View Full Version : The BMI scale is racist...

05-05-2021, 09:33 PM
Why BMI is a flawed health standard (yahoo.com) (https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/why-bmi-flawed-health-standard-132522681.html)

At first when reading this I was thinking it was going to be about "fat shaming". As I read on the true nature comes out. It isn't a basic guideline, it is just another form of "systemic racism".

Some say that assumptions, practices and policies based on BMI adversely affect Americans of color by shaping the diagnoses they receive, treatment they access and stigma they may face. And, they say, the measure's very origin is racially problematic.

Once again recommending an overweight or obese nigger have a better diet and exercise is racist. It isn't their fault they washed down the family sized bucket with a 2 liter, it is racism and the chart is racist and should be adjusted to account for racism.

But, she added, doctors should expand their limited understanding of the measure to include racial and ethnic variation, and should stop using it to assess individual body fat status.

I am pretty sure these doctors know more with their limited knowledge than this one who probably has an AA degree in dance theory. So basically they should stop using it for what it was intended to do and alter it to make niggers feel their obesity is normal and also YTs fault.

Stanford is among the researchers who have proposed adjustments to the index to reflect racial and ethnic variation in body composition

I could be wrong here but a BMI of lets say 30, would be the same regardless of race. I could be wrong also that for instance if you weighed 180 pounds and 18 of it was body fat, you would be at 10% body fat. But that is probably racist somehow.

The chart is a guideline and a good one. Next thing you know we are going to need a chart for every race and even depending on which letter in the alphabet group you are. It is coming you can bet on it. "Sorry doc, you are wrong. I beez a woman an sheit. That muh dik don't make me a dude."

These restrictions matter because Black patients already receive less obesity treatment than White patients - despite facing a higher prevalence of obesity, according to BMI.

Another example of the "In eekwallitee". They face more obesity... It is also the white mans fault we eat trash because we po an sheit. Even though fast food cost more than buying groceries. Grape soda be so goooood, I mean dis is raysis. What else uh spose to wash this extra large pizza down wiff?

Ray Cizzums
05-05-2021, 09:42 PM
The MSM keeps telling Stacey Abrams-type buffarillas that they look good, then they put them on my HD television, ffs. No one needs to see these blubber-potamuses, especially people who pay for cable. I'd be willing to pay more, for nigger free programming.

05-05-2021, 10:36 PM
The MSM keeps telling Stacey Abrams-type buffarillas that they look good, then they put them on my HD television, ffs. No one needs to see these blubber-potamuses, especially people who pay for cable. I'd be willing to pay more, for nigger free programming.


05-06-2021, 12:43 PM
Racism makes niggersows fat.