View Full Version : Birdesha's niglet falls through hole in the floor of her ghetto apartment

Whitey Ford
05-14-2021, 12:33 AM

05-14-2021, 08:06 AM
When niggers complain that landlords don't make repairs, it's because the niggers aren't paying rent, so the landlords don't have any money to make repairs.

Besides, those breaks in the wood are from anything but normal human walking. What does that niggerpotamus do, get together with other 400-pound niggerillas and jump up and down?


05-14-2021, 08:56 AM
I'm willing to bet that the floor failure was the direct result of nigger tenants. Niggers simply do not give a shit about other people's property.

Leaving windows open to rain, toilets overflowing from being stuffed with niggerpotamas sized tampons, pads or diapers, leaks never reported since it didn't affect them, tubs & sinks overflowed - all of these things will destroy a wooden floor in no time.

A human's farmhouse can stay livable for generations when properly maintained. Niggers don't maintain anything in the slightest and section 8 ghetto dump owners know this. They view properties as disposable after a certain point. I can somewhat understand the logic behind it but as for me, I would pick a better way to make money that doesn't involve niggers or taking taxpayer money to house the roaches. In this respect, these slumlords are no better than niggers.

Human property owners should never accept section 8, own property in ghettos or have any dealings with them if at all possible.

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-14-2021, 10:47 AM
Leaving windows open to rain, toilets overflowing from being stuffed with niggerpotamas sized tampons, pads or diapers, leaks never reported since it didn't affect them, tubs & sinks overflowed - all of these things will destroy a wooden floor in no time.

I can attest that this is factual. I have seen it with my own eyes. They let a sink leak until the whole cabinet falls apart. They let roof leaks go on until the celing caves in then claim it just happened the day before. Their flooring will be peeled up, buckled and FUBAR. They don’t give a shit until they see dollar signs and the possibility of blaming others.

SC Anemia
05-14-2021, 11:20 AM
Notice the sheboon reporter mentions Legal Aid? I bet that mammy was on her Obama phone with legal aid BEFORE she even pulled the niglet out of the hole.

:gibs :gibs :gibs


05-14-2021, 07:36 PM
I'm willing to bet that the floor failure was the direct result of nigger tenants. Niggers simply do not give a shit about other people's property.

Leaving windows open to rain, toilets overflowing from being stuffed with niggerpotamas sized tampons, pads or diapers, leaks never reported since it didn't affect them, tubs & sinks overflowed - all of these things will destroy a wooden floor in no time.

A human's farmhouse can stay livable for generations when properly maintained. Niggers don't maintain anything in the slightest and section 8 ghetto dump owners know this. They view properties as disposable after a certain point. I can somewhat understand the logic behind it but as for me, I would pick a better way to make money that doesn't involve niggers or taking taxpayer money to house the roaches. In this respect, these slumlords are no better than niggers.

Human property owners should never accept section 8, own property in ghettos or have any dealings with them if at all possible.

I worked for the filthadelphia housing authority for over a year!! I saw niggers do this SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT firsthand!! Niggers ruin evything!!

Coon Club Road
05-17-2021, 10:59 PM
A human's farmhouse can stay livable for generations when properly maintained. Niggers don't maintain anything.

I remember in the mid 80's watching new pro-jex being built in Cleveland on old industrial property.

I remember thinking those places looked better than the housing I could afford.

I read in the paper a few months ago they were being razed due to uninhabitable conditions. What the fuck?

They were block and brick construction! Not stick built!

Leave it to niggers to destroy something that should last 100's of years!


05-18-2021, 12:37 AM
Fischer Projex in NOLA was built in the 70's and razed just a few years ago. They turned it into a smoldering jungle within weeks of it's opening. There were more murders than anyone could keep up with and even had rooftop snipers. One of them would sit inside an apartment on the top floor and randomly shoot out it's window with a rifle at cars going over the Crescent City Connection bridge across the MS river. It took weeks for them to wrangle it. Rooftop snipers kept the cops at bay.

This wiki article barely scratches the surface:

05-19-2021, 09:25 PM
One of them would sit inside an apartment on the top floor and randomly shoot out it's window with a rifle at cars going over the Crescent City Connection bridge across the MS river. It took weeks for them to wrangle it. Rooftop snipers kept the cops at bay.

This wiki article barely scratches the surface:

What the hell? Did they not have a SWAT vehicle to drop off a team right at the front door, out of range of snipers?

That's when cops need to start throwing tear gas all throughout the building, and sort the niggers out later. And they might as well at NU, because any given nigger probably has a warrant for its arrest already, and living in "projects" is a 100% guarantee.

But when a white man is the target of red flag laws, when he isn't harming anyone but a neighbor with a beef calls the cops, that's when police send 20 in to get him, and the Lame Stream Media talks about how justified it was.

05-19-2021, 10:36 PM
What the hell? Did they not have a SWAT vehicle to drop off a team right at the front door, out of range of snipers?

The sniper nigger that was inside it's apartment (yeah, it happened with more than one) got away with it for some time before they even realized what was going on. This ass-clown would sit there and just fire off shots towards the bridge from several blocks away. Most of the shots just wound up in the river, rooftops, etc and were not noticed. A few would hit the occasional car and most drivers didn't even know they were being shot at since they didn't see or hear the shot. Imagine washing your car two weeks later and finding a 7.62 lodged in your fender. A lot of drivers just assumed a rock had hit their car.

The niggers in the nigger fort knew damn well what was going on the whole time but never reported it of course -because they're niggers.

Thankfully, no-one ever got hurt by this idiot since a nigger can't hit the broad side of a barn from 20 yards away much less a moving car from several blocks.

They could only estimate that it fired several hundred rounds based on the pile of spent brass on it's floor but there really is no way to know.