View Full Version : Those magnificent nigs and their flying machines

04-30-2021, 07:42 PM
I posted these in another thread and thought they deserve their own.











04-30-2021, 07:43 PM
And the inevitable result of nigger aviation and nigger piloting, even when humans built the machine.


04-30-2021, 07:54 PM
The best gift we can give niggers is technology that is 70 years old. Give them the scrapped, old mothballed planes, and tell them they can travel fast and join the 21st century. They will ride them dozens at a time, then batwings. Or give them an old nuclear reactor, that will meltdown within a month or two. I wonder how the kaffirs in South Africa are managing the left over reactors. Without proper maintenance, I hope it Chernobyls soon.

04-30-2021, 10:07 PM
For comparison, here's what a human amateur, a farmer, did with scraps. It actually worked a little. What could he have done with lighter materials and a powerful engine?

Inspirational: Farmer Li Housheng examines the engine of his makeshift helicopter in Ganzhou Village of Baitang Township, China. He said during a test flight the aircraft lifted 40cms off the ground




Odin's balls
05-02-2021, 02:24 AM
I was reading an article recently about an east European dude who made his own helicopter in his shed.

It actually took off, flew around a field at a height of around five feet and landed safely back where it started.

He was a farmer, working on his own with an old motorcycle engine and some scrap metal.

05-02-2021, 04:38 AM
As far as the helicopter, I went to school with a kid whose dad built one himself with a salvaged Porsche engine, scrap aircraft aluminum tubes from auction, a welder and some basic knowledge. He pretty much only sourced the rotors because he was backyard smart but not hold my beer stupid.

This man had a HS diploma only. His shit actually flew. Funny I never saw any news crews at his house.

Or give them an old nuclear reactor, that will meltdown within a month or two. I wonder how the kaffirs in South Africa are managing the left over reactors. Without proper maintenance, I hope it Chernobyls soon.

I gotta disagree with you on that one. GE (those bastards) offloaded a few reactors on Japan that the USNRC and DOE (dittos bastards) had red tagged as not safe - especially in an earthquake zone.

If this was meant as some sort of payback for hentai, we went way overboard.

Ever gone to a fish market with a Geiger counter since then?

Unless you just really hate Emperor penguins, this sounds like a bad idea.

Besides, the aliens living under the ice at the south pole might mistake it for an attack and vaporize all of our assess.

Jim Crow
05-02-2021, 07:01 AM
A monkey trying to build an airplane. And impossible task!.Niggers should try to learn how to speak,think and walk properly first!

05-02-2021, 07:35 AM
Hey, it works! It started moving!