View Full Version : Sidney Hammond, or San Fran Spook

05-06-2021, 07:52 AM

Only a fucking scumbag, piece of shit, boot-lipped, knuckle-dragging NIGGER would attack a man pushing his 1 year-old child in a stroller. This is why everybody HATES NIGGERS, especially me! Niggers are God's Vengeance on a sinful people. This whole fucking planet would be better off without them.

Besides stealing shit and being the asshole of the races, what have niggers ever contributed? Just crime and muh-dik. FUCK YOU, NIGGERS!!!

05-06-2021, 12:28 PM
"a man"
"the male suspect"

Yeah, with a picture to hide that it's another vile nigger that shouldn't have been out on the street.

The 26-year-old was arrested one month prior at the same location for a separate assault and theft after allegedly stealing from Gus’s Community Market, shoving a man onto the MUNI train tracks and hurt someone’s knee, Lim shared on Twitter.