View Full Version : But who beez da Daddy?

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05-18-2021, 12:53 PM
I see that Nigger Naomi Campbell has at age 50 (well past the 'Wall') produced a sprog which it calls 'her beautiful lil' angel' but like herself it too will probably become a 'Coddled' coke and booze addict.
No mention of a Daddy (Human?) to complete da happy Fambly.....

05-18-2021, 10:54 PM
I see that Nigger Naomi Campbell has at age 50 (well past the 'Wall') produced a sprog which it calls 'her beautiful lil' angel' but like herself it too will probably become a 'Coddled' coke and booze addict.
No mention of a Daddy (Human?) to complete da happy Fambly.....

Probably got a sperm donation from a libtard cuck!!

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05-19-2021, 12:18 AM
Probably got a sperm donation from a libtard cuck!!

I've since Googled 'Naomi Campbell without Make up' and F me what a HORROR for it really does look like a monkey which shouldn't surprise any human given that it's 100% Nigger.
I therefore guess she must have had to go 'IVF' for surely all but the desperate or blind (or other equally ugly Nigger) would ever mount such a horrible lookin' thing.
The pics. really have spoiled my supper...

05-19-2021, 03:29 AM
Who's this negress? A token "model"? Who cares about a baby chimp from a nigger? I'd rather hear from a panda giving birth - that's 100% sure to be peaceful compared to any nigger.

05-19-2021, 09:38 AM
I've since Googled 'Naomi Campbell without Make up' and F me what a HORROR for it really does look like a monkey which shouldn't surprise any human given that it's 100% Nigger.
I therefore guess she must have had to go 'IVF' for surely all but the desperate or blind (or other equally ugly Nigger) would ever mount such a horrible lookin' thing.
The pics. really have spoiled my supper...

Holy shit in a blender, Batman!!! You weren't kidding!

WTF is going on with it's five-hayed?

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. U28Lqccyd3V0bxZK-K3URQAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1

05-19-2021, 12:30 PM
Now I'm going to have nightmares for a month!

Blue Gum
05-19-2021, 04:22 PM
Put a plate in its bottom lip, some of those neck-stretching rings around its neck and you'd swear the nigger stepped out of the pages of a National Geographic......

You know when I was a kid, my grandparents subscribed to NG, I can remember seeing those Apeland niggers with plates and bones stuck through their noses and cheeks, I'd ask my grandfather why they did that and he'd say because they're like animals, they live in the jungle and they Dont have no soul....

I found out later on in life and after my grandfather had passed, that he was one of the Original "Boys in the Hood".....and being originally from Alabama, I believe it...

05-19-2021, 06:31 PM
Put a plate in its bottom lip, some of those neck-stretching rings around its neck and you'd swear the nigger stepped out of the pages of a National Geographic......

You know when I was a kid, my grandparents subscribed to NG, I can remember seeing those Apeland niggers with plates and bones stuck through their noses and cheeks, I'd ask my grandfather why they did that and he'd say because they're like animals, they live in the jungle and they Dont have no soul....

I found out later on in life and after my grandfather had passed, that he was one of the Original "Boys in the Hood".....and being originally from Alabama, I believe it...

Me and my sister used to laugh our asses off at the niggers in NG when we were like 6 and 7 years old. We knew they were niggers but didn't understand the extent of nigger primitiveness at that age. Those were good times when even at that age we knew there was something wrong with niggers but just didn't know what it was yet.