View Full Version : New trend for libtards: Adopting big, full-grown niggers!

05-05-2021, 11:51 AM
So how come niggers never adopt niggers?

This woman, 32, adopted this massive breeder sowpotomus, 19. WTF??



This one is even worse. Young woman adopts a great, big buck. That's not enough so she adopts its monkey-like sibling too.

She went into massive debt over the niggers, and there's a fawning article with her giving tips on how to clear up your debts since she is now debt-free.

What that article doesn't mention is that she got the money from GoGibsMe begging, where many "God bless!" brain-dead libtards donated. I bet there would have been ZERO donations had she adopted human boys.

It's all so sickening. Adopt a nigger, become popular, rich, and famous!!

Ray Cizzums
05-05-2021, 12:11 PM
There should be a GoGibsMuh, to sponsor barge trips for any nigger that wants a one way trip back to Africa.

Jim Crow
05-05-2021, 12:35 PM
If the good Lord did not bless me and my beautiful wife with our own two beautiful daughters,it would just be us and our dogs and cats. We wouldn’t have wanted to adopt, in general because it’s a gamble.Most times,Adopted/Foster don’t turn out the way you’d like.
As far as adopting a savage low IQ monkey nigger beast,you’d have to be a self loathing bleeding heart foolish liberal with suicidal tendencies and a personal vendetta against yourself and your family to do that!
Personally, a couple of pitbulls and a couple of cats are far smarter,loyal,far less destructive and less of a liability than any monkey nigger ever dreamt to be.And they smell better too!

Ray Cizzums
05-05-2021, 12:54 PM
As far as adopting a savage low IQ monkey nigger beast,you’d have to be a self loathing bleeding heart foolish liberal with suicidal tendencies and a personal vendetta against yourself and your family to do that!
Come on, Jim. You should adopt a big sow, and keep it out in the yard. A nice mud wallow, take a hose to it on Sundays. You could name it Nigger, and watch it balloon up to 500 pounds right before your eyes.

Jim Crow
05-05-2021, 01:21 PM
Come on, Jim. You should adopt a big sow, and keep it out in the yard. A nice mud wallow, take a hose to it on Sundays. You could name it Nigger, and watch it balloon up to 500 pounds right before your eyes.
Is this the kind of sow you are referring to? Florida hogs are very destructive. That is why us Floridian land owners don’t want then on their property.We cull them every chance we get!


Ray Cizzums
05-05-2021, 01:25 PM
Is this the kind of sow you are referring to? Florida hogs are very destructive. That is why us Floridian land owners don’t want then on their property.We cull them every chance we get!
That thing must have been in foster care for a long time. Look how black it is !

Jim Crow
05-05-2021, 01:37 PM
That thing must have been in foster care for a long time. Look how black it is !
Yeah, and it destroyed a lot of property too! Until it met me and Mr Creedmoor.Now it be a good pig!

05-05-2021, 03:14 PM
Yeah, and it destroyed a lot of property too! Until it met me and Mr Creedmoor.Now it be a good pig!

Why adopt when the kid is an adult? Now they are entitled to inheritance from the libtard and their family. And she will probably have to pay for the sow's kids too. You know that is coming. I wonder what kind of white men would want to marry the white woman after this. She is still relatively young (32). She could have her own white kids. Why adopt a 19 year old black. The future husband would basically have to take the 19 year old on and whatever kids she will have.

Jim Crow
05-05-2021, 04:32 PM
Why adopt when the kid is an adult? Now they are entitled to inheritance from the libtard and their family. And she will probably have to pay for the sow's kids too. You know that is coming. I wonder what kind of white men would want to marry the white woman after this. She is still relatively young (32). She could have her own white kids. Why adopt a 19 year old black. The future husband would basically have to take the 19 year old on and whatever kids she will have.
Because liberals are fucked in the head. Maybe they think it’s cute having a dangerous savage Neanderthal beast in the house. Or maybe the woman is a mud shark wanting to be muh dicked or muh poosied.As far as an inheritance, no one is entitled if there’s a living will.
But knowing a self loathing liberal, they would probably leave everything to a savage nigger that wasn’t their blood.Liberals don’t think like you, I or the rest of the good folks here on chimpout.Liberals do very ridiculous shit and why? I don’t think you and I could ever figure it out.
And as far as what kind of a man would want a woman who adopts a groid?.My answer is “not a man who has any self-respect for himself”.All the chicks I’ve been involved with,including my wife of 27 years think the same as I.And so do the 2 daughters I raised!

05-05-2021, 04:35 PM
Because liberals are fucked in the head. Maybe they think it’s cute having a dangerous savage Neanderthal beast in the house. Or maybe the woman is a mud shark wanting to be muh dicked or muh poosied.As far as an inheritance, no one is entitled if there’s a living will.
But knowing a self loathing liberal, they would probably leave everything to a savage nigger that wasn’t their blood.Liberals don’t think like you, I or the rest of the good folks here on chimpout.Liberals do very ridiculous shit and why? I don’t think you and I could ever figure it out.
And as far as what kind of a man would want a woman who adopts a groid?.My answer is “not a man who has any self-respect for himself”.All the chicks I’ve been involved with,including my wife of 27 years think the same as I.And so do the 2 daughters I raised!
Probably someone like Brad Pitt who married Anjelina Jolie after she adopted from Africa and Asia and took those kids as his own. Nice looking guy but not that bright. Now he is responsible for child support for all those adopted kids plus his own. The one daughter Anjelina is turning into a boy.

Jim Crow
05-05-2021, 04:45 PM
Probably someone like Brad Pitt who married Anjelina Jolie after she adopted from Africa and Asia and took those kids as his own. Nice looking guy but not that bright. Now he is responsible for child support for all those adopted kids plus his own. The one daughter Anjelina is turning into a boy.

No one ever accused Brad Pitt of being smart! he may have looks and money, but he is still a demented liberal cuck boy! Liberal Hollyweirdos are an abomination! He and his wife probably go both ways and swing with groids. So to that cuck/weirdo,adopting a 1/2 dozen foreign orphans and having a tranny kid is small potatoes.

05-05-2021, 06:16 PM
No one ever accused Brad Pitt of being smart! he may have looks and money, but he is still a demented liberal cuck boy! Liberal Hollyweirdos are an abomination! He and his wife probably go both ways and swing with groids. So to that cuck/weirdo,adopting a 1/2 dozen foreign orphans and having a tranny kid is small potatoes.

Yes, but he got in trouble for disciplining those niglets his wife was collecting - I'm pretty sure he didn't want them - and then he left or got kicked out for understandably trying to beat some sense into the niglets.

Probably someone like Brad Pitt who married Anjelina Jolie after she adopted from Africa and Asia and took those kids as his own. Nice looking guy but not that bright. Now he is responsible for child support for all those adopted kids plus his own. The one daughter Anjelina is turning into a boy.

I'm not aware of Angelina having a he/she niglet, but Charlize Theron has the tranny bucklet, "Jackson".


It's so trendy for celebrities to adopt niglets. I guess they think it gives them "woke" status or whatever the hell the libtards call it. We don't see any nigger 'celebs' adopting niglets. I wonder why?

05-05-2021, 07:47 PM
So how come niggers never adopt niggers?

This woman, 32, adopted this massive breeder sowpotomus, 19. WTF??



This one is even worse. Young woman adopts a great, big buck. That's not enough so she adopts its monkey-like sibling too.

She went into massive debt over the niggers, and there's a fawning article with her giving tips on how to clear up your debts since she is now debt-free.

What that article doesn't mention is that she got the money from GoGibsMe begging, where many "God bless!" brain-dead libtards donated. I bet there would have been ZERO donations had she adopted human boys.

It's all so sickening. Adopt a nigger, become popular, rich, and famous!!Donations paused
Our team has contacted the organizer with a solution, and donations will resume once the issue is resolved.

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05-05-2021, 07:52 PM
does her stupid coal burning retarded ass in.

05-05-2021, 10:21 PM
I cannot even count the number of nights I have laid in my bed and shed tears (like, bawling, for real) to God to provide relief and financial support for my boys.

No, you stupid bitch. Pray for idiotic libtards and fake nigger lovers to send the gibs. I bet you'll be bawling "for real" again when that buck goes nigger on you.

"my boys"

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-06-2021, 12:40 AM
Come on, Jim. You should adopt a big sow, and keep it out in the yard. A nice mud wallow, take a hose to it on Sundays. You could name it Nigger, and watch it balloon up to 500 pounds right before your eyes.

Chain it to a tree and remember to give it some heartworm pills.

05-06-2021, 02:14 AM
Charlize Theron said no one wants to date her. No one in their right mind would want to get involved with a nigger lover.

05-06-2021, 10:35 AM
Charlize Theron said no one wants to date her. No one in their right mind would want to get involved with a nigger lover.

As if any normal man would want to have that feral bucklet in a dress call him "daddy"! Charlize better start hooking up with niggers. Maybe she can ask the Kartrashians if they have a spare groid for her.

Not even uber-phony libtard Sean Penn could deal with having those niglets up close and personal. He only loves niggers at arm's length.


05-06-2021, 03:26 PM
As if any normal man would want to have that feral bucklet in a dress call him "daddy"! Charlize better start hooking up with niggers. Maybe she can ask the Kartrashians if they have a spare groid for her.

Not even uber-phony libtard Sean Penn could deal with having those niglets up close and personal. He only loves niggers at arm's length.


Just look at that look of joy on Sean's face. Every picture he has ever been in he looks pissed as hell. Then again, wasn't he married to Madonna at one time? I just remember he was always punching photographers when he was married to her. He was probably pissed off about her musharkery back then who knows.

Cat fur allergic
05-06-2021, 05:49 PM
I remember the european adult ladies adopting the full grown refugees. They were having sex with it.

Odin's balls
05-16-2021, 06:52 AM
Why not just adapt a full grown salt water crocodile and let it live in your home?

The result will be the same

05-16-2021, 10:09 PM
'As if any normal man would want to have that feral bucklet in a dress call him "daddy"! That sent shivers down my spine.

05-17-2021, 03:10 AM
Because liberals are fucked in the head. Maybe they think it’s cute having a dangerous savage Neanderthal beast in the house. Or maybe the woman is a mud shark wanting to be muh dicked or muh poosied.As far as an inheritance, no one is entitled if there’s a living will.
But knowing a self loathing liberal, they would probably leave everything to a savage nigger that wasn’t their blood.Liberals don’t think like you, I or the rest of the good folks here on chimpout.Liberals do very ridiculous shit and why? I don’t think you and I could ever figure it out.
And as far as what kind of a man would want a woman who adopts a groid?.My answer is “not a man who has any self-respect for himself”.All the chicks I’ve been involved with,including my wife of 27 years think the same as I.And so do the 2 daughters I raised!

Like that Angelina Jolie or Charlize Theron. Angelina Jolie even said she favors her adopted African and Asian kids over her biological white kids. She is even raising the one white kid who was born a girl as a boy and naming her "John". How on earth does Brad Pitt allow this woman to do that to his own daughter? Both Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron are complaining they cannot find dates now. No shit. Who would want to date a woman who has adopted niglets and transgender kids which both of them have. Hollywood is very f'd up.

05-17-2021, 03:53 AM
Like that Angelina Jolie or Charlize Theron. Angelina Jolie even said she favors her adopted African and Asian kids over her biological white kids.

Do you have a source on this? Mrs. Tweak wants to read up on it.

Jim Crow
05-17-2021, 06:44 AM
Like that Angelina Jolie or Charlize Theron. Angelina Jolie even said she favors her adopted African and Asian kids over her biological white kids. She is even raising the one white kid who was born a girl as a boy and naming her "John". How on earth does Brad Pitt allow this woman to do that to his own daughter? Both Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron are complaining they cannot find dates now. No shit. Who would want to date a woman who has adopted niglets and transgender kids which both of them have. Hollywood is very f'd up.
Brad Pitt is just another hollywierd cuck coy!

05-17-2021, 02:29 PM
No one ever accused Brad Pitt of being smart! he may have looks and money, but he is still a demented liberal cuck boy! Liberal Hollyweirdos are an abomination! He and his wife probably go both ways and swing with groids. So to that cuck/weirdo,adopting a 1/2 dozen foreign orphans and having a tranny kid is small potatoes.

He is a Thespian. Just like models they are dumb, that's dogmatic!

05-17-2021, 02:35 PM
Like that Angelina Jolie or Charlize Theron. Angelina Jolie even said she favors her adopted African and Asian kids over her biological white kids. She is even raising the one white kid who was born a girl as a boy and naming her "John". How on earth does Brad Pitt allow this woman to do that to his own daughter? Both Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron are complaining they cannot find dates now. No shit. Who would want to date a woman who has adopted niglets and transgender kids which both of them have. Hollywood is very f'd up.

Theron has to be especially stupid! How on earth can a white person flee from South Apefrica to the US, and then adopt two of the predators she just managed to escape?!