View Full Version : Token nigger

05-05-2021, 04:40 PM
It really hurts me to type this. However my nigger free workplace now has a fat sheboon that stinks of nigger and can't type its own name!

I have to train the beast so cannot do rule 1 and my South African manager pointed out that we have to have a token. I was trying to train it (does this mean I can put animal trainer on the CV) and it struggled to type its name. I had resist saying "Its the name you put on the gibs form"

It went cat 1 at me because I asked if it had headphones to watch some training videos.

This is a fun 3 weeks. I shall update this thread accordingly. Wish me luck and I need advice!

Jim Crow
05-05-2021, 05:09 PM
It really hurts me to type this. However my nigger free workplace now has a fat sheboon that stinks of nigger and can't type its own name!

I have to train the beast so cannot do rule 1 and my South African manager pointed out that we have to have a token. I was trying to train it (does this mean I can put animal trainer on the CV) and it struggled to type its name. I had resist saying "Its the name you put on the gibs form"

It went cat 1 at me because I asked if it had headphones to watch some training videos.

This is a fun 3 weeks. I shall update this thread accordingly. Wish me luck and I need advice!
I truly feel for you. I cannot be around nigger in public,let alone be forced to train one. Other than niggers are unteachable ,my first problem would be that I don’t want them near me or have one touching me or my stuff. Which is why I’ve always been in business for myself. I don’t hire niggers!

05-05-2021, 05:19 PM
Be careful. It will say you said something racist and will go to management. It happens all the time. Probably because you told it to put its headphones on.

05-05-2021, 05:21 PM
That's too bad. I hope you don't have to get close enough to smell its funk. :(

05-05-2021, 05:40 PM
Having had the displeasure of managing a tribe of them through out the years the only advice I can share is strictly enforce the rules. Sit down with the beasts one on one and read each rule out verbally followed by the question do you understand this rule, ex. start times, breaks, clothing, hygiene, time clocks if applicable, expectations, production and infractions of the rules and associated penalties emphasizing termination of employment. Do not accept the bobbing of the head and require them to answer in the affirmative verbally! Provide them their own copy of the rules along with the form they sign that they received the rules, discussed the rules with the manager on this date and time, and have them sign a copy affirming that fact along with your signature to be placed in their personal history file. If they bow up then inform them that is an infraction of the rules where their actions indicate a refusal to abide by said rules and you are here by terminated of your employment. Be prepared to defend yourself because a cat 5 chimpout is coming.

Coon Club Road
05-06-2021, 01:38 AM
And keep an eye on your personal shit you don't usually need to lock up!

05-06-2021, 01:53 AM
Day 2 of trying to train it. I woke up in such a super bad mood because its a dumb nigger. I'd rather train a human. I did and just finished with him. Much better experience.

Today I'll be spelling the niggers name for it. Think of me. It'll be so hard not to spell its name n-i-g-g-e-r

05-06-2021, 01:55 AM
And keep an eye on your personal shit you don't usually need to lock up!

Oh yes. Yesterday it was eyeing my laptop up. Said my laptop was nice and it touched it. Couldn't get in as it needs an access card inserting.

Ray Cizzums
05-06-2021, 10:22 AM
Don't be alone with that sow for 30 seconds. Bill O'Reilly rode an elevator one time, with a porker named "Perquita Burgess". She made up a horseshit story about him saying she was "Hot chocolate". Look at this she-turd, and look at all the fine honeys working at Fox back then. There ain't no fucking way O'Reilly said a word to that nasty train wreck.

05-06-2021, 02:31 PM
It forgot its password AND it took it 2 hours to reset it, because it forgot its own name. It also refuses to drink hot drinks in case yt has poisoned it.

It didn't bathe (to be fair I didn't expect it to because its a nigger) nor did it change its clothes and it looked high on jenkem.

Please help me. This nigger knuckle dragged in 20 minutes late.

On a plus note this nigger has upset another colleague of mine and when you get on this colleagues radar your time is limited. Hopefully it'll be fired soon so it gets no gibs.

Coon Club Road
05-06-2021, 09:25 PM
TNWB... Typical nigger workplace behavior.

They only punch the clock (not work) long enough to slip and fall, claim discrimination, or some other ploy to get on the GibsMeDat express.

05-07-2021, 04:40 PM
Day 3

I sent it home because it forgot its company laptop. It couldn't find it. Day got worse so I turned to beer at 3pm (We have a beer fridge in our office)

Coon Club Road
05-08-2021, 11:40 AM
Day 3

I sent it home because it forgot its company laptop. It couldn't find it. Day got worse so I turned to beer at 3pm (We have a beer fridge in our office)

I remember the days of the beer fridge in the workplace! Good times! Good memories!

Sounds as if you are going to have to find another boon to train.

As far as the laptop, I would hope it wasn't issued a newer one, or even one with a battery that lasts more than 5 minutes.

But even it it took home a brand new one, a small expense compared to the company marrying a nigger for 20 or 30 years.

BTW where I retired from, the company wipe that was mailed quarterly listing employment anniversaries never listed many boons past the one year mark.

Never saw one listed in the 30, 35 or 40 year column.

They get hurt on the job and go off on comp. before they make the 5 year roster.

Tar Remover
05-08-2021, 02:06 PM
Document every stupid thing the Talking Ape does.

05-08-2021, 09:10 PM
Any nigger is a problem, but sheboons in the workplace are the absolute worst! They know they've got the race card to play, and they'll take complete advantage of it.

05-10-2021, 04:31 PM
Excellent news people

it got itself sacked. It was with us 4 days and its laptop has gone missing (again) it sold it to cash converters. They rang us due to the security on it.

The nigger got itself a trip to NU. Company lost a laptop (its now evidence) however thats the cost of hiring niggers. My boss has said no more.

Coon Club Road
05-10-2021, 04:44 PM
It makes no cents to hire niggers... but it will cost you dollars!