent opinion piece in The New England Journal of Medicine. Only four medications are approved by federal regulators for sickle call, and 15 for cystic fibrosis.


Cystic fibrosis is an incomparably worse disease, and the reason it's worth spending many times more on research is because people affected take it seriously and get the tests. Niggers go around blaming YT for sickle cell, diabetes, high cholesterol, COVID, and it's still our fault even when our taxes spend billions on research, tests and cures they don't use anyway.

But include a free bucket of KFC with a test, and they'll be signing up even if they don't have the disease.

Rastus Nigger
05-24-2021, 12:41 PM
The only medical care niggers deserve is from witchdoctors. :witchdoctor

05-24-2021, 06:51 PM
The only medical care niggers deserve is from witchdoctors. :witchdoctor

I would support a government program to ship niggers back to Africa (one-way of course) so they can get the finest treatment from their advanced medicine.


05-24-2021, 09:42 PM
Beat that migraine!

Rastus Nigger
05-24-2021, 11:19 PM
Isn't that Maxine Waters on the right?