View Full Version : Cop convicted of murder after lawfully issuing batwings to "suicidal" nigger that threatened him and others

05-09-2021, 01:48 PM
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — Jurors convicted an Alabama police officer of murder Friday in the shooting of a suicidal man who was holding a gun to his own head, a verdict that was criticized by both the mayor and police chief, but lauded by the victim’s family, who said they hope it will spur law enforcement to change how they approach mental health crises.

The panel reached its decision in the second day of deliberations in the trial of Huntsville police officer William “Ben” Darby, who was indicted in the killing of Jeffrey Parker in 2018. Talks had to be started over after one jury member had to be replaced by an alternate because of a medical issue, news outlets reported.

While prosecutors contend Darby, 28, killed Parker without cause, the defense argued the shooting was justified because Parker posed a threat to Darby and other officers.

Jurors saw video of the shooting taken from police body cameras, and Darby testified that he feared seeing “one of my officers” get hurt and fired after Parker only shrugged when ordered to put down the gun he was holding to his own head.


What do we call this, the George Floyd effect? Do we say the cop as Chauvined? The nigger could have easily started shooting at the cops, and it wouldn't be the first time a 911 call was used to lure cops into an ambush. The police should have just let the nigger self-delete, but they do have to respond no matter what. God, what a thankless job. They show up to a suicidal nigger, and they're supposed to risk not going home that night?

A jury of his peers: in this case, it should be 12 good, street-experienced cops to sit in judgment of their own. If even one nigger was on the jury, that's an impartial verdict right there.

I knew right away that Parker is another nigger because of the "suicidal" and "mental health" bullshit. The article's gone, but here's a picture still up of the "fambly" "speaking out."


Tar Remover
05-11-2021, 12:30 AM
What a shame. And ALL niggers are "mentally ill".

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-11-2021, 06:49 AM
If I would’ve been that cop, I would’ve shown up with some popcorn and cheered the nigger towards self ventilation.

05-11-2021, 07:34 AM
So, to see if I understand this...

The nigger held a nigger hostage with a gun to that nigger's hayed. At any moment it would have taken the nigger with the gun about one tenth of a second to aim at the cop which obviously had a round already chambered and ready to kill the nigger hostage.

Had the nigger with the gun in it's paw decided to aim at the cop, the cop would be dead.

The cop chose to try to save the life of the nigger with the gun to it's hayed by ventilating the nigger with the gun.

The cop was obviously trying to save the life of the nigger hostage.

Sadly the nigger hostage was the same as the nigger hostage taker.

Now how exactly is this the cop's fault?:lol

All joking aside, this was going to turn into suicide by cop anyway. The best thing they could have done is to show up and wait behind their cars for it to self goodify. If it tried to take a human hostage, put it down. If it tried to take a fambly member, ignore it. The latest shooting of the wild teenigg ape who was trying to get stabby with the other nigger kid shows you how there is no winning with these animals or the media who protect them.

Just move out of the cities and let them kill each other.

05-11-2021, 08:34 AM
I have been saying that for years. Just let them take each other out. These animals are worthless, and cops shouldn't waste their time trying to 'convince' them to put down their weapons. Just wait it out while you are protected. Either the nigger will get tired and self delete, or in this case grant another nigger it's batwings, then the cops can open fire and you end up with a two'fer. Now this poor cop will be surrounded by hateful, nasty nigger flesh 24/7. Eventually, one of those shit-beasts will injure or kill the cop. I wonder what the composition of the jury was. I would guess, a bunch of liberal white cucks sprinkled with a few niggers. Either way the cop didn't have a chance. What bullshit.

05-11-2021, 08:46 AM
I have been saying that for years. Just let them take each other out. These animals are worthless, and cops shouldn't waste their time trying to 'convince' them to put down their weapons. Just wait it out while you are protected. Either the nigger will get tired and self delete, or in this case grant another nigger it's batwings, then the cops can open fire and you end up with a two'fer. Now this poor cop will be surrounded by hateful, nasty nigger flesh 24/7. Eventually, one of those shit-beasts will injure or kill the cop. I wonder what the composition of the jury was. I would guess, a bunch of liberal white cucks sprinkled with a few niggers. Either way the cop didn't have a chance. What bullshit.


I think the worst that could have happened would be a dereliction of duty charge from his department and he would be fired but at least he wouldn't have to share the same cell as a nigger he put there himself for worse than this. Cops just need to stop answering calls to niggerhoods or at least slow their roll to the scene to give the situation enough time to sort itself out and call for the meat wagon after the fact.

There is no winning for the cops and this is what the nigger's communist backed overlords want.

The end goal here is to disband all local LEAs and replace them with a national police force. This puts the commie revolutionaries one step ahead of the game so they already have them in place to deal with any resistance from patriots.