View Full Version : Nigger Sow Tenant from Hell Bankrupts Her Nigger Landlord

05-03-2021, 12:06 AM
Landlord homeless, unable to evict ‘deadbeat’ tenant thanks to COVID law
Shawna Eccles, 30, says in court papers she sleeps on the couches of friends and relatives whenever she can, and in her four-door Toyota when she can’t, after fighting and failing for months to evict Sharita Patterson, 33, from the two-family home in Carnarsie.
Thanks to the state’s pandemic-inspired eviction moratorium and recently enacted housing regulations, Patterson has until at least May 1 before any New York housing court would even consider a case against her.
Patterson, a mother of three, has allegedly threatened Eccles, filed 51 false complaints about the building with the city, flooded the bathroom, leaves dirty diapers and trash around the property, broke the front door lock and replaced it without giving anyone else the key, blocks the driveway, and runs an illegal candle business out of the apartment, the landlord claims in legal papers.
Nigger Tenant from Hell Sharita Patterson
Thank god her landlord is a nigger too
:rayciss :gibsme

Ray Cizzums
05-03-2021, 07:55 AM
There was an old guy from Far Rockaway that we did work for, who told us a similar tale of woe. He owned a small apartment building, and a young sow, who grew up in the neighborhood, rented one of his units. She forged his name on the Section Ape check, and managed to cash it somehow, got caught, nothing happened. She's living there, no rent paid, he files to evict her. The sow makes up some horseshit story about him attacking her, he gets arrested, has an order of protection filed against him. He then can't go within 500' of his own building. The sow then claims her shitling ate lead paint chips there, and that's why it's so stupid. Sow gets NYC building department to issue all kinds of violations, which he can't fix himself, because of the OOP. Sow hangs on there for years, until the guy had to sell the building - with the toxic sow still in it.

Jim Crow
05-03-2021, 08:07 AM
There was an old guy from Far Rockaway that we did work for, who told us a similar tale of woe. He owned a small apartment building, and a young sow, who grew up in the neighborhood, rented one of his units. She forged his name on the Section Ape check, and managed to cash it somehow, got caught, nothing happened. She's living there, no rent paid, he files to evict her. The sow makes up some horseshit story about him attacking her, he gets arrested, has an order of protection filed against him. He then can't go within 500' of his own building. The sow then claims her shitling ate lead paint chips there, and that's why it's so stupid. Sow gets NYC building department to issue all kinds of violations, which he can't fix himself, because of the OOP. Sow hangs on there for years, until the guy had to sell the building - with the toxic sow still in it.
That’s how it is in a liberal state. Florida, if one of your tenants didn’t pay within 30 days, You file for eviction. Tenant gets 14 days and on the last day the sheriff comes at noon to supervise immediate departure.I’ve worked for landlords and watched everything put outside on the curb to anyone to pick through the stuff. They just mercilessly throw everything out on the curb and there is nothing that the tenant can do but watch their stuff be taken by people just pulling over to pick through it.Once ,the tenet left a work trailer full of tools.Landlord wanted it gone.I hooked it up and took it home.Made me a few grand off the shit I didn’t want to keep.

05-03-2021, 09:32 AM
I won't go into details here, but I have a person close to me who works for a large property management outfit with several thousand apartments nationwide. Up until the coof hit, it was at least once per month that she would post multiple eviction notices on doors. Suddenly, niggers that you could never get on the phone would call up the office in a full blown conniggshun fit screaming about muh lawyuz, muh scriminashuns, muh babeez, muh job, muh curr, muh bad luck an sheeit, you name it. Some have shown up at the office door in crocodile tears, some making threats, brandishing weapons or other such TNB.

It always ends the same.

The worst behaved go to jail in seconds since the sheriff's department substation is one block away and deputies both live and work there in the same apartment complex.

The rest get to watch as the constable shows up a few days later with a crew that will literally throw their shit off the third floor balcony unless they deem any of it worth the time to stick in their own trunks. You will not find a constable without the newest and biggest TV available mounted on his wall at home. Same for his crew and any cop buddies he has. I've never heard of a constable who furnished his own home down here.:lol

Up until recently, many of the tenants have been living rent free due to the coof letters from the CDC. Don't ask me what the hell kind of authority the CDC has to tell landlords that they cannot evict tenants who refuse to pay rent because of a made up pandemic. None of us understand it. But those letters are expiring soon and with them going away, so will tenants by the dozens per day in this one complex alone. They know exactly which ones to throw overboard. It won't be the little old ladies living on a stipend who are putting every penny they can spare into paying overdue rent. It will be the ones with the Ex-galaids parked out front whose apartments wreak of weed and have those $10K living rooms, courtesy of you, the taxpayers.

That shit's going over the balcony and I hope it lands on their rides.

05-03-2021, 09:36 AM
I think the landlord was a nigger as well. Hard to tell from the articles if they are showing the tenant or not. The left knew niggers were going to take advantage of this. The thing is, they technically still have to pay it back. BUT... These niggers have zero credit as is. They will just file for bankruptcy after the landlord is out another 10k in court costs and monthly rent loss on top of what is already owed. Then once they are finally out, they will be right into another place that can't "discriminate" against someone who hasn't paid rent in 5 years and has a 500 credit rating.

05-03-2021, 10:09 AM
Niggers may be unable to speak a single sentence correctly or keep the most menial job, but they are all experts at working every "GibsMe" angle of the system. They squat illegally and destroy any place they squat in.

Patterson, a mother of three,

And a wonderful mother, I"m sure!

05-03-2021, 10:18 AM
I think the landlord was a nigger as well. Hard to tell from the articles if they are showing the tenant or not. The left knew niggers were going to take advantage of this. The thing is, they technically still have to pay it back. BUT... These niggers have zero credit as is. They will just file for bankruptcy after the landlord is out another 10k in court costs and monthly rent loss on top of what is already owed. Then once they are finally out, they will be right into another place that can't "discriminate" against someone who hasn't paid rent in 5 years and has a 500 credit rating.

Both niggers. This story was actually covered here by Jenks a few weeks back:

I would feel sorry for her but she should know better than to rent to a fellow sheboon. Plus, she's a nigger, so... ZFG either way.

Now the bank will take both the properties and leave two more niggers to live at the projex costing taxpayers another couple of hundred $K / per year.

Good job, Cuomo. Your policies just put two niggers on the public dole for life. At least before your foolishness, the landlord and the tenant both had a place to live that were not being paid for by tax$.

The insane are running the asylum.

Ray Cizzums
05-03-2021, 09:48 PM
That’s how it is in a liberal state. Florida, if one of your tenants didn’t pay within 30 days, You file for eviction. Tenant gets 14 days and on the last day the sheriff comes at noon to supervise immediate departure.
What you describe would be money-in-the-bank for a large segment of the property owners up here, but instead, the courts consider any landlord the debbil, and the deadbeat tenants the victims. The original mom & pop business is renting an apartment, but that was taken away from us decades ago. It hurts honest tenants, because there are so many horror stories, owners let homes sit empty, rather than subject themselves to abuse by the courts and their bottom-feeding shysters.

Jim Crow
05-04-2021, 08:24 AM
What you describe would be money-in-the-bank for a large segment of the property owners up here, but instead, the courts consider any landlord the debbil, and the deadbeat tenants the victims. The original mom & pop business is renting an apartment, but that was taken away from us decades ago. It hurts honest tenants, because there are so many horror stories, owners let homes sit empty, rather than subject themselves to abuse by the courts and their bottom-feeding shysters.
Landlords still lose money either way.But,the 30 day eviction and sheriff on last day while belongings set on curb cuts your losses and teaches the mooch/deadbeat tenant a lesson.And they also get bad credit!

Coon Club Road
05-04-2021, 12:43 PM
"... You will not find a constable without the newest and biggest TV available mounted on his wall at home. Same for his crew and any cop buddies he has. I've never heard of a constable who furnished his own home down here".:lol

Hopefully, in your area constable wages and benefits have drastically improved over the last 20 years or so.

20 to 30 years ago, they weren't paid worth a shit up here.

Even if they're knocking down 80 to a hundred with bennies and OT, having to deal with niggers is certainly cause to allow those men/women "on the job perks" such as saving the landlord space in his dumpster while serving the papers and waiting on the locksmith and shit like that.

05-04-2021, 01:10 PM
Hopefully, in your area constable wages and benefits have drastically improved over the last 20 years or so.

20 to 30 years ago, they weren't paid worth a shit up here.

Even if they're knocking down 80 to a hundred with bennies and OT, having to deal with niggers is certainly cause to allow those men/women "on the job perks" such as saving the landlord space in his dumpster while serving the papers and waiting on the locksmith and shit like that.

In my younger days, I would have considered such behavior graft, corruption or theft. When I first moved here in '92, some concepts of this state's LEO way of business were so foreign to me that they just seemed wrong. I had never seen cops in uniform working private security gigs while off duty for a few extra bucks. I hadn't seen cops driving their cruisers home or to the store for groceries in civilian clothes. Hell, sometimes their wives would get caught doing it. I had never seen cops walk into a store, grab a drink and walk right out the front door with only a wave to the cashier, if that much.

Of course, I had never seen a cop who basically got paid just over minimum wage for doing what they did, either.

The rational in this state is that visibility is deterrence even if the cop is sitting on his couch watching the game in his skivvies. A cop car heading to the grocery store for milk and diapers is still a cop car on the road. A cop in the convenience store grabbing that freebie is a welcome sight to the clerk and he can still do his job if need be no matter where he is or what he is doing. I have enjoyed having a patrol car parked right across the street from my own house every day for several years now. At one time there were four on my street alone. Nobody ever comes to this neighborhood to stir up shit or steal. It's nice, I must say, and hey... Every job's gotta come with some kind of perks.

...Except the Navy. We just got raw dogged.

P.S. Starting pay for NOPD is now up to around $40K/year before deductions for health/dental/life insurance, etc. After that, basically it's still just above Chomo Joe's new minimum wage for fed workers which include jobs like housekeeping or clerk jobs on a military base.

Coon Club Road
05-04-2021, 06:02 PM
"... I have enjoyed having a patrol car parked right across the street from my own house every day for several years now. At one time there were four on my street alone.

My son lives in a development like that. He has 3 Deputy Sheriff cars between his house and the front entrance.

Florida apparently allows off duty use of the cruisers.

Great crime deterrent for sure!

05-04-2021, 07:30 PM
Niggers may be unable to speak a single sentence correctly or keep the most menial job, but they are all experts at working every "GibsMe" angle of the system. They squat illegally and destroy any place they squat in.
And a wonderful mother, I"m sure!Hades Mom