View Full Version : $100 ho whore batwinged by nigger muhdikker

05-20-2021, 09:15 PM
Nigger mudikker pays nigger ho whore $100 for muhpussy then proceeds to issue batwings the slow and brutal way.


Coon Club Road
05-21-2021, 10:56 AM
Obviously there was a quality issue with the muh poosie.

For a Benjamin, muh dikker was expecting quality, not quantity.

If he wanted just regular baboon tang, that would have been 20 bucks.

The newly won scholarship to NU will include all the free fraternity bro sex.

05-21-2021, 11:03 AM
I think "Shawna Brune" was white, not that it makes any difference. A human woman who is willing to muh dik a nigger may as well be a nigger herself.

the distinctive shoe tread of her killer was embedded in her skin

She should have known the nigger would get his money back.

He also said the apparent blood on his shoes was "energy drink."
No need to wonder why prisons are packed with niggers. Bright, they are not. :lol

His attorneys argued that the detectives handled the case unfairly because Alexander is Black.

Definitely rayciss. If he were white they would have let him get away with first-degree murder.

Ray Cizzums
05-21-2021, 11:07 AM
This dopey nigger : A - Did it on camera, B - Left his blood splattered hat at the scene, C - Was wearing the bloody
shoes he stomped the victim to death with. Of course, his shyster says the cops charged him because he's black.

05-21-2021, 04:44 PM
She should have known the nigger would get his money back.

Niggers are fond of saying that they don't pay a ho for anything except leaving. This one should have just left once approached.

05-21-2021, 05:29 PM
Niggers are fond of saying that they don't pay a ho for anything except leaving. This one should have just left once approached.

What brought Shawna to this - giving BJs in parking lots to murderous niggers?

Her obit mentions how "Shawna loved plants, "The Lion King," and her mother's lasagna." No mention of the way she earned a living and how she died, which is understandable. I wouldn't mention it either.

I guess I'll never understand.


05-21-2021, 05:41 PM
I guess I'll never understand.


Good find! The family's in denial about it, or at least they don't want to admit what they did.

In the years that followed, the family shared many joys and sorrows, such as

Shawna turning into a two-bit whore that would even do niggers?

her love, if acquired, was unlike any other.

Was that Shawna's advertising slogan?

With condolences open, that's an invitation to all her nigger clients saying how much she's missed.

05-21-2021, 05:50 PM
Good find! The family's in denial about it, or at least they don't want to admit what they did.

Shawna turning into a two-bit whore that would even do niggers?

Was that Shawna's advertising slogan?

With condolences open, that's an invitation to all her nigger clients saying how much she's missed.

Really, if that were your sister would you want to say "Our sweet Shawna, who loved puppies and unicorns, sadly passed away when she got her head stomped by a savage nigger buck who wanted a refund on a sub-par blow job."?

05-21-2021, 06:11 PM
Really, if that were your sister would you want to say "Our sweet Shawna, who loved puppies and unicorns, sadly passed away when she got her head stomped by a savage nigger buck who wanted a refund on a sub-par blow job."?

I'm enough of a cold-hearted bastard. The words I'd use in my first draft would burn the vetter's eyes. R. Lee Ermey would say I went too far :D

Then I'd tone it down: "This constant embarrassment to the family got what she deserved, and honestly we'd already given her up for dead a few years ago."

05-21-2021, 06:53 PM
I'm enough of a cold-hearted bastard. The words I'd use in my first draft would burn the vetter's eyes. R. Lee Ermey would say I went too far :D

Then I'd tone it down: "This constant embarrassment to the family got what she deserved, and honestly we'd already given her up for dead a few years ago."

That's pretty far! :lol

Ray Cizzums
05-21-2021, 07:08 PM
What brought Shawna to this - giving BJs in parking lots to murderous niggers?
Shawna was obviously a major fuck-up, and did a wheelie into the Grand Canyon. That's on her, for sure.
But our society discourages and punishes alpha male behavior, leaving very few dependable men, to love, support
and protect today's women. I see a lot of fine young ladies, that hook up with one useless bum after another. This
lack of responsible men contributes to girls going mudshark, when combined with MSM and advertising propaganda.

05-21-2021, 07:17 PM
Shawna was obviously a major fuck-up, and did a wheelie into the Grand Canyon. That's on her, for sure.
But our society discourages and punishes alpha male behavior, leaving very few dependable men, to love, support
and protect today's women. I see a lot of fine young ladies, that hook up with one useless bum after another. This
lack of responsible men contributes to girls going mudshark, when combined with MSM and advertising propaganda.

This is very true. I never knew there were so many women so desperate for a warm body they'll do and put up with anything, until I started watching court shows. Time and again I see women of all ages - often attractive with good jobs - hooking up with brokeass losers, abusers, druggies, drunks, mama's boys, nu-males and utterly repulsive pieces of shit and niggers, and not only moving in with them but showering them with large sums of money and gifts for which they end up suing them when their Prince dumps them for another ridiculous desperate woman.

But, being an utter, pathetic fool is a different story than being a street whore willing to sell your body to a nigger in some dirty parking lot for money.

05-21-2021, 11:50 PM
That's pretty far! :lol

Far, or fair? :D

Imagine me doing the eulogy. I'll give a family-friendly version.

"It took us all these years to realize that the best part of her wasn't what ran down her momma's ass crack, but what her momma peed through her asshole after eating ExLax like they're M&Ms. Whenever she came over, needless to say always uninvited, we wanted to dump alum on that trash mouth of hers to shut her up about the latest nigger she thought was a boyfriend because it got its muh dikk for free. If only her mouth had been swollen shut like her cunt, which doctors recognized as the worst Petri dish of STDs ever seen. But they still didn't want her body donated to science because they weren't sure what uncontrollable diseases they might contract."

05-22-2021, 11:03 AM
Far, or fair? :D

Imagine me doing the eulogy. I'll give a family-friendly version.

"It took us all these years to realize that the best part of her wasn't what ran down her momma's ass crack, but what her momma peed through her asshole after eating ExLax like they're M&Ms. Whenever she came over, needless to say always uninvited, we wanted to dump alum on that trash mouth of hers to shut her up about the latest nigger she thought was a boyfriend because it got its muh dikk for free. If only her mouth had been swollen shut like her cunt, which doctors recognized as the worst Petri dish of STDs ever seen. But they still didn't want her body donated to science because they weren't sure what uncontrollable diseases they might contract."

That's the PG version? Damn, don't show us the R-rated one. :lol

But I get it. Niggers and their burners have incited me to say very vulgar things here I never did before. I'm shocked at myself.