View Full Version : Indianapolis Sheboon whitefaces her house

05-16-2021, 03:39 PM
First of all: I don't know if this is the correct thread, since it is not officially a crime. Still, to my mind it is/ should be, hence I am posting the story here.
A Sheboon from Indianapolis had her home appraised, "and the figure came back below of what she paid for the house in 2017". (What a surprise, we are talking about a NIGGER NEST here!)
So the boon decided to whiteface the house: It removed pictures that showed "ethnic artwork" and its fambly, and instead had a white male friend (->wigger) sit in for her. Et voilá, the home appraisal jumped $100K. Who would have guessed that :)?

Of course, to every human it is obvious why a bank values a nigger nest much less than a human house. Yet the niggress shrieks racisssss, and discrimination. I wonder (since obviously loan loss rates are different for humans and niggers), why it is not considered to be a crime to pretend to be human when you are not? I mean, remember all of the chimpouts for "black-facing".


By the way: I found that nigger website https://thegrio.com/ per accident, it is like a haunted house to me. Just take a look at all the pictures of the shitbeasts, frightening and fascinating at the same time.

05-16-2021, 09:25 PM
It really pisses me off that niggers can do whatever the fuck they want yet they have the audacity to still ook and eek about "muh discrimination & shiet".

05-16-2021, 10:11 PM
The home might be appraised $100K higher, but a smart prospective buyer will see it's owned by a nigger and still pass. No amount of paint can cover up the nigger "art" that you know is still there. No amount of cleaning can get rid of all the nigger filth that's spread through vents. And you never know what dead animal corpses, maybe nigger carcasses and human bodies, have been buried in the back yard.

05-16-2021, 11:22 PM
But if YT complains about how his property values are going through the fucking floor because he's surrounded by ghetto slumlords who bought up all the other housing around him to rent to niggers, that's racist.

Coon Club Road
05-17-2021, 10:47 PM

Segregated neighborhoods are the only way we can win this one.

And niggers are stupid enough to fall for it!

05-18-2021, 02:26 AM
I'm sick of all this nigger cultrull apropiahunz of white/human behaviors.

Jim Crow
05-18-2021, 07:43 AM
Niggers bring down the value of everything. They are a worthless species. I certainly wouldn’t want to live in a home or drive a vehicle after a nigger owned it. I need to be compensated a lot before I even consider it! It sucks that someone got bamboozled into paying more for that nigger shack!