View Full Version : Name that TNB: Why the purple head dreadlock sheboon get uppity with me at the Wangstop?

05-02-2021, 07:19 AM
So one of my customers owns a couple of these nigger magnet restaurants and asked me to do some work. Niggers in and out all fucking day.

Had to do some powersanding on an outer wall right in front of some parking spots first thing in the morning. All human customers stayed the fuck away and my nigdar wasn't on until..

This shiny Toyota with the windows all tinted starts to pull in right in front of where I'm sanding. I shook my head and waved them off but it pulled right in.

I couldn't tell if the driver was acknowledging me because the window tint was so dark. Then the sheboon steps out and tries do go into the door right next to me which I had locked.

That's when I spoke up and said you can't park here unless you want your shiny new car all scratched to shit.

It didn't say a word but made the teeth sucking sound and displayed it's dissatisfaction with having to move.

So the question is which TNB niggerism is it?

Jim Crow
05-02-2021, 07:35 AM
That the natural reaction of a nigger,to act with no respect and ignore your order. I would’ve just continued my job and hope the monkeys car was destroyed.You could also rope off the area and put up a sign. Humans obey signs, a monkey won’t, but at least you’ll be protected legally.

05-02-2021, 08:10 AM
So one of my customers owns a couple of these nigger magnet restaurants and asked me to do some work. Niggers in and out all fucking day.

Had to do some powersanding on an outer wall right in front of some parking spots first thing in the morning. All human customers stayed the fuck away and my nigdar wasn't on until..

This shiny Toyota with the windows all tinted starts to pull in right in front of where I'm sanding. I shook my head and waved them off but it pulled right in.

I couldn't tell if the driver was acknowledging me because the window tint was so dark. Then the sheboon steps out and tries do go into the door right next to me which I had locked.

That's when I spoke up and said you can't park here unless you want your shiny new car all scratched to shit.

It didn't say a word but made the teeth sucking sound and displayed it's dissatisfaction with having to move.

So the question is which TNB niggerism is it?

Having a primitive simian brain and an IQ of 50!!

05-02-2021, 08:11 AM
That the natural reaction of a nigger,to act with no respect and ignore your order. I would’ve just continued my job and hope the monkeys car was destroyed.You could also rope off the area and put up a sign. Humans obey signs, a monkey won’t, but at least you’ll be protected legally.

Watch the nigger hire shyster ben crump and the apefirmative blacktion attorney will say it's client can't read!!

Jim Crow
05-02-2021, 02:02 PM
Watch the nigger hire shyster ben crump and the apefirmative blacktion attorney will say it's client can't read!!

If you have an S corporation like I do, all you do is shut it down and open under a different name.

05-02-2021, 09:02 PM
That the natural reaction of a nigger,to act with no respect and ignore your order. I would’ve just continued my job and hope the monkeys car was destroyed.You could also rope off the area and put up a sign. Humans obey signs, a monkey won’t, but at least you’ll be protected legally.

The nigger would probably try and sue either way costing you money for a lawyer. If you just didn't show up thinking this is a slam case, the judge would rule against you. It is almost always a no win when it comes to niggers, and they know it.

This is the same thing that causes a nigger to park in a handicap spot. Sheer laziness and the entitled mind of a nigger. If it were me I would have waited for the nigger to go inside and then power sanded the rims just enough so the nigger wouldn't see it but when it went to polish them the next time... It probably have forgot by then and blame a rival nigger. Who knows, batwings perhaps.

That is a tough poll. I picked "Dats raysis" but it is probably all 4. As in Fuck you YT, Dats raysis. Because Im a nigger I can park here to get muh chiggunz.

Jim Crow
05-02-2021, 10:05 PM
The nigger would probably try and sue either way costing you money for a lawyer. If you just didn't show up thinking this is a slam case, the judge would rule against you. It is almost always a no win when it comes to niggers, and they know it.

This is the same thing that causes a nigger to park in a handicap spot. Sheer laziness and the entitled mind of a nigger. If it were me I would have waited for the nigger to go inside and then power sanded the rims just enough so the nigger wouldn't see it but when it went to polish them the next time... It probably have forgot by then and blame a rival nigger. Who knows, batwings perhaps.

That is a tough poll. I picked "Dats raysis" but it is probably all 4. As in Fuck you YT, Dats raysis. Because Im a nigger I can park here to get muh chiggunz.
You would be in the clear if you roped it off .Put cones and sign.
But I agree with you as far as the coon taking you to court and trying to sue you. You would lose money wasting time in court and having to more than likely hire a lawyer. When dealing with a fucking monkey, it’s always a waste of time and always ends in a loss.
I recall working for one of my human customers. He paid me to rebuild a shower and one of his section 8 shitskin inhabited apartments. The primates were out working all day, so we got the work done with only having to see the niggs for maybe under 20min in the morning.
The last day, I grouted it all and installed a marble fill on the shower curb.Upon leaving to go get my check, I instructed monkeyshines not to step on that curb till the next day. They said they’d keep completely away from that bathroom.. But the next day my customer called me and said the niggs called and said the shower curb was cracked and crooked.He knows my work, so he knew it wasn’t my fault.
Luckily, the tile shop gave me a new sill for free as a favor. But I had to drive across town to get it.My customer offered me compensation because he knew the niggs fucked it up.But I declined, because he’s a great customer. But as I mentioned, niggers are always a loss for me.

05-03-2021, 08:30 AM
Other than the "teeth sucking sound", how did she display her dissatisfaction with having to move?

Anthropomorphic behavior..

05-03-2021, 07:11 PM
I chose "Because nigger". That's the usual reason for any and all TNB.

05-03-2021, 09:43 PM
I chose "Because nigger". That's the usual reason for any and all TNB.

Why 13/90? Why Detroit so bad? Why can't I get ahead in life? Why white people so bad? Why is my my race always a victim? Why do people hate my kind?

Because nigger! QED

05-04-2021, 01:19 AM
Anthropomorphic behavior is when an animal displays human traits.

So she displayed human traits, how is that TNB?

Many animals can mimic human traits. Parrots can sometimes mimic human speech. Niggers can drive a car. But they aren’t human. Merely mimicking us.

In this case I believe he is referring to human like lip movement and head weaving. Kind of like a muppet being operated by a leper with Down syndrome and only 2 working fingers.

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05-04-2021, 10:58 PM
Other than the "teeth sucking sound", how did she display her dissatisfaction with having to move?

I'll take a wild guess and say she probably chicken-necked and duck-lipped with hands on hips defiantly in a display of major irritation at not being able to do exactly what she wants. TNB.

05-05-2021, 03:04 PM
If a nigger displaying animal traits, i.e. "chimping out", is TNB, how can a nigger displaying human traits also be TNB?

It's an interesting question. It could be argued as TNB because niggers try to blend in with us. "We be juss likes you!"

05-06-2021, 03:32 AM
Yeah, understand what you're saying, but how is mimicking human traits TNB?

Obviously, a nigger chimping out is TNB.

When a nigger is chimping out he's acting like a wild chimp.

That would be the displaying of animal traits.

If a nigger displaying animal traits, i.e. "chimping out", is TNB, how can a nigger displaying human traits also be TNB?

Despite being primitive beasts they aren’t one dimensional. So they can display TNB in more ways than just violence. Jealousy, ego, contempt, etc.

By mimicking all and only the worst traits of humanity while embracing none of the positive ones. Ie complete lack of self control in all things from vice to over consumption. They can be trained to catch a ball but you can’t expect them to understand reason or logic.

By pouting like a child or becoming aggressive like an animal being refused a treat after shitting on the rug, or being asked to move a car for its own good.

In doing all of these things they mimic human like movement but still is still distinguishable from humans. Such as an ape standing upright to beat its chest or a sow bobbing its head from side to side and wagging her paw while parroting human speech. Just because they can stand on their hind legs doesn’t mean they are supposed to.

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Tar Remover
05-08-2021, 02:18 PM
I chose "Because nigger". That's the usual reason for any and all TNB.
